Put Your Head On My Shoulder

" No One Comes to the Rescue Faster Than Friends."
LoVe LuCy

We know that the promise we have is this very moment. We are not given the guarantee that tomorrow will come, or even this afternoon. While we know this, as absolute fact, why is it that we still take for granted this moment, assuming the next one will come and the next one after that?

Yesterday, while spending my moments with a friend, already having my entire day set in place, every planned moment of my day changed. I received a phone call from a dearest friend of mine, with tragic news of a loss of her close family member.

My heart stopped, and the clocked stopped with it, for what seemed like hours. On a dime, we rounded up the girls and headed to be there for our beautiful friend, dropping everything, and all plans of where we were going to be, knowing where we, now, had to be.

And the day was spent, in love and support, with no care for any of the other worries, obligations and schedules that seemed so necessary just moments before.
Believe me when I say that we are not even truly promised to be here, for this full day.So be mindful of what thoughts and what energies, in this day, you are taking away.

Tomorrow is a gift, as are your friends and as are you.

So, when given this moment, always be kind and be true. When our time comes, and we must go and move forth,We can know we used our time, here, for all of its worth.
LuCy sMiLeS

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