Smack Dab In The Middle

It's always the right answer, if you believe it so." LoVe LuCy

Sometimes I get so torn about what the answers in life should be, I forget the question.

Our paths can get very sensitive, seconds after we feel we have everything under control. We can be moving ahead effortlessly, and confidently, in business and in pleasure, and then something throws us for a loop, making us loopy!

Life has a way of allowing us to grow, in so many ways, sometimes more times than we wish, in one day!

Our relationships with others can get scattered, our connections distorted, and our goals even shattered along the way.

Our perception is our reality.

The hard part about this, is we have so much riding on many of our decisions, we may feel stuck between two worlds, and scared to make our next move.

When we are sitting on the fence with our feelings when it comes to what our fate is, we can rest assured that never is there a wrong turn on the road of life.

Every twist, turn, and heart churn will always lead us to where we need to be, to grow and learn our life's lessons.

The greatest gift you can give yourself when feeling lost in life or love, is to live every moment believing in yourself, and that life always has power to be lived to the fullest as well, you have all the love you need, right now, without having to look outside of yourself for it.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

How Soon We Forget

"Sometimes, there are just some things you cannot explain; until you can." LoVe LuCy

Our emotions change by the minute. Our feelings, and even our confidence can get tested in a moment's notice as well, making us a bit uncertain as to how we truly feel.

Because we work with energy, when our own energy is high or low, we see circumstances from that viewpoint.

Our vibrations are what carry us forward, and move us along, attracting like-minded vibrations.

When our vibrations change, our attractions change, accordingly. We can fly by the seat of our pants in life, and fly face to face with amazing people, making us feel amazing.

As we work with our feelings, starting with our own about ourselves, we can see that we may have alot of uncertainty as to where we stand with ourselves, and therefore making it sometimes, next to impossible to understand our connection with others.

Our lives in all its wonder, can be wonderfully spent by truly getting to know ourselves, loving ourselves at any given moment, no matter whether we feel we have made mistakes, made a mess of a situation, or even made a fool of ourselves along the way.

Take a part of your day, to remember your worth, your soul's purpose and your passion that drives that vibration to the highest level, so you get the most out of life, and the most from all of your relationships.

Time can heal wounds, and even a broken heart. Loving yourself is the best way to start.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Aside From That

"Wonderful is Ready When You Are." LoVe LuCy

We all have them..

People in our lives, who, no matter what day; what hour; what moment, when we ask them how they are doing, it is the same tune...

It seems that the first thing that comes to mind is something that is going wrong, something off, or even something simply annoying them.

It can get to a point, where they are so programmed to focus on the lack, if abundance hit them in the face, they probably wouldn't recognize it as such. I am not trying to be pessimistic here, I am simply making a point.We, ourselves, can tend to do this as well.

There will be days, when perhaps we are just waiting for someone to ask we how we are, simply so we have a sounding board for venting.

I think if all of us took a moment, we can certainly think of something worth tweaking in our lives.I am sure in a second's challenge, we can share something chewing at our chakras.

But when our minds default to the downside, we are letting fear come in and dim our lovely light!

How do we stop this from happening you ask?

Change the program!

Instead of taking advantage of paying attention to circumstances creating chaos, we can even take the chance to make light of them, and move on to something bigger and better to brag or boast about.

Just like smiling; creating enthusiasm is contagious!

So no matter what mundane or maddening limiting beliefs are taking your thoughts, take a moment to step aside from them, to step up your game!


LuCy sMiLeS

The Rest Is History

"Leave it behind unless it builds you up!" LoVe LuCy

It is natural for us, when moving forward, to sneak a peak behind us, every once in a while. Sometimes we do it, to be sure it is still back there, and not creeping up to us, to affect our present.

Other times, however, we stare too closely in that rearview mirror, allowing those mental objects not only to appear closer than they are, or should be, for that matter; but we allow them to be in our view, making our present moment a bit cloudier than need be. All of us have memories, people, experiences, that have perhaps clouded our judgement on experiences moving forward.

The great thing about this is that we can leave it all behind us, by walking forward, with no judgement, at all!

It takes all the complication of trying to understand what things are, and how people are, when we simply let it be what it is, without looking at it, from any memory of the past. Of course, we are here to go through things to grow, and it is important for us to learn from what we go through.

But, by staring at something and giving such energy to our present moment from all that has transpired in the past, we may not be giving our all right now.

