Oh What A Feeling

"I have a feeling if I pay more attention to my feelings rather than what I think I should feel, things would change"
Love LuCy

We spend so much time, in our lives, preparing, working, scheduling and creating, and simply living every day for what it has to offer.

Luckily, for the most part, we are not taken back, bombarded or whiplashed with traumatic times, or severe life changing circumstances on a daily basis.

Sometimes, however, we are.

We only hope to wake up, with pretty much the same secure foundation we had the day before, and can be content with walking through the day, unharmed and open to life's precious moments.

Sometimes, however, we don't.

We all face challenges in our lives. We all have days, we don't think it is possible to wake up and smile like everything is ok.

But, if we can, on these days, realize that hurt or not, things are as they are to be, for us to grow, there may be hope for us, yet!

It is not always going to be easy. It is also, not always going to be hard.

If, during any time, we listen to our feelings, and listen to our heart, we can still walk forward believing in ourselves and our path.

Our hearts will not lie, even when we feel we lost all hope in love, and for some of us, all hope in life.
But, at the end of the day, our lives are precious and have true meaning even if we can't understand what things mean.

The meaning of life, no matter which way it is going, is to trust in ourselves and our higher power to take best care and have our best interest at heart.

And if you would simply rather pass up the feeling that you are feeling?
Remember no matter what the feeling, this too shall pass.

However, the best way to move forward, is to embrace the feeling, know it has purpose just as you do.

Love LuCy sMiLeS

Fly Like an Eagle

"Whatever you do, do it with Love."
LoVe LuCy

Life is all about choices. What we do, how we decide to do it, and who we decide to do it with.

We all have the choice to make things happen marvelously in our lives, as we do to not show up at all, in our lives.
It is up to us how we want to live.

We can all make excuses for why we are not achieving our live's goals, and not living our lives to our full potential.

Sometimes, we may feel that making excuses for not having is just so much easier than going for what we want; what we know we can surely have, if we just have the will.

All of us, every last one of us is worthy of absolute abundance.
It is our birthright to be wealthy, loved, and successful in all aspects of our lives.

So, why is it that we have such an effortless time sabotaging all that we are, and sometimes, as a result, sabotaging our relationships with others, in the process?

The first step to changing this is actually very easy...


Know what you are doing, know what is not working and decide that if the results that you are getting are not helping you grow, you MUST do something in its place to change from this place of sabotage, to growth.

Then, simply watch change take place, and find yourself in a new place of love, abundance, and self worth.

For all of you that may be in this place of self-doubt, fear, sabotaging all that is around you; know this:

Whatever has transpired in your life, to now, is just what you have given thought and power to.

You have just as much power to change all that is not working in your life, and exchange it for something better, and beautiful.

Because you deserve it. Because your are beautiful.

Because the past does not, and never can predict your future, unless you decide to live your present and future by your past experience.
And if you don't believe you do can change?
Change your belief.

"Dedicated to a special someone ... I know I can soar like an Eagle, because I believe I can, as I believe you can too."

LuCy sMiLeS

What NOT to Wear

"Whatever you wear, wear it will, and never
forget your wellbeing."
LoVe LuCy

With the fashion trends changing so much, it is not always easy to keep up with all the fads if we are the type to try keeping up with the Jones's.

We have so much stress on us in life, with all of the expectations we put on ourselves, whether it be status with cars, jobs, houses, or even education, as compared to everyone else.

What we think of ourselves seems to be a direct reflection of what we think others seem to have or seem to be, in conparison.

Until we realize that who we are and what we have to offer is completely individual and unique, as goes for all others, we will never really allow ourselves to release this stress.

Just as certain fitted outfits only fit certain body types; certain personality types are that for others to exude, not us.

We don't have to feel we only fit in if we are wearing, moreover acting like others, as what we have to bring to the table is just that- US.

So stop trying so hard to be like everyone else, when who you are is always just right.

It is not worth wearing yourself thin, when all the while, you will always look your absolute best when you do all you can to be all that you are.

Love LuCy sMiLeS

Good Point

"Always make a point to point in the
direction of your dreams.
LoVe LuCy

Truth be told, we are not always sure which way we are going. We can have a hunch as to what may take place next, but many times, we get side swiped by life's happenings, and have to lift ourselves back up, taking us on a whole new road.

It could be one or more of many things that cause us to have to stop, sit and centre ourselves to continue on what could be a very scary, uncertain path.

Other times, we could be doing the same thing over and over again, wondering when that big change is going to finally happen.

