Caller ID

How many times has your phone rang, and you look at the number, and decide not to bother picking it up?
How many of those times is it because you know who it is, since the number is right there in front of you, and perhaps, it just isn’t someone you wish to speak to at the moment.

Other times, the number is unknown, and again, we decide not to dignify it with a response, just in case.

Besides phone call identification, many other issues in our lives deal with callings, identifying them for what they are, and the decision as to whether or not we will respond at all.

Everyone of us has a special calling, while we are here on Earth. Many of us have not yet identified what this calling is, and that is simply fine, as we may not be ready to take on all that we are here to take on… we are still preparing.

But once we do see what our calling is, and have identified it as ours to respond to, we must look beyond our fears, our programs and our insecurities, and simply take the call.

LuCy sMiLeS


Have you ever realized after a whole day of wearing your pants, that there was a sock stuck to the inside?

We have all had experiences with static cling in one form or another.
Sometimes it would feel next to impossible to remove the items!

We can take this situation and apply it to life, as well.
Many past behaviours, and programs are carried by us, latching on to us like magnets, causing us to remain static in our lives. Not moving forward, not believing in our powers, and not allowing us the growth that not only will help us, but others in which we connect with!

For one reason or another, we continually notice these mind tapes sticking with us, acting like they have our best interest at heart, but we know better, don’t we?

What is clinging to you, causing “Static” situation?
And what do you need to use to rid this, and “bounce” out of the traditional stand still and move into the magic of life in abundance?

Don’t let static cling hold you hack from being the best you ever!
Be static free, and know you are worth it!

LuCy sMiLeS


As we know it, life is a classroom… Every day we take a whole new step and bring a whole new meaning in our lives- by learning, living, and most importantly giving.
Just as we learn through our interactions with others, others learn much about themselves through us.
We are here not only to take part in participating in our own lives, but to be a part of other people’s lives.
Of course, throughout our days, we are constantly making decisions, and thinking about how we can better ourselves, and better our surroundings; but to understand that by giving to others, and helping others in bettering themselves, on their path, we will be much more successful in our own lives.
Every day is a new day to learn something new. And as the owners of our own life, we chose the subjects in which we want to study; our classroom is entirely up to us to fill with students, tools and subjects! We are the student and the teacher, everyday.
And just as with school, we may struggle with one subject more than another, and we may perhaps falter as far as to fail once in a while.
But just as we did in school, we can take the class again, now participating in the subject with a whole new crowd of students by our side, knowing better how to go about succeeding, by learning from our past mistakes; again, helping others in their struggles as well.
The classroom of life doesn’t end once you succeed in a certain area. There will always be more to learn on each subject. But when you are top of your class, don’t forget about the others, who could use a helping hand along the way. Chances are there is a hand being held out for you on your way, as well…
Give as much as you can, and never give up if you feel as though you may have failed.
The classroom is always open, and you are never too old to go back!
LuCy sMiLeS


Tell me… how many times have you woken up,
and looked around, wondering… “where am I?”

Then of course, you realize…
Ah… Yes, I am not only where I left myself before falling asleep…
but I am actually just where I expected myself to be;
considering all my choices to this point.

How much energy do you put on the struggles you are dealing with in your life,verses the great and wonderful things you have in your life?

Creating chaos can be conquered by shifting our energy to the positive, and eradicating the negative.

We must look at what we need to work on, but at what point is it unhealthy focusing on the scarcity in our lives?

And the answer to this can be making a point of acknowledging what lies deep in our hearts, that can very well and pretty well be the answer to “our life’s very question” of what will make us happy.

If we can make a point to take into consideration all that is most important in our lives before we give energy and worry to all that we can so very much do without,then perhaps the whole point to our story can be summed up by asking ourselves;

What’s my point?
And acting on it…

Point Taken…


One Moment, Please...

The key to living not only a successful life, but a meaningful life, is to allow ourselves to experience each moment for what it has to offer.

Our minds love to wander, not to mention ponder so many things other than what is happening to us, in our lives, at this very moment.

Many times we will be in conversations with people, without actually engaging fully, therefore not fully considerate in taking time out to be present.
Our relationships with those we love should take precedence over our thoughts, when communicating, and the only way to ensure this is to be present in the moment.

We have all the time in the world to think about time spent in the past, or what the future may hold for us…
Taking the time to just be with those who surround us,
and truly involve ourselves to our fullest in relating
and enjoying time that is “now”, this is time well spent.