Look to the future, with an open heart, and opening yourself up to all the possibilities that life has to offer.

Offer your hand to those in need, no matter how closed off others may have been to you, before now.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Not For A Moment

"Reality is a sure thing."

LoVe LuCy

Life, in all its glory, definitely has a glorious way reminding us the many things that we soon forget. With days getting busy and our lives flying by so quickly, we can also be quick to disregard our feelings. Our emotions, which change from moment to moment, can get the best of us at times. Other times, we are so overwhelmed with life's chaos, we have no idea how to even understand what it is we are feeling.

We go through experiences to shed light on our lives in ways that will allow us, ourselves, to shine our brightest.

And if we made a decision, in the past that was best for us, and we waiver from this, after the fact, the Universe will gladly take us back to that place, and remind us what was, and why it isn't to be, now.

Going back and forth may seem like a countless feat, but as many times as it is needed, is needed, for us, in our constant growth.

Be it changing jobs, cities, or even changing relationships; we must allow ourselves to walk through life, however we need, at the moment in which we need it.

No one understands what our needs are more than us, ourselves. We have friends, guides and Angels all around us to help in assisting in many ways; but the way to go, is always best, from whatever our hearts tell us, in the end.

Live in the moment, and don't let stress take a moment of your happiness. Make the best of every day you are given, giving as much to others as you can now, today. Don't ever, not even for a moment, let anyone take your light away.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

With That Being Said

"With Words Comes Results!"

LoVe LuCy

Take a moment right now to think of the last thoughts you had before reading this smile.

I am hoping the last thing you thought of was; "Oh yay! I am so excited to read LuCy's Daily smile! WAHEW!"...

Ok, but before that.

We know, consciously, how important it is to pay attention to our thoughts. We know that from what we think, we feel; and from what we feel, we then live out. That's just the way life goes. Whatever energy goes into our thoughts, results in how our lives play out.

We can be cheery and blissful, and still spill our coffee on ourselves. Perhaps, after the burn, depending on how hot it is, we can decide that it isn't going to ruin our day; especially if we are blessed to have another few bucks to replace it.

Waking up this morning, I made a decision that I am going to make the most of each moment, no matter what the moment gives, because "I AM" who I am, no matter what happens to me.

Can you do the same?

If you feel you are saying a great deal of things not so great in your mind, can you see how, in your life, you are seeing the manifestation of these thoughts?

Do you realize that once you make a decision to change your mind's conversations, you can change the results in front of you, faster than you would ever imagine?

Try it for a day, a week, however long it takes for you to see, before your very eyes that whatever words you speak, have energy, and with that is the energy of your life.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Before & After

"Wish the best for others, and you will receive the best for yourself."
LoVe LuCy

Of course we all don't jump up for joy for all the lessons we have learned in the past, happy and jolly for the pain that it may have caused.

Some of those experiences may still be fresh and sore. Yes, our lessons are instrumental and very important in learning who we are, and what we deserve. Unfortunate as it is, things will happen.

Not all great, astounding or exceptional things.

By grasping what we have gone through and accepting it as life's way of showing us things that we may not have seen otherwise, we can have a better understanding, but more important a better acceptance for ourselves, and if we are lucky, those around us; even those who have been what we faced, when we faced pain.

It is not always easy to remember that we are all connected, when circumstances may make us feel completely disconnected to those we love.

Sometimes it takes a moment to get back to that unconditional place. Sometimes, it takes months, or even years.

The best part about the worst pains, is that there is always a space waiting for you to sit, in forgiveness.

A space available to you when you are ready to sit with yourself, your emotions and your ability to know that we are all capable of loving and being love- for who we are, no matter what we may do, even not so loving, along the way.

So remember that space, whether it is near or far from you.

A space to forgive, if and when you are ready to.


LuCy sMiLeS

Word On The Street

Speak Softly." LoVe LuCy

It doesn't matter how much we logically understand that we can only be affected by things, if we give consent to it.

What we hear, especially when it is about us, can leave a mark, no matter how absurd. In a world where our main purpose is to love and be loved in return; when others turn on us, we can feel terribly hurt, with little love, at all.

What we choose to believe, in life, in any situation, is ultimately up to us to accept as ours, or reject as absolutely untrue. The same goes for any belief in life, for that matter.

We can hear so much talk from the media, magazines and other mentally influential mediums.

