"It's when you think you have lost it all, that you gain everything you ever really need- for true love can never be taken away, no matter what the exterior may lead you to believe.
Love Lucy
I stare at two noodles in the pool.
I realized, in all the days I have watched these two, the yellow and the green noodle, that no matter the weather, no matter the waves of the pool, the sun, the shade, the temperature. They always come together.
The exterior has no effect on the connection of these two noodles.
Noodles... Yes, I am talking about two noodles.
Because like these two noodles, we can understand coming together.
It has been 8 years since the event of September 11, that shook the Nation, the World.
What we can realize of the Event, what we can take from this Event is not what we have lost, but what we have gained.Love... Support... Compassion... Comorodory. Not one Event in our lives, whether personal, or in the World as a whole, leaves us without a realization that we are all given divine love and support. I do not say that I condone the happenings of 911.
I do not sit here and state that the State of the Country needed this traumatic test to teach us a lesson to simply remind us that there is Hope. What I do say is that because of this unbelievable happening, we can believe that there is hope yet. That, in our lives things will happen and people will be hurt. Many people, at times.
Pain, suffering and sometimes death takes place in our lives, and we wonder how we can possibly go on.Then we are given those, around us, that when all may have gone, they come.And we come together.
LuCy sMiLeS
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