Off Track?

We all have days where we seem a bit less confident in our abilities to make smart decisions, or sometimes even walk a straight line.

It is those days when our vulnerabilities are heightened, our heart s may race a bit faster than we are comfortable with.

These are the days we need to pay most attention to, in terms of our emotions, and what they mean. This is the time of most importance. You are trying to tell yourself something, and you are hoping at this time, you will please just listen.

Sometimes it takes a vision while vulnerable, to get the big picture.

What is your soul trying to tell you?
What is it that you can do to gain awareness that can keep you from falling too hard that you may scratch more than what could have just been the surface?

Bumps and bruises heal; and scars are our life’s lessons.

But we can also be sure to make better decisions to create less of a freightened fall, and allow for our breaths to be taken away by love, rather than fear.

LuCy sMiLeS

Simply Irresistible

“That which you resist persists”
A statement that many of us may wish to be untrue.
What you consciously try to ignore, you are actually putting more energy to, than if you were to be proactive in seeing it, acknowledging , accepting as true, and dealing with it. Finally, being able to then release it, and move on…

What in your life are you resisting? That if you actually handled it, this would allow you to open up to a whole level of understanding, and compassion.
The many exterior instances, people, and experiences that we resist are a direct reflection of our actual resistance within ourselves, and about ourselves, and our fears, flaws, and percieved failings.

So, take a look- not around you; not in front of you; not beside you; but instead within you. Look in the mirror… As much as you would like to turn a blind eye sometimes, if you can be open with yourself about what scares you, you are that much closer to seeing something many of us may never in a million years have the opportunity to see with our own eyes.

“Your Simply Irresistible”

LuCy sMiLeS

Face It

Can you imagine all of the things you have ever procrastinated in your life?
Can you imagine, if you think of how old you are times by how many things per year you average procrastinating plus whatever amount of years you believe you have left equals how many things you will have procrastinated in your life?

Now, think of how many things you decided to just go and do, after much procrastination, and realized it really could have been less worry some had you just done it in the first place…

Minus the number of procrastinations that you just added to the number of years you decided you thought you may live from now until your end of living…

Sit back, and relax…
Worry can take years of your life.
Enjoy all the worry you just saved yourself for the rest of your life.
Good on you for adding them back!

LuCy sMiLes

Character Witness

The world is fast, and furious. We have so many issues to face as soon as we open our eyes for yet another day of chaos, stress and responsibility.

Within this time, we are hopeful to have quality time set aside for all the exciting things we surround ourselves with, and also important- quality time for ourselves, and for others!

But it is not solely the quality time that is crucial- but the qualities we bring to the table while nurturing these quality relationships.

We can have many loved ones, and “not so loved” ones in our lives who would jump at the chance to witness and voice the supposed character traits we possess.

But have you witnessed you?

How do you show up in your relationships?
Uptight? Upright? Forthright? Always right?

We teach people how to treat us, but we also react to
people’s beingness, whether being strong in character,
or outright “out of character.”

The moral of the story is:
What character are you playing?
And are you afraid to play yourself?

LuCy sMiLeS

Wind Tunnel

Do you ever notice the more you stay stuck on doing the same things, over and over again, the less progress you actually attain?
It is like a wind tunnel... you are- what you may think of as focused- but all the while you are stuck in a tunnel vision,
that is not allowing you to progress anywhere.
You are so adamant that you must remain in this place, you will not look outside of this zone, possibly with consciously knowing
that your subconscious may catch on that there is bigger and better. We feel comfortable doing things we know, and feel
that if we continue to do these things, we can only get better at them. Seems logical.
This does not include, of course, situations that we have in our lives repetitive,
but allowing us to thrive. For instance passions with our talents, etc.

But as a human being, though we are creatures of habit, we also thrive in varied environments.
We cannot acknowledge our strengths, be able to push ourselves to limits to allow personal
growth, if we remain stagnant, in a life without change.

What parts of your life are you actually living in a wind tunnel?
Is it causing more damage than if you were to proceed ahead?
What are solutions that will enable you to go through this process,
and allow for unimaginable results?

It is better to try and find out something may not be what you want, than never giving yourself the opportunity to try in the first place.

