"We don't have to have all the answers in advance, but instead just a willingness to work with what we have. "
~LuCy sMiLeS
~LuCy sMiLeS
The great thing about when life throws us not so great things, is that we have all the time in the world to sit with what is going on, and see things for the lessons they are.
Sometimes, in life, we wish we were in a different place, with different people, and different vibrational energies, perhaps with healthier intentions.
However, the truth is that the Universe has every intention of giving us what it does give us, for us to see it, sit with it, and sense how the situation serves us, or doesn't serve us, in some cases.
We are not only given tools to help us grow, but many tmes we are given tools that allow us to see what we don't want in our lives, and this gives us the great opportunity to learn strength for standing up for ourselves, and allowing us to walk away, and move on to bigger and better.
Not everything comes at once, just like not all the answers will be in front of us, to help us.
Life, is a process, stop and go, and fast and slow.
But doing our best to keep a rhythm in our lives, while life takes us for a ride will allow less bumps and bruises along the way!
LuCy sMiLeS
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