So don’t spend each moment thinking of
moments already gone, or moments to come...
That is neither here nor there!



We all keep a list of things that need to be done during the day.
And as much as we are all the same in keeping notes, we are all just that much the same in not having the time to execute the tasks at hand.
Why is it, I ask, that we have so many things on our "To Do" lists that we simply do not want to do?

Who in our lives tells us that half of the things we have to do during that day, have to be on our list?

Of course, we are not so unique that we don’t have to take out the trash~ whatever trash is to us~ brush our teeth, or take time out to make dinner, or grab take out…

But, ultimately, we own our own lives.
So we need to, if our list is not all so desirable; check in as to why we check off so many things on our list that we just want to put off, because it is not fulfilling our personal passions.

Put on your list tasks that stick with you, because you cannot wait to accomplish them!

If we are going to follow a “to do” list, at least make it do something for us, because at the end of the day, we all have the same thoughts, we all want to be the best “us” we can be… And if we are wasting our time with wasteful tasks not to mention wastefuls thoughts, we are certainly not attacking the tasks at hand to attain our triumphs!

So do it; create a "To Do" list, that sticks to creating your success!

And stick to it!
LuCy sMileS

You are Cordially Invited…

There is nothing quite like getting an invitation in the mail for a high class Gala, an Event, or a party of some sort that leaves you feeling a sense of unique style and success!

How blessed you feel to be part of a “select” few people who are invited to mingle with the best of them, share and listen to stories of many accomplished and perhaps highly academic achievers!

In life, we always hope and wish to be on the "A" list, don’t we?
We secretly hunger and crave for the prestigious status and all the goodies that comes with it!

While it is wonderful, and powerful to be involved with the best of the best; waiting and wishing for an invitation in the mail may be a pipe dream, if you are not taking actions to fulfill them!

Nothing differs between us and these "A" List individuals other than standing in our own way to the top!

Sure we won’t always be invited to the “A” List parties, and we may not have the opportunity to shmooze with the highest rank Successors in the world, I mean we simply cannot possibly have time for everything! We are busy people!

But know this:

However you believe in yourself and in your ability to achieve all that you want in your life, lies an “Open Invitation.”

There are no criteria and certainly no limitations on who is allowed and who is not allowed to be successful.
No dress code, no age limit, no culture restrictions, income earning status, NOTHING!

You choose the date of this event, or events; dress attire is also to your desire; and you can chose the time, and the place for all of this to unfold!
And invite whoever you wish! Hop online and create the classiest of invitation cards and send away! You deserve it!

So many options in this thing called life!

The occasion and recognitions for all your successes are completely open and up to you to plan! Don't question whether or not you are worthy!

The only question you need to ask your self is;

“What WILL I wear?”

LuCy sMiLeS

Please... "DO!"

How many times have you wondered, when you did something , what would have happened if you would have done something else, in it’s places, instead?

What about the times, you would have wondered if you did something, instead of nothing at all?

As long as you are doing something, you are far more advanced than those who think and do not do.

You cannot be successful, if you do not have a vision or a plan to gain success.
And if, by chance, your success is not at the place you wish so deeply you were, as long as you put your heart and soul in what you want, you will always get back what you put in.
Success does not happen over night.
But tomorrow is always another day, and no matter what you have done today, you are bound to have tomorrow; so if you can put in today at least that of which you wish to have tomorrow, and at least that of which you put in yesterday, perhaps a bit more- than you already have a vision.

It’s about taking what you have, and rolling with it. Perhaps you will roll with the punches- perhaps you will roll dice that you hadn’t expected….

But to roll with it, no matter what it is, is what makes it all the worthwhile.

So if you are wondering what if you did this or that, instead of the other.
Just do this, that or the other, and let all things fall into place, as they will.

Having done something, at least.

LuCy sMiLeS

Under the Influence

Today can be measured not only by how many breaths we take, but how many friends get us through, when perhaps me have forgotten to breathe altogether.

True, no matter what, we must get ourselves through, at the end of the day; but when we have an amazing support system to remind us that we are worth everything our heart desires, the day doesn't look so dreary...

When we are just about to throw in the towel on a project, or on a goal that seems so far out of reach- there is something to be said for the phone ringing, or an email popping into your inbox with words that leave you speechless, from support.

Our circle of friends says alot about us; from what our leisure hobbies consist of, perhaps the music we listen to, or personality traits we carry, as we are who we hang out with, right?