We cannot control the weather, death or taxes- but if we can change the direction of our own personal storms, then perhaps we have more control than we give ourselves credit for.

And, I cannot promise that with more credit,
this will help out your taxes, or make
you live to 120- but I can promise, that while here on earth,
there will be many more calms than storms.

Its gotta count for something.
LuCy sMiLeS

Free Your Mind

How many stories surround our thoughts on any given day.
Of all these stories we create in our reality, only a select few are actual non-fiction, and need humouring.
We are so easy to assume, presume, and resume thinking things that create stress, worry and above all unhealthy emotions
that, though we may not realize, residually manifest such dis-ease within our heart, souls, and worse- physical bodies; that can be prevented.

These many stories are created by our egos, and therefore, insecurities- by allowing one thing to "slide", when if only communicated, right away, we would really be able to deal and actually let go.

Without a doubt, all of us at one time or another have not mentioned something seemlingly small but only since we didn't want to burden those we love, as we felt it could be "let be."

But there is a difference between letting go, and letting something fester inside of us, that turns into something manifested into bigger than it ever was, now more burdening on the health and wellbeing of our relationships.

If we can communicate our thoughts, worries, fears, and, yes, our insecurities, as vulnerable as that feels,
we can create a harmony within ourselves and others we choose to surround ourselves with.

And we must surround ourselves with relationships that allow us to be open and honest, and be ourselves.
Comfort is knowing that you can mention when need mentioning.

If it needn't be communicated, and you are certain you are able to "let go", don't mention it-
but if you are in any feeling uneasy about anything, communication is the key that will unlock any
door standing in your way of love, fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness.

And, it just feels good- so do it!

Self Serve

It always seems as though we are much more willing and seemingly able to lend a hand and help out others, when they are in need.

When it comes to “self”, we are more hesitant about putting ourselves first, or creating our lives and all that surrounds us, to be comforting and sufficient.

Driving the other day, I realized my gas tank was running on empty, and I waited until “Gas Tank Low” light came on. You would think this would prompt me to take action immediately… Still I waited until I knew I had hopefully just enough gas to get me to the station to fill up.

This got me thinking. Why do I do this?
In other areas of my life, I realized I let things run on almost empty before I take care, to refresh, renew and regroup, and this causes not only physical exhaustion, but stress to get too much done at once, causing me to feel overwhelmed. This could have very well be prevented, had I just tended to the issues at hand when I knew they needed tending to.

Very simple, this may seem-but in reflection, I see that I am last to be served, when in fact I should self serve first and foremost, as it will allow for a healthier well being, in all aspects, be it emotional, physical, intellectual or spiritual.

We need to Self Serve. By doing so, we create a fine balance in our lives and our relationships.

Self Serving is not a selfish act- quite the opposite.

LuCy sMiLeS

Subject to Change

In life, there are almost always exceptions to every rule. Perhaps, yes, some rules are strictly set in stone. For instance, the 10 Commandments. Whether or not you practice a specific religion that preaches them, these rules are a bench mark for leading a life of moral right. These should not be tampered with.

But rules aside, our lives are as a whole, constantly subject to change. Every single decision we make leads to the next one, forming the progression of our individual path.

If we can embrace the subject matter in our life, as being just as “versatile” as it is “volatile” we can then accept with enjoyment, each step with the possibility that the next one can very well lead us into a completely different direction. These major changes from the everyday are fundamental in our growth.

If we are leading a life of complete comfort and similarity day to day , we have not given ourselves the opportunity to tap into different reactions and create character traits that will enable us to walk the path of our authentic selves.

Not everything in life is set in stone. There will always be the possibility of a change of pace, and sometimes even a change of heart.

But if you make decisions to the best of your ability and with your best interest at heart, the path you walk on will always lead you into the right direction.

LuCy sMiLeS

Finder's Keepers

Finders Keepers
When we were kids, some rules seemed simply unfair. Some that were set in stone, and even very legitimate, whether set by our Teachers, Parents, or other Superiors in our lives, we just didn’t see the reasoning, as reasonable as they may very well have been.