Whatever the case may be in our life's happenings, right now, we all have a choice to make changes, and make improvements that will allow us the best growth for us, and those around us.

Making changes is not always easy, especially when they involve not only us, but those we have chosen to share our lives with. Perhaps having to leave a few behind, to continue.

Being true to ourselves, first, is always the right way to go.

Your path is set out for you, and you alone. Those who come and those who conitnue on your path, are always the right people, too.

If first, you do for you.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Touche Pas

Unfortunately bad things have to happen
for us to notice it is bad."
LoVe LuCy

Remember when we were kids, and we had certain "pride and joys"?
Whether it be (for me) my Cabbage Patch Kid, Swinsuit Barbie, or Lego House, and for some of you boys out there, it may be your G.I. Joes, or He-Man action figures?

We never had a problem with claiming what we owned, and only giving others access to our belongings when we felt like it, or when it was rightly deserved.
Why is it, in life, when we get older and more mature and knowledgeable, do we lose sight of what is rightfully ours, and rightfully ours to give away, when rightfully deserving?

It seems, that on our journey, we may have our sights set on our best interests, but all the while lose that same sight quickly, quickly giving way to our best interests.

What we hold near and dear to our hearts may be many people, and many relationships that are worthy of us, and vice versa.

But it is imperative in our growth to remember what we hold near and dear in our hearts, about ourselves.

It is important, in our relationships with others, to claim our self reliant personal and professional achievements of success and independence, with true love and respect in all of our connections, starting with self, and then;

So if you are feeling as though it is a touchy subject in your heart, when your space, whether physically, spiritually, or emotionally is being touched beyond your comfort zone, simply speak your voice- your voice of reasoning and state:

- Excuse my french...
Avec Amour,
LuCy sMiLeS

Says Who?

"I convinced the skeptic in me to go with my opinion."
Love LuCy sMiLeS

We walk around the world hearing so many other people's ideas, opinions and suggestions, sometimes when we have a great one ourselves, we wonder if it is, in fact, truly our own.

We have many influences that work in our favor and many that may not in fact be. How do we discern what is what?

How do we discern who is telling us the best thing, for us?

The answer can be summed up in one simple equation:


At the end of the day, after all is said and done, the big picture of what is best for your life, is what you feel is best for your life.

We can always be there for friends, and loved ones, helping to support their growth.

But it is imperative, in our own growth, to be certain that our steps we are taking, on our path, is ours to take.

We may be blessed for those to continue to walk beside us, holding our hands, and sometimes giving us a "high five" now and then.
But when the time comes, that the path of one, breaks to two; know that it is what is, and it is always more than ok, for you to walk on, on your own.

It is not just best for you.
It is best for all.

LuCy sMiLeS

No Explanantions Necessary

"Whether you believe it or not, all always turns out for our own good."

Love Lucy

We live in a society that screams excuses, excuses for our excuses, and last, explanations for the excuses for our excuses. Many of our decisions, and choices are made with our mindset justifying why we are doing what we are doing.

I heard someone very motivational last week say this: "Why do we do what we do, when we know what we know?" Very thought provoking. I will bring it one step further and say this:If we know what we know, why do we let others do what they do, and we accept it in our lives?
There is no surprise that we are all in different places in our lives, all individual, and all where need to be to get to where we are going.

It is important to keep true to you, what is right for you, without any explanation.

We all make mistakes. We certainly will more often than not have an explanation as to why we do what we do. If we can take even a day and start doing things in a way that we needn't justify it with explanations or excuses, we will find that all that we are doing is coming from all that we know is right. Right? Think about it.

If we do everything in our lives, without already feeling like we must reason our choices, the choices are already set to be more favorable than not. So try it, and so will I.Make choices that needn't excuses.And certainly don't choose to do nothing in your life, and excuse that either.

LuCy sMiLeS

Keys Made Here

"The key to abundance is just to turn to it."
Love Lucy

Many of the issues that stop us from achieving our dreams, is that we are not sure where to turn to in the first place to find how to achieve them.

We can know exactly what our passions are, but following through can be a struggle if we struggle which door to walk through. It can be easier at time, and effortless, and we feel it in our bodies, and can be thankful during these times.

But what happens when these seemingly effortless times turn to turmoil after we have triumphed? It has happened to all of us, at some point and in some way, and somewhere along in our lives.

We see things happening, we feel them as real and so we feel worthy.We follow the path and sense the magic. Then along our walk comes a 6th sense telling us to stop, surrender to what is- what we may have been stopping ourselves from looking at- and see that our path that has been successful needs to take a detour to continue in a healthy direction.

