"If you want it, write it down."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
If you think of your life like a book, you can see the multitude of stories unfold, as the chapters move forward.
There are cliffhangers, climaxes, suspense, passion - you name it, each story has life. Just as our lives are a series of stories, dramas, comedy, and perhaps unsolved mysteries; by actually writing down what takes place, and better, how we feel about what takes place, we give ourselves a better understanding of ourselves and of the roles of others, and how they fit into our story.
Journaling on a daily basis, or if at least, on a weekly, or random basis allows us into our minds, if even for a moment, when life grabs us during the day, and we cannot even see where the time went.
Journaling is a great form of written meditation offering many messages from within, opening up a world of possibilities, and incredible insight about who we are, and perhaps why we do what we do.
Keeping track of our emotions and what makes us tick can give us hope, clarity and comfort.It can bring us understanding and answers as to what we are feeling, what we are perhaps hurting from, and mostly brings us a connection to self.
Your world and your story is a Masterpiece waiting to be unveiled, day after day after day.Each chapter just as equally important in creating the next.
Take time to take note of what you are doing, where you are at, and even moreso where you wish to go, and make it happen, one written word at a time!
LuCy sMiLeS
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