"There is a difference between high maintenance,
and maintaining life in the highest order,
in order to stay true to your heart."
Love LuCy
We, all of us, have something going on in our lives, that we may be resisting dealing with.It can be big or small. It can be trivial or traumatic.
Whatever the case may be, we can only really release its discomfort once we look at it, for what it is.Many times, in attempts to save ourselves from the pain that we feel we can no longer bear, we may choose to downplay what we are going through, or sometimes, sweep it under the rug, for a day we know we will surely be stronger to handle it.
The problem that may arise if we do so, is that by the time we take the opportunity to revisit the situation, our minds and our hearts will be in a different place, and therefore, we will not be dealing with it in the way that was necessary from the get go. There are definitely times, when it is a good idea to wait, and sit with our feelings, before dealing with life's situations, so that we don't react from an emotionally distraught state.
However, there are also times, when something traumatic takes place, we must live it, breathe it and not take away from the extent of the situation, so much that we fail to realize how affected we actually are, and what decisions we must make, to better our lives, because of it. We will always know, in our hearts, what feels right and what IS right.
It is our personal responsibility to DO what is right, for ourselves when faced with life's lessons given to us, to grow.
When you are faced with something hurtful or dreadful, you can always check in and see if you must deal with it, or sit with it. And if you choose to sit with it, and realize only after, you should have faced it at first, then face it now, however you must. There is no wrong time to take care.
It's only wrong NOT TO.
LuCy sMiLeS
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