"Why be scared of the unknown when you don't even know, then,
what you are fearing?"
Love LuCy
Of course, we have things in our lives that we are not too sure what path seems like the best path. And even when we can sit in silence and suddenly come up with an "A HA!" moment, many times, moments later, that moment changes completely.
It's never too easy to know how to deal with everything in our lives, just as it is never too easy to figure out how to deal with everyone in our lives.
How complicated things can get, when we are surrounded by so many people while we are looking for our 'own' answers, while they are also going through searching for theirs. Sure, it would be great if we can just take some time, in solace to fill in the gaps, where needed, then come back, to everyone, all filled up with self love, fulfillment, ready to go on, having rid of all fears, that previously and potentially could have caused much chaos.
Even when being supported by those around us, when we are in need to assistance; it can still be a bit unsettling to be sure that we are sitting with what is actually decisions for our own best interest, fully and completely for ourselves.
We are here to help others, as they help us, in succeeding in our growth.But in doing so, be sure that you know that whatever you know will best suit you, is the best way to go. And those who truly love and support you will be truly happy that you did so.
LuCy sMiLeS
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