What will allow us to remain in our truth, is how we discern what is right for us to believe, and certainly to believe about ourselves, and our core being, no matter what has been said or done.

No one can make us think a certain way, or force us to behave a certain way unless we say "yes".

By holding our word, in integrity, and surrounding ourselves with those who practice the same, we can be that much more in tune with our inner feelings, and soul's alignment with love, leaving an imprint to be proud of, after we move on.

Practicing unconditional love may not make us perfect, but it comes pretty darn close.

LoVe,LuCy sMiLeS

While You're At It!

"Feel it, with compassion."

LoVe LuCy

Some days, more often than not; Mondays, we can feel a bit off our natural high.

Small things that may not originally bother us; seem to take our energy, making us feel a bit down and out.

But just as everything is impermanent, we know that our natural highs will come back and take over any negative or worry some thoughts we have been feeling. Being able to allow ourselves to feel, however we do, we can be more loving towards ourselves, and grow in compassion.

We may tend to beat ourselves up when we notice that we are sweating the small stuff, because we don't feel that we should be letting such trivial things get in the way of our big picture.

But, in the long run, being nice to ourselves, and liking who we are, even when our thoughts or emotions are less than to our liking; we can move through whatever thoughts are taking our time, and let ourselves be who we are, no matter what circumstances may be creating chaos in our day.

We are all going to feel less than lively, here and there.The natural part of life is the ups and downs.

If we can be loving and kind, no matter what takes place, we can at least use our experiences as ways to remind us that no matter what the case may be, we can always choose love. LoVe,

LuCy sMiLeS


"Your focus begins with a feeling."

LoVe LuCy

Before there were iPods, iPads, and all those crazy techno "doodads"(it's a word- I looked it up...), children had only their imagination to get them inspired.

I know for me, when my brother, sister and I would sit in the back seat of our parents' car for our road trips to the grandparents; when we weren't counting the red cars, on the opposite side of the highway, we were "I SPYING". Ah, "I SPYING"...

I realized now, without ever thinking of it before, that whichever colour we would shout out, must have somehow represented our mood.

Think about it.

Colours are attractive to us, dependent upon our emotions.I know, for me, if I am a bit down, I end up going for a black outfit.

May times, however, if I do so, and catch myself, I will purposely choose a colour like pink or yellow, to boost my mood throughout the day- and it works!

This all came to me when a fabulous friend and I were in a healing yoga meditation today, and at one point, when I had an aromatherapy pillow covering my eyes, I started to see purple all over, and I first wondered...

"Does everyone in the room see purple?"And if they do, does that mean we are all in a calming vibration? Or...

"Does everyone see a colour dependent upon their individual journey, and thought at this very moment?"

Needless to say, I never asked anyone else if they saw anything, so I have yet to google for the answer, but I do have one very important observation...

Whatever I focus my vision on, whether physically or emotionally, will be. I can spy with my little eye that abundance will take quite a while.I can spy with my little eye great things that always make me smile!

I can spy with my little eye that my life has a sense of defeat.I can spy with my little eye that I am so blessed for each person I meet!

Pay attention to what you are "spying" on, as it will be your life.

Choose people, like colours, and let your days shine, with encouragement, inspiration and smiles, knowing that you have a choice to rise to any occasion with laughter, instead of failure and watch your world turn to a rainbow of brilliant success!


LuCy sMiLeS

So Be It

"The only step left is to do it." LoVe LuCy

We all do it.

We spend more time than we should (I don't believe in the word "should" but it works with this smile...) wishing, pondering, reflecting, speculating, even dwelling on where we would rather be, and what we would rather be doing.

It is in our nature to feel, at certain times, that we are not exactly where we would choose to be, had we an opportunity to choose again, right now.

We know that whatever we resist persists. Over thinking or resenting any part of our lives right now, we are focusing on things that will only expand.

Each one of us has a dream, and "spark" within us that is just waiting to come to life. By realizing that we are just where we need to be, and meeting and relating to just the perfect people to help us get to that perfect place; we can start focusing more on what that looks like, for us, in a positive way, knowing it exists for us, when we are ready, rather than looking at not having what we want, at all.

Anything that happens over night is not usually something that last a lifetime. If you are looking at investing in the long term, take short term steps like daily meditations, surrounding yourself with inspiring people, taking time out to write your thoughts, and most importantly, standing in your body knowing that all you want is all you already are.

