Our thoughts are such powerful things.
Everything in life that we surround ourselves with, every friend, every job we have ever had, academies we ever attended for further education- it all comes down to our thoughts of ourselves, first.What we feel we are worthy of having, doing and being.
How we treat others, with words that hurt or words that heal, and actions just the same, is how we feel about ourselves.
Whether we are supporting friends, and loved ones in listening and in giving our "thoughts" to hopefully help them, we start with what we feel about ourselves through thought.
No can make us think a certain way, nor can we make others think a certain way. We cannot control what others think of us, no matter how much we might wish to. We can, however, control how we think of ourselves and how we think of others.
By being disciplined in our thought process to ensure we are thinking in ways to grow, and grow kind and loving to all around us, we can aim to please ourselves with standing tall with Integrity, and aim to be pleasing to others, in the process.
LuCy sMiLeS
LuCy sMiLeS
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