"For What it's Worth, You're Worth It!"
LoVe LuCy
Our minds, as we are very well aware,
are very powerful tools.
What we can do from the power of our minds, we have seen, from walking the moon, to moonwalk dancing, both just as unique as the other.
We have seen things, that seem out of this world, simply due to someone thinking outside the box, but moreover believing in their worth, to share with the world something never yet seen.
We don't have to have walked the moon, to be greatness, and we don't have to view space shuttle launches to see greatness.
We can simply look in the mirror.
All of us has someting to offer.
But what is it that is standing in our way?
It seems that even if we are given a hundred or more compliments, it can take that one insult to nil out any positive.
Sadly, some of the time, people may not mean to be mean, but it sticks in our minds, and makes no difference what they may have intended. It still tends to ring true, whether false.
We need to pay attention to good things, good people and good deeds being done. We need to take this positive to remember that we are worth all that we wish to want and wish to be, here and now.
What others have to say, that may not be great should be neither here nor there in your mind.
You own your thoughts, and you owe it to yourself to know how special you are.
Because you're worth it!
LuCy sMiLeS
are very powerful tools.
What we can do from the power of our minds, we have seen, from walking the moon, to moonwalk dancing, both just as unique as the other.
We have seen things, that seem out of this world, simply due to someone thinking outside the box, but moreover believing in their worth, to share with the world something never yet seen.
We don't have to have walked the moon, to be greatness, and we don't have to view space shuttle launches to see greatness.
We can simply look in the mirror.
All of us has someting to offer.
But what is it that is standing in our way?
It seems that even if we are given a hundred or more compliments, it can take that one insult to nil out any positive.
Sadly, some of the time, people may not mean to be mean, but it sticks in our minds, and makes no difference what they may have intended. It still tends to ring true, whether false.
We need to pay attention to good things, good people and good deeds being done. We need to take this positive to remember that we are worth all that we wish to want and wish to be, here and now.
What others have to say, that may not be great should be neither here nor there in your mind.
You own your thoughts, and you owe it to yourself to know how special you are.
Because you're worth it!
LuCy sMiLeS
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