"What happened yesterday doesn't hold any precedence over what can happen tomorrow." LoVe LuCy
It doesn't matter how nice we are, we live in a world where not everyone has the same positive view on life, and definitely not everyone can understand that being nice to others is just a nice thing to do.
Having been involved strictly in my own business, the last couple of years, and being that my business is about making others feel loved, cared for and supported; it is a bit of a culture shock for me to now be working in an environment which may not always involve the same energy as I have been so blessed to being a part of.
So many of my interactions the last while has been directly with others who share the same values, beliefs and visions of how important it is to be in integrity and have intentions of wholesome goodness. So, today, in an environment of certain people, I was a bit surprised to be involved in such a situation where intentions were less than anything wholesome.
At first, I felt my hair rise on the back of my neck, and I got quite emotional. In reaction to this situation, I went to a place of victim, taking another person's misery as my own, feeling as though I was responsible for the negative connotation and directly responsible for what was very much directed at me! But only for a moment, which, before, may have caused a negative reaction, of my own.
It took a few minutes, and unfortunately a few tears to realize, after a moment to gain composure that I am not in any way accountable; nor should I take personally something of which had been presented simply from someone's personal issues with themselves. It is interesting that I was presented with something so hurtful, which, in retrospect, and after support from my Superiors, allowed me to see, at a vulnerable time in my life, the astounding personal development I have achieved over the last couple of years, with how I chose to react to others who have a negative energy, and also it has allowed me to have such beautiful people in my life, because of what I offer.
And, that my close friends are my close friends for a reason.
Lessons are given even in the moments we cringe to our core.We learn most about ourselves, sometimes when we deal with such intolerable instances, even if it is unreasonable people we interact with which makes us simply not understand how some people can be so unreasonable.
No matter what the situation we are dealt with, it is to simply remain ourselves, and love ourselves and each other however hard it may seem.
LuCy sMiLeS
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