"When you don't have a clue what turn to take, take the one that makes you smile."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
By All Means How do you look at what you have in your life? Do you feel limited because of your age, gender, education, or race? Do you feel that you could have more if only you had more options as a child, if you lived in a different Province or State, or if you made different decisions in your earlier years?
Do you find yourself wondering what would be, and feeling as though life perhaps gave you the short end of the stick?
Do you feel scarce because your bank account doesn't have as many zeros as you may wish, and you haven't been able to take as many vacations as you would have liked, because of work obligations?
All of us, in some form or fashion may feel a lack in an area of life.Whether it is relationships, money, social status, or spiritual growth, I am sure if you take a look at everything you may be able to pin point an area that may need improvement.
Unfortunately, for many of us, by seeing one area that could use work, we tend to focus on this, and allow it to seep into our general well being, perhaps then believing that life, itself, is scarce.
Whether we wish to believe it or not, we have all the tools and resources surrounding us, that can change our thoughts, and change our lives, to create the best life we ever could imagine. But it starts with whether we believe it or not!
God didn't make us pick sticks to see who gets more and who gets less, he simply gave us all the opportunity to grow, starting with our thoughts. So whatever you are thinking, by all means, use your minds to create your life as magical as you wish.
You have all the means to do so. And if you are not sure where to begin, start with believing you can, opening yourself up to receiving the answers, and let God take care of the details.
LuCy sMiLeS
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