Then there were those rules that simply came out of left field, and weren’t created by any Legitimate Ambassador of the kind- like the rule of “Finders Keepers.”

How can one person own something, and if accidently dropped, misplaced or if in any was set adrift for a moment, or even sometimes less, then be in ownership of person who then stumbled upon it?

Now, as adults, we don’t use this rule, we are much conscious of the rights of others, and wouldn’t think of staking claim in something that is not rightfully ours, right?

But what about on our road to finding our true purpose and our own true path? All too often on this journey, it seems we are so easily able to accidently drop, misplace and set adrift ideas, dreams and hopes that will actually allow us the true potential of staking claim in what is rightfully ours.
Our life.

Once you are able to recover the parts or pieces of your self that may have temporarily cast away (and they will-many will claim I have a few missing pieces, myself), you can begin to build again your empire of all that is yours.

Find it, keep it, and stake claim.

It’s all yours!

LuCy sMiLeS

If Need Be

All of us as humans have basic needs to survive.
But, we also have many other needs, that cater to our individual selves,
that create the happiness in our lives, on a daily basis.

This differs from one person to the next,
depending on a variety of circumstances and experiences.
While one may “need” extra affection from loved ones,
to feel happiness and fulfillment in their lives, another may need
privacy and more simplicity to feel at peace with the life they are leading.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to our own needs
and who we wish to support in fulfilling the needs of others.

The key here is that we all need each other in one form or another, to thrive,
as intimacy and appreciation in any form,
is a common need for all of us, no matter how different we are.

In many readings, we will find that it is up to us to be whole and
at one with ourselves, and there can be no exterior
relationships healthy until we have met and accepted all that we are, inside.

But the good news for all of us that do need an extra smile from that special someone, a subtle embrace, or even just a pat on the back to say “thank you for all that you do”, when life can get so hectic is that we are in this world together, to be here for each other, for whatever our need, if and when need be.

Some days come and go so fast we don’t know where the time went.
But be sure to take a minute in your day to show those around you what they mean to you.
You would be surprised how much they need it.

LuCy sMiLeS

Take 5

I am certain that in a land far far away, there is enough time to get all our household chores done; pick up the groceries; get the kids to and from school; help them with their homework; work on our own pending paperwork from the office; make the meals to take with us for the day; make dinner when we finally get home; pay the bills, and make sure our teeth are brushed and flossed, and our hair is still in place, from sunrise to sundown.

It seems as though no matter what our schedules are like, there is always something else taking precedence over the extra 5 minutes we may have.

If we have 5 minutes, we must make sure we are using it to our benefit- it must be spent “doing” something.

But if we fail to take 5 minutes to regroup, and re-energize, or to stare into the eyes of those we love, the main reason for why we are here to begin with- to love and be loved… the energy we are using in the times that we are “doing” instead of being, living, and loving, is much more exhausting- causing us resentment from the negative emotions of not having enough time for ourselves and others in our lives that are so important to us.

If we can recharge our body by taking 5 minutes out to stretch our bodies and calm our minds, we would be able to get more done in a shorter period of time. Try it.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I am sure whoever did build it, took time out to sit and breathe before continuing on.

And it did get built. And beautifully, I may add.

As good as we say we are at multi-tasking, our performance levels drop as soon as we decide to take on more than one project or task at a time. So do yourself a favor, take one task at a time, and most importantly, take 5, in between…

LuCy sMiLeS

Emergency Exit Only

How many times, when in the thick of it all have we just wanted to, or actually did, bail out before it got any “worse?”
“I am out!” “ I have had it” “Show me the door!”

It is just so much easier isn’t it? To walk away, ( or run) when things are just not working out the way we had anticipated?

No matter what the circumstance, it seems as though we are so much more willing to opt out, exit, rather than really look at what is going on, most imperatively, within ourselves, when things are off course.

Situations that occur, circumstances around us do not happen just for the sake of it.
If we can be more aware, more in tune and more open to playing a more active role in our daily lives, and more active role in our relationships with everything, and everyone around us, we could be very shocked to find that whatever it is that is faulty on the outside, actually just needs a little rewiring from within.

