"No matter what, just keep on going."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Ever have those days where you wake up and get to it like there is nothing that can stop you, and the next day it seems like you are up against a brick wall?
No day is ever like the next, and just as easy as one day is, the next may be extremely hard to push through. But, just as that day is so tough, we find the day after smooth as silk.
No matter how our day seems, easy or hard, we must do our best to be our best, and see our way through.
Our days are not all meant to be as easy as pie, and some days we will even find we have egg on our faces.
However the day is, stand tall, and keep your head up as high as you can, even if you are feeling at your lowest of lows.
Our perception of life is our reality of life.
No matter what happens, it is what we do about it that will ultimately make or break us.
So when you feel you are going to break down, or fall on your face, take a moment to regroup and retain your compsure, and keep on going on.
LuCy sMiLeS
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