What An Understatement

"If your happy, and you know it, share with friends."
LoVe LuCy

Do you ever notice anytime you ask people how they are, or what they have been up to, it seems as though their answers can be a little less than excited? You never really find people jump up, in a thrilling reaction to share all the amazing things that have been happening, and just how delighted they are.

It is not so much that they simply aren't delighted, and everything is just going the same way as it always does, but more than we feel, as a society we are not allow to be in a state of elation, or we are perhaps being too ego driven.

Wouldn't it be better for all, if those who had so many amazing things going on, would share, with the rest of us, for us to see just how amazing life can be?

If we feed off each other naturally, wouldn't it be natural that if our friends are finding life so magical, we can too? If we only knew?

There is nothing wrong with sharing your passion for life, and your feelings of gratitude for all that you have, and all that is going on in your life. If you can't share it, what's the point? So, if you are asked "How are you?" "What's new?" or... "What have you been up to?" and you have something exciting to share?

Do not only yourself a favour, but those around you a favour and be honest. Don't downplay your happiness for fear other's will have something to say about it. Instead share, and let others perhaps DO something about it, with their own lives, because of it!


LuCy sMiLeS

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