When we are under the influence of highly supportive, caring and nurturing friends that want to see us succeed- so much that they will go the extra mile to push us to the finish line, if we, ourselves don't see it as so close- this is the influence to be under.

Words cannot capture the gratitude and appreciation we have for our friends, and their influence to allow us to reach the highest of our potentials, and then some.

And then some...

LuCy sMiLeS


It’s hard enough getting the momentum to start a project or task, from the beginning, isn’t it?
Now, we have all been there, when we realize, after starting that the task at hand really isn’t as chaotic a chore after all. It just took starting it, and the rest was easy.

But we have all also been there, when after starting a project, with all excitement and charisma… we have been sidetracked by this thing called “life” resulting in setting aside the project, for another priority.

What happens when we do this, however, is the momentum it takes to reintroduce this project and go back, is the same amount needed to start it again.

Instead of starting and stopping, allow yourself to live it in “cruise control”, to will enable life’s happenings to happen, as they will, and you can still carry on, without throwing things overboard, when it all seems like too much.

And don’t think of jumping ship yourself just yet, when the going gets a bit tough… even when the tides are high, you can always guarantee smooth sailing ahead!
LuCy sMiLeS


They say a dream deferred shrivels up like a raisin in the sun.
Imagine? Who would ever let their dreams just die, and such a terrible death?
Definitely not you… And I certainly know my dreams are far too important to just shrivel up.


So if we are so adamant about making our dreams come true, we must then give others the opportunity to know just how it is we ensure the actions we take to fulfill our hearts desires are carried out.

We must write it down, step by step, a full documentation, a full understanding of how we have been so careful in implementing a plan to create the dreams of our lives to become now our reality!
Our plan of action, if you will.

You know, to give to others to follow.
To follow their dreams. Just like we so attentively follow our own!

This will enable others to create their own steps to success!
With our help!

And if perhaps we must go back, ourselves, and need a bit of a reminder as to how to go about it, it will be there ready for us to follow.

Just in case, I mean.
We know we already have it all planned… It’s all under control.

Because "by the way"… All your dreams can come true, it’s simply up to you…
LuCy sMiLeS

Peace Out!

Peace Out!

It really doesn’t matter how many times we read it, tell it to ourselves, or intellectually just know that it is easier to get things done, with a more relaxed mindset, sometimes it just doesn’t seem to be the case.

Trying not to worry about the outcome of situations, but rather enjoy each moment, for what it is, and knowing that we will always be provided for, we can set ourselves up for more success, rather than failure.

The more we focus on trying and trying to achieve something, we may be looking too closely at what we have not done yet, to attain this goal.

Instead of fretting and fearful focus, sit back, relax, and enjoy what you are doing, since you are going to be doing it anyway, you may as well have fun, and have faith!

Send peaceful energy to the universe, and allow all of your stress to simply slide off of you. Regain your composure, and continue- calm, cool, collected, casual and of course confident that everything will be ok!

Peace Out!

LuCy sMiLeS


Don’t you love those warranties on so many different material items we buy?
Void if removed… Hmmm.

If we can take these ever so important warnings, and use them to our own benefit, perhaps we have a whole new way of thinking?

Quite literally!

What if we can take any thoughts that are not allowing us to walk forth with great passion and drive, and once removed, they are automatically VOID?

I had a very inspirational message come to me the other day, on this very subject from a dear beautiful friend of mine.

Simple suggestion… Whatever concerns and conditions that are less than comforting, acknowledge them, removed them, and leave them in the caring hands of the Universe to handle.

Don’t forget to say thanks!

Once you have done this, remind yourself that they are now officially VOID, and can no longer use up any of your mind space.

If you’re anything like me, in doing this exercise, I have a lot of free space now.
Imagine the freedom?

LuCy sMiLeS

Well, Since You Put It That Way!

(Picture: Night Sky from Flying from Vancouver to Vegas)

If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
Instead of thinking about why you don’t have these things, or how you can possibly attain them, change it up a little bit!
Understand that the sky is limitless and so are your dreams.

Believe in the fact that you deserve what you want, openly communicate the universe, clearly stating what you wish for, and watch for the magic to take place.

We hear this, many times, how people ask and they receive.
What makes you any different than the rest?

We must believe, sincerely, that we are worthy of abundance.
We must clearly define that of which we wish for.
Write it down, put it in a letter, to yourself.
Or, perhaps send yourself a card! State all that you wish for as already having, and mail it out to yourself, as a gift to you…
Once you put it out there, the universe will accept it as such, and do what it does best.
Give back.