We then may wonder how such a thing can take place, after we were so effortlessly taken to success. Why and how can we be asked to turn and move away from what was, then a most magical movement to our authentic self? Simple...

The work we needed to do, and the lessons we needed to learn are integral in our growth. If we knew this door was or looked like something negative, chances are we would not have temped to turn the key and move in.

So, the Universe uses it's magic to show you light, to get you to the dark point you need to push through, to get you to an even bigger light.

So, remember:The keys to your success are there in front of you, for you and only you. Use them to grow, and don't get scared when your sixth sense sounds out a sensible suggestion to make another different move than you scheduled.

Just because we thought we saw the outcome, faith is choosing the outcome we cannot yet see, and dancing our way to the light. Love LuCy sMiLeS


"You are a class all your own, so own it."
Love Lucy

Why is it we feel the need to ask others if things are appropriate?
We ask for validation on things from work relationships, to perhaps relationships that are just not working.

I would say that there is no right and wrong answer, only right and wrong for us, but there are some answers that we clearly have that needn't be soidified by others.

We all deserve the absolute best.
We deserve to shine, and be shown love and upmost respect, from the time the sun rises, to the time the sun goes down.

No exception.

And we must carry that through to others in our lives.
No relationship is built is without work.
But work must comes from the two who are building.

In life, we may think that we should probably do a few things a bit better to maintain that foundation in our relationships that we KNOW we had.

But if you take too long a break in your building, you will also probably see that a relationship is an ongoing project built one moral and one moment at a time.

Love is an action, as is living life.
And to keep your love in your life alove, you must take action.

As the Inca Civilization breathes three beautiful rules, we can take this into our relationships and our lives:
1) Don't Lie
2) Don't Steal
3) Don't be Lazy!

So, look to your life, and life it with love, and if you cannot be sure you are following these three rules, you probably might want to try it!


LuCy sMiLeS

Up, Side, Down

"Never underestimate the power of calm."
Love Lucy

As life has it, we can only be sure of one thing- change. We can sit and hope for better, or we can take action to make things better, making changes in our lives to better our lives.However we think is how we act in our lives, some of us, deciding not to act at all. Every last one of us knows what we need, want and can create in our lives, to have the best lives. We don't need millions of dollars to live a rich life to be wealthy.

That comes first from within. Our lives are going to have twists and turns to teach us.Whether we wake up feeling upbeat, or lay our heads down feeling beat down.We can change what is not making us the best us. No one is going to do this for us, but us.

It would be so fantastic if we had the option to just live life without having to take action, and having it work for us, always, but that is not always going to be the case.

Sometimes, however, we must sit, breathe and clear our chaotic schedules for even just a day, to get clear on what action must be taken next.

But, with calm must then come action. The fact of the matter is that we, in our hearts, always know what is not working, and we do, whether we believe it or want to hear it, have the answers to what to do that will make things work, we just need to feel it. So, what are you going to do about it? Whether you are living life up, side, or down, the lowdown is this; You can change your patterns, your posture and your place.

It just takes doing it.

Love Always,
LuCy sMiLeS

One Way or Another

"All we want is out there, we just have to rid what is holding its space to come in."
Love Lucy

We are creatures of habit. When we do things, we tend to do them more than once.I guess it could be a sense of familiarity.The only downfall is that the things may no longer, or ever have been, working for our own good.

Whether it is a habit of eating certain things, or other substance dependencies, or doing things over and over again, schedule wise, and not getting the results;

One thing holds true- it is of much necessity in our lives to know that there is always another way, to do things, to get what you want, if what you are doing, is not getting you that.

Get it?

If we carry an 8 hour day with a breakdown of work that is not getting us the clients that we want, we can see that maybe it is not necessary for us to spend 8 hours, but maybe to breakdown 8 things to get us to success that WILL work.

Or if we are wanting to lose weight so we drink 8 glasses of water a day, and wonder why we are gaining, we need to look at what we are eating, as well, or the exercise we are doing, and change what is not working.I know I can drink 8 glasses of water easily in the desert heat, but if all my meals are sugar and carbs, I have to change what is not working.

And keep the stuff that is.

If we want more energy and we find that we lack, but perhaps have habits that are creating laziness in our lives, we must find that which will help us find energy, and stay ready to be on the go, when we must.

There is always another way to help you, to get to where you want. More money, more friends, more energy, more beauty, whether inside or out; The answers are out there.But we must get up, stand up, perhaps turn the TV off, and open the door to nature, and there will stand the door to success. Drink it in!And, don't forget your water!



LuCy sMiLeS