And Be It! LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Too True

"Say it with Spunk!"

LoVe LuCy

We live in a world of duality. Up and down. Right and wrong. Black and white.

It can be looked at as a challenge, walking through life seeing that not all things that happen to us are fabulous, and exciting.

Of course we want to wake up and breeze through the day, starting with the warm winds breezing through our hair. But sometimes it doesn't work that way.Unless, of course, we make it seem so.

Many of us have a job to do, that isn't exactly our passion.We may have errands to run, when we would rather run a bubble bath and cuddle up to a great book, or better yet, the great love of our lives.

But as it has it we have a role to play, in our own lives, and in the lives of others.

What we do have power over, however busy our lives get, is the power to be great to ourselves, telling ourselves great things; living moment to moment with gratitude for all that we do have.

Not everyone is blessed with a job to go to, to pay the bills, or a house filled with tedious chores, to keep it feeling like home.

Not all of us have an option to enjoy a bubble bath at all, let alone only after hours of chaotic craze! By seeing the beauty that surrounds us, starting with ourselves, and all of our blessings; busy as we may be, our mindset can go from mayhem to magical, in a moment's notice.

We just have to choose how we decide to look at things.

The great thing about duality, is we have the opportunity to chose the light side or the dark side when it comes to our thoughts.

Whatever we decide to see; is.Perhaps don't even give yourself the option to choose down when you can choose up; sad when you can choose happy. Whatever you choose is what will be true...

What do YOU want "true" to look like, for you?


LuCy sMiLeS

Beat of A Different Drum

"If you are seeking great change, make a great change." LoVe LuCy

Staying focused while on our path to greatness can take us for such a ride.

We get the opportunity to meet such amazing people, all of whom are put in front of us to teach us such great things about life, love and living to the fullest.

One of the important things about others, is when they allow us to feel comfortable enough to truly be ourselves.

When relationships begin, we can begin to see such changes in our lives. We start seeing things about ourselves that we never knew were there.

We start growing in places unimaginable. Where once we never thought we could be so happy, we are now happy.

Our relationships guide us and give us such enormous gifts.

One of the best gifts our connections offer is for us to discern what we need, and how to attain a healthy flow with each other, to promote peace and wellness, starting from within.

Many times, we can get confused when our bonds with others don't seem to be balancing out the way we had hoped, leaving us fearful.

Our egos which live in duality can take our state of mind away from a more mindful understanding that sometimes all we need for happiness, is to tweak what isn't working, into something that can.

We don't have to lose our connections created in love. We can observe what is best for us, and choose to change the dynamic which isn't working, into one that very much does.

Like many things in life, sometimes even our togetherness just needs a fine tuning!

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Give Us This Day

"If it's not happening with now, don't worry about it."

LoVe LuCy

Our minds so powerful can hold such information, from days years, decades past, still giving us room to ponder and worry about day, years and decades that do not even yet exist.

Why is it that we thoughts in such regard, regarding the past and the future, that have absolutely no power over us, right now?

There is nothing harmful about reminiscing about experiences that had us smiling, connecting and caring so much.But how much of what we think about really holds such a place in our lives, at this very moment that hinders us from our growth going forward?

Worrying about what has happened, that we cannot change, and tormenting ourselves over what has yet to take place, can leave us living less than abundant, at this very moment.

Our lives, are a series of events based on our own thoughts, feelings and emotions that we carry in them. We have it in us to bring out the best in life, every moment that we are given.

Carry on, carrying love, kindness and gratitude for having this day be given, and don't bring any other energies that have taken place, or have yet to take place. Believe that the worst is over, and the best is yet to come!


LuCy sMiLeS

Beaten To The Punch

"Thoughts of getting even shoudn't even be a thought." LoVe LuCy

I remember, as a child, the whole "don't get mad, get even" mentality that many of us had around us. Thinking this way, is only going to bring more hurt in the long run.

When we have things "done unto us", our first instinct, from pain, and upset may be to pain and upset the other person.

When we can sit, and breathe in and understand, in empathy, that those things that people "do" are from inner pain, and inner hurt; we can be more caring and considerate. We are all connected, in many ways.

Sometimes, our connections can get distorted, disheveled, outright making us delirious.

We can sit and hold a place of love, for all those that surround us, in a healthy manner.