Make your wishes real.
Don’t just dream about them, take steps to attain them.
Put it out there, and it will find it’s way to you.

LuCy sMiLeS

Slippery When Wet

We are not perfect. We have all made choices that were not perhaps in our best interest… We are human beings living and learning. It comes down to understanding, and forgiving ourselves and each other. Holding each other's hand when we need support, and not judging someone for their path. Making a commitment to be with our loved ones and offer support, while on their path. Support of other’s as their life be lived, understanding that we must allow each other the given right to slip, and sometimes fall.

To allow someone to go through what they need, to grow, and the readiness to pick each other up, when the time is right, is what brings us closer.

Once we realize we must not take each other's slips personally, we will be more than understanding, in relationships.

No one does anything to us, we simply accept or reject their miseries; taking them on as ours, creating our own story with their story's material.

If we can see that other’s miseries and other’s pain is not about us, but simply theirs- we can release the attachment we may have taken on, and instead make sure our loved ones know that we love them. We can see that this is their path to slip on...
And we have our own, as well.

But to hold hands through the slip ups, will lessen the fall.

When things come up and misery takes place-
and it will, because this is life-
being there and being the support system that our loved ones
need is all we can give.

And it just feels great!

LuCy sMiLeS

Motion Picture

Life as we know it is a sequence of experiences, and happenings, one second at a time.

While we go about performing our everyday duties, we are performing in our everyday lives, as we see fit, and as we so desire- desirably.

Not one experience is the same. Not one moment can be compared to another.
Every single step we take carries us to the next, and there is no going back…
We cannot simply rewind the tape if we feel we missed something, or need to add something in to more properly continue the path….

Many times, we will stop, and reflect; perhaps taking much notice as to how we have come to where we have come, understanding why certain things took place, when during those times, we may have otherwise wondered.

Life is beautiful, and it will continue to be so, as long as you can see the beauty in it.
Every motion in our lives has a picture worth a thousand words- many times, leaving us speechless. Leaving us in awe, and wanting more!

Take a moment, and capture it’s beauty… believe in the magic behind every motion…
Allow love and life to move you- to places you may not have otherwise known existed…

What you surround yourself with and what you focus on in your life, will be your life.
So don’t just live it; love it!

Be sure to create all that you wish to for you, as this life is all yours to create!
As far as the eye can see, will be!

LuCy sMiLeS

Top of the Morning to YOU!

There is really nothing better than the connection with a friend, and sharing stories, experiences, and most of all sharing fits of laughter.

Remember when you were younger, laughing so hard, you couldn't breathe?
Remember for some reason attempting to control your laughter; but the word, or thought that started it all, would creep up, causing you to laugh even hard than the first laugh, from that thought or story?

There are so many things in life, that may take us for a loop, so many responsibilities that may flood our minds, first thing in the morning, and keep us from enjoying a great moment of just letting loose during the day...

While you must get those things done, do yourself a favour and just add a few more things to your ever growing list of duties...

Maybe put these one at the top, and the rest will be easier to get through...

"Laugh until you cry; smile until it hurts; wish on falling stars; let your friends catch you if you fall, and most of all live with your eyes wide, open opening your heart to all that you meet..." LoVe LuCy sMiLeS


It is something, to be blessed with acceptance from others.
Fact of the matter is that not every one is going to walk into our lives, who accept us.

Simply put; and simply fine.

The more important aspect of this supposed unfortunate finding, is that it is not unfortunate at all!

As we know, ~like attracts like~… We are a mirror of who we come in contact with, when we do come in contact.

For many years, when younger and, perhaps more naïve and insecure, we attempted to follow the crowd-
whichever one was, “in”, at the time…

But once we grow as Authentic individuals, only then are we able to be the true “us”, as we will see it truly in others.
Those that do not accept you are showing you that you have attracted them because you do not accept something in yourself.

Once you acknowledge; thank and walk away, and you start loving yourself, even just a glimpse; and even in what may seem like a time of turmoil; you will meet just the right people whom you will find such love for, as you are now finding love for yourself.

And perhaps once you find that love in yourself, you can return to those who were once not so accepting
-not only to now be accepted by them; but enabling them true acceptance of themselves, through you…

That’s what we true friends are for: Supportive sunshine on a cloudy day; genuinely and lovingly offering you, without condition, to walk through what you need to walk through and where, thus enabling you to see the true magic in you…

I know this first hand!
Thank you;)
Yours, Truly…
LuCy sMiLeS