"Faith is not only believing in that which you do not see; but believing you can manifest that which you merely say."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
I had a wakeup call this morning. Literally and figuratively speaking. I was amidst a very interesting dream about my business, and how, if I am proactive and consistent and really ask for what I want, and follow it with action,
I will, in fact, get what I ask for. I know, it could have been a much more interesting dream than that, but oh well. Then, my blackberry started ringing, and once I realized it wasn't part of my dream, I picked it up, not recognizing the number.
Waking up, I realized it was a very beautiful friend of mine, who I haven't spoken to in a while. In our discussion, we spoke of our life; where we were; and where it was leading. More importantly, being that her and I had been so close, for some time, even oceans apart, I reminded her of something rather interesting.
Where we are now, is exactly what we asked for, then. I remembered a specific conversation with her, over two years ago, where she said something, very clear about her intentions for her life; which would have been the exact opposite of where she was, at that point. I clearly remember looking at her, straight in the face and saying,
"If that is what you want, and you clearly ask for it- you are in fact going to get it." And, today, in speaking to her, very closely, while we are miles away, I reminded her that she truly spoke of wanting for herself, all that she truly has, now.
"If that is what you want, and you clearly ask for it- you are in fact going to get it." And, today, in speaking to her, very closely, while we are miles away, I reminded her that she truly spoke of wanting for herself, all that she truly has, now.
Looking at my life, I see, that, with the exception for a few extra circumstances that came with my journey-I guess, for good measure and a few extra lessons to learn, to grow even stronger than I thought imaginable...
Where I am, and what I have experienced in my life, the last couple of years, as well, have been truly what I put out there, to have happen. You know the saying.."You asked for it!" Our words are very powerful.What we speak of, in our minds, and what we share, to our friends, has a distinct energy.
If you want something, you must not only simply want it, but you must word it, and in a specific fashion to be clearly understood, by the Universe. It only believes what you say, as what you must want, and acts accordingly.So be confident, and be careful. Speak your mind, and speak your truth, and watch what happens, next. Word has it, it's really quite something.
LuCy sMiLeS
LuCy sMiLeS
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