Trying to one up others, as a way of reacting to negativity, brings more negativity.

Being understanding and distinguishing core emotions, and discerning that how they are played out are actually a byproduct of inner sadness; we may be able to have more tolerance for each other, and less prejudice in our relationships.

We can be proactive in switching negative to a positive.We just have to want to.

Perhaps when something is making you upset, hurt, or pained in anyway, you can change the way you think, starting today.


LuCy sMiLeS

There You Have It!

"If you love, you will find love." LoVe LuCy

Waking up listening to the birds, and seeing the sun peak through the trees and buildings of this beautiful city I live in, there is not much to complain about.

We can always find a silver lining to any situation, just as we can find something to whine about.

What we decide, is what we get. We can sit in upset for that which we do not have, or be thankful for all that we do, and all of those who we have around us.

Our lives are made up of our energy, and the energy we accept. Some days, we accept more than we can handle, and create a space in our lives that leads us to a place we may feel discomfort.

Some days we can walk through life, with so much happiness and gratitude, we cannot imagine it any other way. Whichever way you look at life, will be your life.

However you chose to walk your path, will be your path. We can notice all the potholes, and rubble, uneven land, and even quicksand. But if we chose to take better care on our walk and pay attention to the spaces available to us, which are always there, that find peace, we will enjoy our journey more often than not. Not feeling there is always a fight to be fought.


LuCy sMiLeS

Bring It On!

"Lessons come in all shapes, sizes and surprises." LoVe LuCy

I remember saying to my sister in law a while ago, "If it doesn't hurt you are not growing."

It is so much easier to preach than to practice what you preach.

Being that I write, daily;

I preach quite a bit.

Of course, to be sure that what I am saying rings true, I am given the fair share of opportunities to test drive this vehicle I use to guide others, with my own circumstances. Sometimes, more than I like, they come in more than subtle ways.

Our lives are constantly changing, and we constantly surprise ourselves along the way. Friends can surprise us, too, to remind when times are to change, if we act out in complacency.

The thing about true friends, is that they love us for who we are, not who they want us to be.They have no problem guiding us to be our best selves, and well as to suggest to us what that may look like, and then letting us decide for ourselves, by ourselves.

We all have our journey be it rocky, smooth, fun, or in one day, everything under the sun. As long as we can tune in to our intuition, and our ability to discern what practices work best, for us, while doing our best to do unto others what practices we wish done unto us; we bring joy to our own lives, and those we love.


LuCy sMiLeS


"The lesson in falling is learning how to get up." LoVe LuCy

Sips; falls; trips; stalls. We all do them.

Many times, sometimes; or for a short while, most the time. The question is not why we do them, so much as why we beat ourselves up, while we are falling our way down.

Our reasons for doing things, can have many or all reasons with how we treat ourselves, in the long run. We are going to slip up, and fall down, and go in circles, around and around.

How we treat ourselves, when we are going through what we are going through can have everything to do with how long these circumstances go on, in our lives, and how many times the same things happen, as well.

Every day, we are given a new day, to create a new way of being. A new way of being friends, with ourselves, and being gentle in all that we go through.

How do you treat you? We teach others how to treat us, solely based on how we treat ourselves.

Those outside of us are there to mirror us, when we are too afraid to look in the mirror.

What you see is truly what you get, from what you give to yourself.

It is a simple and as complicated as that. Simple is hard enough, so why not make our lives as simple as we can, and learn to create a love of self, so we can love others, and be loved by others, just the same.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

What Next?

Receiving allows others to receive, as well. Receiving is for the taking." LoVe LuCy

Why do we have such a problem with receiving things that are offered to us?

Whether it be a small gesture of someone buying a coffee for us, to as large as being assisted out of a huge bind.

It doesn't always have to be monetary, either. So many things are offered to us, that we stop, stand back, hand out in disbelief that we are worthy of saying a simple "Oh, sure, thank you!"

It is more of a norm for us to refuse offerings than it is to accept.

How can we assume an abundant future, if right now, we close ourselves off to the offerings?

The more we give, the more we get back. So, if someone is giving to us, and we say "no", we are saying no to their receiving of abundance.

Do you get it? They won't get back, if we don't give in to their offering.

So, go ahead, going forward, and say YES to the gifts of giving, and be sure to give on the way, too!


LuCy sMiLeS

Who Cares?

