"Remember your point of view is
based on your view of yourself."
LoVe LuCy
based on your view of yourself."
LoVe LuCy
We are given so many amazing opportunities to tune into our strengths, our power and our worth.Whether we a training for a physical competition, practicing meditations, or for me, practicing Bikram Yoga to gain mind over matter, to the full extent. In attending this very disciplined practice, we are able to not only use our minds to guide us beyond where we believe our boundaries are, but also gives us the opportunity to look at ourselves, and clearly see all that we have to offer, to ourselves, and the world.
Sometimes, it is not easy to look at ourselves in the mirror. It may be one of the most uncomfortable things for us, if we are not happy with ourselves, where we are, or the role we are playing in our lives, and the lives of others.
This is something, I feel is a truly pivotal experience to gaining insight as to where we are, verses where we want to be in our lives. I felt a sense of contentment as I was forced to stare for 90 minutes at only me, just me, and just what I AM.
Not only seeing what I look like, but what I feel like, inside, physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually. It dawned on me, that I am ok, more than ok, and I am what got me to no and that feels absolutely fabulous- well it feels better after the 90 minutes in heat, but you see my point..
You may not choose to attend a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes to see what you have to offer, but if you can take a few minutes a day, look at who you are, and set your intentions for what you want to be, one day at a time, you are already making a world of difference for your entire life that is ahead of you, and for you and those around you. It always comes back to us.
If we can start by being proud of the image looking back at us in the mirror, the hard work is done!
LuCy sMiLeS
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