"Sometimes it just takes that one extra step to make a world of difference."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Our lives, made up of so many moments, can have us flustered, as much as feelings faithful that all is well. We know, from personal experience, that when we have days where we worry of the "what ifs", the next will come where we feel we just seems to effortlessly "know it all!"
When faced with testing fate, or feeling a little flustered, we can rest assured that we still have all the capabilities to make it even just a bit better, than before, simply by taking one extra step, even if we may feel it impossible to move, let alone move out of this dark moment. It doesn't have to take much to make ourselves feel better.We don't even have to do something for "ourselves' for this to take place.
Even the simple act of buying someone in front of you, their coffee, or sending out a cute greeting card in the mail, to someone, will make us feel better about ourselves. Sometimes, it just seems that we don't want to get up, or take a stand in our lives, let alone take a chance and risk doing things that scare us. But, by going above and beyond, in any which positive fashion, we make a difference not only in our lives, but in the lives of those around us.
If you are feeling like you are not sure about which way to go, or what to do to feel better about any situation; Be kind to yourself knowing that you don't always need to know... But "do" know that a kind gesture to yourself or others, will make any situation better. And you will feel better because of it.
LuCy sMiLeS
LuCy sMiLeS
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