"Think of the Big Picture, and let the small things go." LoVe LuCy

I had the magical opportunity to spend two hours with a very Inspirational, Motivational and Unconditionally Loving Guru yesterday.

My great friend's 4 month old Border Collie, Spencer.

I know...

They come in all forms.I took him for an after dinner stroll through the streets, parks and beaches of Vancouver, lasting what turned into 2 hours, giving me a lifetime worth of inspiration on what it really means to live in the moment.

Spencer took the time to get to know every breed, from tiny; to tall.

Very submissive and inviting, he would sneak on four paws, turning over to say "play" without shivering a bit at what could have been a rather threatening scenario. Allowing the opportunity to get to know each one of these precious animals, individually, with just the same amount of attention.

Also discerning, after careful consideration and just as able to walk away when he knew that it wasn't the best thing for him to stay.

From tussling in the trees together, to dancing in the dusty sand, a very "spent" Spencer was still savouring every moment, the same as the last. Living in the moment gives us the chance to take in all that life and love has to offer.

It also gives us a fair discernment of what does and doesn't work in our lives, without looking for the next best thing; but instead, looking to see if what is in front of us, is best for us; and treating ourselves best, accordingly.

Not everything we do in life is going to feeling like puppies playing in a park; however if we can take this analogy and run with it, for even just one moment at a time, we may get somewhere magical yet!


LuCy sMiLeS

Like Never Before

"One small step in the right direction, does no wrong." LoVe LuCy

We know what the definition of insanity is. Some of us, firsthand. As creatures of habit, we tend to truly mean well, when we do the same things over and over, a bit dumb founded, when we still don't see change. I am a work in progress when it comes to this.

My friends will attest.I can attest for them as well.What are friends for.

Life in all its wonder, and wonderful way has a very distinct and very clear message that we can only get different results, when we are ready to go the extra mile, and take things up a notch.Not just say we will, but actually doing it.Talk is cheap, as we know.Just as actions speak louder than words. Sometimes, merely making one small change, to get change in return.

There is never so much energy wasted as doing the same thing, on and on, and feeling frustrated, upset, bewildered and sometimes outright outraged that we are not moving along in a fast paced, progressively forward state. But knowing what we know, why do we still do what we do?

Take any area of your life, that you may feel is not moving forward, but instead going in circles, and make a small change, to make a difference in your results, going forward. And see magic happen right before your eyes.Before you lose your mind!

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

You're Welcome

"Love has the Best Exchange Rate"Love Lucy

It is above all, the most important feeling in life-


We love to give it, we love to receive it. We know how this exchange can create such magic and miracles in our lives.There is truly no better feeling in the world than feeling on top of the World, because of Love. When we allow love in our lives, from those who are willing to give it, all is well.

While we walk through life, taking on all it has to offer us, offering love, along the way, in as many ways as possible, can create a harmony unlike anything else.

It is so simple, yet so many times, we close ourselves off to the opportunities to be in a healthy state of love. Free; Open and Honest.

Everyone is as deserving as the next, to be in a state of loving kindness, in their lives. We will have ups and downs, that may stir us around a little bit, maybe a bit to be desired.

By focusing on compassion and care for our individual needs by standing in our truth, we can be ready to let love in, starting with loving ourselves, along the way.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

On Purpose

"Everything is for something"Love Lucy

At times, when things seem to be going the opposite way from what we want, we can feel uncertain.

Of course we can.

Why are things not working in what is our "working order?"

The flow of life, and the energy that surrounds it, can have us feeling things we wish not to.Pain, sadness, anger, upset, resentment, fear, anxiety.

You name it. When our hearts are perhaps breaking, or our whole inner world seems to be shaking, how can we not wonder why things can feel so hard, and yet be told, it is all in divine order?

When we are in the midst of a storm, our focus is, of course, on the moments of the movements that this storm is creating.

Our minds, as powerful as they are, are not always so powerful to be in a state of understanding, let alone acceptance for such lack of happiness.

But, as with anything, once the storm clears, and the clouds move away, we can always see, like a rainbow, in the sky; the silver lining to which this storm's meaning and purpose has.

Seeing that every experience we have, is not only to help us, but also to strengthen our abilities, we can allow the storms to pass through, and detach from their painful blows.

Detachment is not easy, but the rewards are worthwhile, when the winds die down, and we are left with the gorgeous glow, in our hearts, that can only be created when we let life's purposes take place.

