"Live as though this instant is all there is, because it is all there is." Love, LuCy
Even when we are sleeping, it seems we are just as capable of thoughts worrying us, as much as when we are awake.
Our unconscious minds spin with thoughts of all that we are dealing with, throughout our waking moments. And when we wake, our thoughts continue, of the financial woes, the living circumstances unsettled, or career transitions that may be taking place.
When we are driving in our cars, in heavy traffic, before or after work, we are raging, not only because of the traffic conditions, but because of the condition we left our relationship in, before leaving the house. So much of our gift of "now" which is all we truly have, is being given all the energy of yesterday, and tomorrow.
Both of which do not exist. To live fully in the magic of the moment, we cannot rob ourselves of this instant that is here, now, by thinking of other than right here and right now. Yesterday happened and hopefully tomorrow will happen, too. What we do with what happened yesterday, now, will be what gives us the gift of tomorrow.
So, if you want a bright road ahead, stop thinking of the clouds of yesterday because it will only dampen your chance of a sunny tomorrow.
LuCy sMiLeS
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