Plain And Simple

"Maybe if we didn't make things so complicated,life would be less complicated?"
LoVe LuCy

How many of us would love to have it where there was no second guessing our choices, no wondering what to choose next, and no uncertainty as to what decisions would be best, rather than worse for us?

Of course we all do.
If I look at my conversations with my great friends, that I care so deeply for, I notice that what seems so clear for me- for them, seems not so clear.

And, definitely, in my life, and in years, days and even hours passed, my dearest friends see clear what would be best for me, when I struggle with what next steps to take, that would be in my own best interest.

But of course, there are also the conversations, where both my friends and I seem to be completey stuck as to which steps are best, overall, for each other, spending all of our time pondering, and tinkering with what ideas and options to go with next.

We seem to complicated our lives, and sometimes, if it's even possible, overcomplicate our lives with worrying and wonderment, that we fail to see that many choices are really very simple;
we just have to see them as such.

No, we are not always going to feel like the answers are right in front of us, with lights all around them saying "pick me pick me"...

But, we do know best, when following what our hearts are saying will make our lives easier, and more fulfilling.

If we can communicate this with those around us, and be true to our heart's content, we may just find our lives coming together, better, and with those that are best for us to surround ourselves with, for peace and happiness.

It takes time, and sure it takes practice. But, if we can start practicing what our hearts are preaching to us as what would be best FOR us, what a life we would lead.

LuCy sMiLeS

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