"If I had known sooner, I wouldn't have known best."
LoVe LuCy
Although we know, in our hearts, that all things really do happen for a reason; we still have such a hard time trying to allow for things to happen, at their own due time.
We want all clarity for our circumstances, and we want it, now.
Sometimes not knowing is the most important part of our growth.
And when we do get clear on the reasons surrounding our circumstances, we get it at just the right time we need, to fully take in and understand our journey and our purpose for it.
I can look at my experiences, in hindsight, and can truly say that when I was in a certain situation, I wouldn't have taken it the same, had I known all of it's reasons, then, instead of after the fact.
Our moments are always filled with messages, and those messages, in whichever form they are found and understood are always pertaining to love.
Love of another; love of oneself; love of life, itself.
Who we come in contact with, who we have a hard time communicating with, is all a message of Love.
Even if we truly cannot see what is right in front of us, sometimes until the eleventh hour, we can, until that point, have clarity of love.
We are not going to know everything, all of the time, and sometimes it will seem like it is taking forever for us to understand why things are happening, and happening to us.
But, if we can look to Love to shed light on our life, we may at least be half way there!
LuCy sMiLeS
LoVe LuCy
Although we know, in our hearts, that all things really do happen for a reason; we still have such a hard time trying to allow for things to happen, at their own due time.
We want all clarity for our circumstances, and we want it, now.
Sometimes not knowing is the most important part of our growth.
And when we do get clear on the reasons surrounding our circumstances, we get it at just the right time we need, to fully take in and understand our journey and our purpose for it.
I can look at my experiences, in hindsight, and can truly say that when I was in a certain situation, I wouldn't have taken it the same, had I known all of it's reasons, then, instead of after the fact.
Our moments are always filled with messages, and those messages, in whichever form they are found and understood are always pertaining to love.
Love of another; love of oneself; love of life, itself.
Who we come in contact with, who we have a hard time communicating with, is all a message of Love.
Even if we truly cannot see what is right in front of us, sometimes until the eleventh hour, we can, until that point, have clarity of love.
We are not going to know everything, all of the time, and sometimes it will seem like it is taking forever for us to understand why things are happening, and happening to us.
But, if we can look to Love to shed light on our life, we may at least be half way there!
LuCy sMiLeS
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