With such intense pain comes such intense growth."LoVe LuCy
Nobody likes it. Nobody screams with their hands flying in the air, amongst a crowd of millions, yelling "Pick me, pick me..." when it comes to pain.
We don't "only dream" of waking to rub our eyes, in the early moments of the morning, only to realize that where we are, isn't just a bad dream. They say hard times are had by all.And they, as they usually are; are right.
While what we go through may not always be easy, it is how we get through the struggles, we do go through.
What parts of ourselves, scream high into the air, with all will and honour for ourselves, through pain; through horror; through relentless determination to not give up no matter what the fight; no matter what the fear is, that keeps screaming back at us. It takes time; life.
The important things to realize, is not to let time fly passed us, without loving in the magic of every moment given.Not to let time stand still, so much that we do not proceed with patience no matter how slow our growth seems; to excel as much as we can no matter how confusing the equation may seem.
There, indeed, is magic behind every message, whether moaned, or muttered.
What we do with our messages is what makes every mountain moveable, simply with our minds, if we believe in ourselves worthy of moving forward, no matter the elements in our way. Remember, who you are, and what you are worth, no matter come what may.
LuCy sMiLeS
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