"It's only personal, if you take it personally."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
It is always easier said than done, to move forward in life, detaching from negative emotions and pain, especially from the acts of other people, which may have been directed toward us, in some form or fashion.
What we may not realize, is that when others act in a way that may seem or be very much be harmful, it is how they feel about themselves first, and is just carried on into their exterior, which may then be toward us. Whether or not we choose to let it in, and affect us, and affect our day, or sometimes, unfortunately, our whole entire life, is entirely up to us. We needn't take on misery, blame, guilt, shame, or any other negative emotion, unless we fully choose it, as ours.
It is always a choice whether we believe and in turn, own negativity and give it life, in our own life. And, while we can decide to say "no", and acknowledge others' pain as theirs; setting boundaries in our lives, to be in peaceful emotional harmony, we can also take this one step further.
Even though we must have our healthy barriers to allow us to be in safe and harmonic balance, we can also offer the gift of love to those who seem to be less loving than they could be, toward us. It is natural to first want to react negatively to when negativity strikes out at us. But by using the Law of the Universe for all good, giving good energy back to those who seem in a dark place will actually, energetically radiate through them, whether they consciously feel it or not. So what better way to live, than to live with love, and give with love, as much as we can? Never mind all the negativity that may jump at you along the way, it doesn't matter unless you make it matter.
LuCy sMiLeS
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