"Sometimes inner wellness comes with leaving well enough, alone."
LoVe LuCy
It seems to be in our nature, that we are so good at noticing all the things that aren't working in our lives.
So much so, in fact, that we almost assume that
things are not in as good working order as they can be.
And if we do, in a moment's notice, realize that something specific IS working out, especially,
if working out really great; we assume it is just a matter of time before it, too, stops working.
We have all done it. We have been in a relationship, a job, or some sort of position, and hoped it would just get better than it is, or wondered if it would not be that good, for much longer. It isn't that we walk around, wanting to be negative, and pessimistic in our lives.It is also not that we are naive to what is, or ignorant to our surroundings.
It is that little voice of fear that creeps up when the noise around us sits still even for a moment, giving us that second to second guess things that we are going through.
Whether good or bad. We've all had times, where we felt we needed to pinch ourselves, because what was in front of us was simply too good to be true, and it would fizzle, eventually, because to us, nothing so good can possibly last.
And we have also had times, where circumstances we were involved in were just so horrendous, there didn't seem to be any way it could change, let alone for the better. It is always, in the end, whichever way we choose to look at it.
If we think something or someone is going to fail us, it or they just may.
But if we can change that thought, and be open to knowing that we CAN have as much as we wish, we just have to think it to be true, and very much ok; we may be surprised to find all great things, just around the corner for us, if not already staring us right in the eyes. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it!
LuCy sMiLeS
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