Come as they may.


LuCy sMiLeS

For The Time Being

"All you have now, is all you need"

Love Lucy

Like many of us, I tend to overdo it when it comes to multitasking. In my attempts to get much done at one, I realize how much time I am wasting in not actually focusing on one thing at a time.

Although it may seem like we are doing a lot, because of doing a lot at once, we are fooling ourselves in believing we are saving any time, at all.

By starting and stopping something, to start and stop something else, we take so much more energy trying to restart in the middle of what we just left off.

Taking time to do one thing, and doing it until the end, we leave us happy, to start the next thing, fresh, and feel great that we finished what we didn't just leave off, until later.

Try it, more than once, and see how much you get done!


LuCy sMiLeS

In Any Event

"The best part of getting off track, is getting back on!"

Love Lucy

We know that our circumstances don't define us.

If anything, they make us stronger, the harder the situations we face. We cannot know how much power we have inside of us, if we are not given the opportunities in life, to have to use our power, whatever the case may be.

Not that we all wish on a daily basis, to be using our emotional and mental muscles, from struggling with hard times. We do, more often than not, deserve a break to simply smell the roses.

Our lives are consistent with ebbs and flows. High energy, where we can't stop moving, and low energy, where perhaps we cannot even move forward.

The most important thing we can do, in any situation we are in, is to accept it, and let the energy flow, however that looks like, for us.

We know that with bad days, come good, it is just whether or not we can crack a smile, no matter what the day brings.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Ripple Effect

"The first step is always the hardest"

Love Lucy

It is always that very first step! It seems we can cringe and curse about the energy it takes to start something.

We know, first hand, that as soon as we begin what we are not looking forward to doing, the rest of the way is always so much easier.

There is nothing to get us going more, than momentum, itself.

Whether we are gasping at taking out the garbage, doing the household chores, or even changing up and cleaning out our closets; once we start, there is no stopping.

With piles of paperwork, and notepads of to do lists; tackling things one at a time, is all that we need to do, to see a ripple effect of ongoing progression. Once we get our minds to making that first move forward.

The amount of energy that it takes to dread something, instead of just doing it, is not worth the effort we give it, when we can, instead, use all that energy to be efficient.

Whatever you have staring you in the face, that needs to get done, today, or this week, or even this month; the faster you "decide" you are going to accomplish it, the faster it will get accomplished.


LuCy sMiLeS

Eye For An Eye

"It's All Yours to Have"Love Lucy

Every one of us sees the World in a different way.

Whether we share similar stories that allow us to evolve together, and understand each other, or tell of our stories that others, not having experienced, can learn from; it is always a unique story, and ours alone, in how we see it.

Not all of us have had the opportunity to see and enjoy what those beside us have.And also, not all of those beside us, have had the pleasure to see all that we have been so blessed to see.

Growing in relationships and connections from sharing stories, can help liberate us, entertain us and moreover manifest our dreams, knowing that everything is possible, through seeing life, through the eyes of others, who have been there, where we otherwise may have never dreamt possible. We are here, together to come together in love.

Our views may be different. Sometimes, and we may spend so much time trying to get others to see our point of view; so much that we forget that just by sharing ourselves, with those around us, for who we are, not for who we want them to be, to us, we are fulfilling our purpose to play a role in the lives of those we love, by being there for them, and with them.

Share your stories and enjoy the stories of others for what you see, and watch evolve in love, right before your very eyes.


LuCy sMiLeS

One In The Same

"Miracles are Yours To Make."Love Lucy

It is amazing how, without even knowing it, so many things around us have such an effect on our thoughts.

Where we create our stories, whether it is unwinding in coffee shops, multitasking at our work place, or using coffee shops as a set up for our work place; is imperative to how our thoughts create our lives. Where we work, live and learn, is what can make or break us.

We know that our environments have a major effect on our well being. Working in stressful scenerios, with people who are stressing, can leave us in an energy of stress, no matter how low our blood pressure may seem.

Enduring our environments can take its toll. Although we may not be in a position to change our surroundings right away, we can give ourselves time to re-evalulate if where we stand is allowing us to stand tall when showing up in our lives.

We are a collective, and the energy that flows through us, flows through each other, as it has it. Like driving in traffic, one moody driver can have an effect on us, even if the traffic itself has no effect on us at all.

Our lives are shared, smiles and frowns, ups and downs.