What will always hold true is that we are always given back all that we ever want, hope and dream- but only if we are willing to give back.

If we continue to walk away, give up, and throw our hands up with disappointment, we will get… guess what?
Disappointment back.

We may walk away, but what we will then walk into is the same situation..
Different name, different face, perhaps even a different place…

Until we have faced our own life, and our own path to loving ourselves, we will not have love and trust and fulfillment on the path in front of us. We may take the Exit door, but it will certainly hit us on our way out, and the room we walk into!

Not all relationships and not all situations need to remain, there is a difference between what is healthy and what is unhealthy for us to surround ourselves with- the gift of fear, and the gift of intuition will always let us know when it is right to take the Emergency Exit.

Hitting the road, when things seem too difficult is one thing, but taking the high road of continued motivation and perseverance, without giving up is a sure thing, and will lead you straight to success!

LuCy sMiLeS

How Pretend-cious

No matter how old we get, we always have the freedom
in our mind’s eye to create any picture and hold on to it as our lives.
Remember when you were a kid, almost all of our visions were
“playing pretend” to a point it was believable in our own reality!
Still now, we are just as able to enhance this life’s picture,
using our palettes of limitless colours, as we are to cast grey clouds over
sunshine, and rain over bright blue skies!

Every moment, we are given yet another chance at absolute happiness,
this just depends on what we want to focus our attention on.
The what is, or the what isn’t in our lives.

In the search for perfection, we will always be disappointed, as our
focus remains on flaws. In the acts of pretention, we are living a life off-road to
that of authenticity, through conceited
assumptions that are not in our best interest.
This is an ego driven intention.

So, if you are feeling frightened, nervous, or uncertain about what lies ahead; create
the picture you want to see in your view, and drive through it as if it is real.

We as children never had problems playing “pretend” anything, so why start now?
So go on and be pretend-cious if it will lead you to a real life of happiness and fulfillment!

If you create it, it will in fact be! I don’t claim to cure anything, but can bet that taking claim of your life,
happily, could be a great start!

LuCy sMiLeS

Leaps "n Bounds

If waking up every morning, with yet another opportunity
to start a fresh new world around us,
isn’t a miracle in itself, today we are given an extra day!

With already two months of 2008 behind us, this is the best
time to reflect on what promises you may have made for
yourself that you may have otherwise neglected.
And so what if you did, it doesn’t exist anymore,
only this right here right now exists. So what do you want?

And if you wanted it badly enough, and still do, then, NOW,
you will take whatever leap and cross whatever boundary to grasp it!

It doesn’t matter what the past held,
be in yesterday your yesteryear, living in the “now”
we can not be touched by any past fears, experiences,
or hurt that has been created in our lives, or in our minds
before we woke up this morning, or even before this moment right here.

What’s more, just like wounds heal new skin, and the only remanence
we carry with us is the lesson, or the scars as perhaps a reminder of the experience-
we can take it either as a joyous reflection of a challenge succeeded,
or a experience burdened by negativity. That is our choice.

I chose to leap, with the divine protection always by my side.
And as for the scars?

LuCy sMiLeS

Object of My Affection

In life, it is not the “things” that matter, rather it is the feelings, and emotions we carry with us.
No one can truly be happy by having more things than another, since as we are aware, true happiness comes from within.

Only when we have a true affection for who we are, when all things are taken away from us, for any reason, we are not left with “nothing”, we are still left with all that we ever need. Ourselves.

Of course, for practical purposes, we use tools, gadgets, “necessities” to fulfill our needs throughout the day, but needless to say, if we carry affection and longing for these things, then we are in fact using exterior belongings to make ourselves feel “whole”.

Leading to disappointment, and sometimes as far as resentment for when they are taken from us.

You can ensure that your life can be lead with fulfillment and purpose, if you pay attention to all that you have that was not manufactured in a plant, assembled in a warehouse, with synthetic materials which will decay with wear and tear.

Be the Object of your affection, leave the exterior influences, substances, and matters, even of the heart, lie secondary.

When you can connect with yourself, first, all outer connections will be that much more powerful.
And if by chance, taken away, this will not leave you powerless.

Any objections?

LuCy sMiLeS