"Don't judge a chocolate by its cover!"LoVe LuCy
Just like Forrest Gump stated, "Life is like a box of chocolates."
We can take it one step further, and explain how important it is to savor in life, the simple pleasures, moment to moment, as we would that magical moment when we first bite into that wonderful, yet mysterious chocolate, only to find, sometimes, a delicate array of glory and passion.
With our first bite, of chocolate, like life's experiences, we can hold it, with our senses, to savor every moment, just as with every bite.
Whether good or bad, it awakens the senses just the same, and motivates you to either spit it out, or enjoy every last morsel.
The good we should keep, as a guilty and simple pleasure, and what doesn't serve us in the serving, should be tossed, with no guilt.
But remember, the good and precious moments in our lives, are just like a fine piece of chocolate, we hold in our minds.Each time, we remember the good, we take a bite of life, and all its simple pleasures.
LuCy sMiLeS
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