Being conscious in our creation of our best life, and what and where that looks best for us, is the most important and loving thing we can do for ourselves, to wake up, smiling more often than not.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Q & A

"Just Ask." Love Lucy

You have heard the saying "If you don't ask, you don't get."

Like anything, it is easier said than done.

No matter what it is we are looking for answers for in our lives, we must be more specific the questions we are asking. There is nothing wrong with having uncertainty, or not being quite sure what it is we are thinking or feeling on a certain matter. However long we need to sit with our thoughts and our emotions is absolutely fine.

Although a lot of headaches and heartaches can be remedied if we took just a moment to sit with and ask ourselves direct enough questions to get a direct enough answer.

While so many times we may not be sure even what the questions would look like, by exercising our minds even if it is simply to jot questions down about our overall feelings, we can then use this information to hone in on the specific situations we are dealing with, clearing up a lot of what was just moments before, a whole lot of confusion.

Take a moment, in your day, when you feel at a loss of clarity, and write down questions that come to mind, no matter what they may seem like at first.

Chances are, your subconscious is crying out with answers, but need to be asked questions first before it can answer. Some questions you can ask yourself, if you need a head start are:

"What in this moment am I grateful for in my life?"

"What extra shift would make me feel more in alignment with my goals?"

"Where in my day have I wasted time?"

"What toxic emotions have been stopping my success in the last week?"

"What negative conversations with others have I been holding on to lately?"

"Who are the first 3 people that come to mind that boost my mood."

Random questions can bring a focused clarity when we see that much of our countless thoughts can be very instrumental in understanding what we carry with us, from day to day, and connection to connection.

Because energy doesn't die, we must be more accountable for how we carry the energy we do, and what that looks like, in our lives on a daily basis. Just remember for any questions you have, there is an answer waiting.So what are you waiting for? LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

Smoke & Mirrors

"Clear as the sun shines, our truth shines." Love Lucy

Why is it that we can see so objectively, when others are going through things, we have no question what the appropriate steps to take are?

Our friends, and our family members can come to us asking our advice, and our advice is usually always there for the taking.

But, with looking within, it seems even when we take careful consideration to what we feel, we can still be a bit cloudy as to what that looks like.

Decisions are not always easy to make, especially when we have a lot riding on them.

Feeling like we have stopped at a fork in the road, which way to turn can turn our stomachs. Even though we know that we are going to be ok, ultimately, it can feel scary to take a turn, thinking it could very well be a turn for the worst.

Our destinies are very much ours to create. How we keep going in our lives, and where that road takes us can always have room for self discussion.

And, when we cannot step one foot in front of the other, we will ask our support system to step in with their two cents, to help us make sense of it all. And then, it will all makes sense, until it doesn't again. And that is life.

Acknowledging that we can make a decision, and make a decision to change our minds, depending on how we feel. Our lives are always ours to create it as best we can, with what we have.

The more we get to know ourselves, and what our feelings are, and why, the more consistent clarity we will have about what stands before us, and what lies ahead.

Until then, patience for our inner journey is the key to loving ourselves for all that we are, right now, whatever that looks like, and loving those around us, just the same. LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

In A Nutshell

"No Matter What Your Past Was, the Destiny of Your Future is In Your Hands." Love LuCy

We always hear about how living in the moment is all we have.

It is never easy being that what he have been through, in our past, and in our past relationships, is what makes us feel certain things about ourselves, now.

Life's challenges have to be worked through, and many times this is through looking at what we have experienced and how we can break patterns of those experiences, that are not allowing us to move forward, with a better frame of mind.

Therefore a better life, altogether.Our childhood, and our early adulthood, have been very sensitive in our growth, mentally and emotionally.

Who we have met, how we have interacted, and how we have been treated, whether loved, or whether neglected. Getting through times, is always easier with love, and getting through times can seem an impossible feat without love.

Yes, we can see that our feelings and our strength can be less than up to par with positivity because of certain supposed shortcomings we have had.

But truly, where we are now, is the only time we can make a difference, as we cannot change the past, only learn from it, and moreover look at what we wish to have in our lives, now that will bring in all the love that we need to get through and all the love that we deserve to have, too.

Take this moment, and realize that where you stand is all that is, and choose wisely who you wish to have stand next to you. Those who allow you to stand tall and have your back, should you fall.


LuCy sMiLeS