"If you want happiness, give happiness to others."
LoVe LuCy
All of us have a set of values, whether we consciously or subconsciously know.Whether our top involve integrity, truth, kindness, love, support, grace, sincerity...
LoVe LuCy
All of us have a set of values, whether we consciously or subconsciously know.Whether our top involve integrity, truth, kindness, love, support, grace, sincerity...
Each of us, when in contact with others, will in some way respond from our core values.
If we are involved with someone that we find is in some way going against a value we carry with us as extremely important in our life, we will either choose to walk away from the relationship, or on the other wise, we will dim our value's strength, in order to continue to allow this relationship to live. We have all been there at some point in our lives.It is not whether we choose to dismiss our value, altogether.
Sometimes, yes, we will.
But most likely is that we will discount our value, whether we notice this or not, in order to justify why we are remaining in a relationship or connection that isn't able to serve that value.
We will compromise ourselves to have this relationship serve us however we can, out of fear, and out of a perceived need for this relationship. In our life, and more importantly in our relationships, we must stand tall and do our best to walk the line of values we have created for ourselves.
Yes, we will veer off once in a while, but the key about getting back on track is awareness for what is going on, and awareness for why, and what inside ourselves is allowing the compromise to take place in the first place.
Walk your talk, and walk your line you have set out for yourselves, so you can be there as best you can for others.
And perhaps teach them a thing or two along the way.
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