"There is nothing like Dessert before Dinner."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Not one day is like the next.
Just like one day you crave sugar and the next day you crave salt; sometimes so changes your cravings for life.We are ever changing in our lives, with so much exterior scenarios that stimulate our senses, we have so much to digest!What we choose to do can be just as complicated, or just as easy as what we choose to eat. We have a hunger for many things in life.
of which we sometimes are not quite sure, exactly. Our life consists of so many choices, we may have difficulty being able to distinguish which ones are going to take us to the best place possible.And, other times, things take place, suddenly, that create circumstances where we are faced with making choices, knowing full well, that they are in fact the best choices, after all, without wonder.
We are all going to have those days, that sometimes turn into weeks, of wondering in complete blankness to the best choice.
But suddenly, without warning, something happens to change all that. So no matter how scared, confused, uncertain or unmotivated you may be to make a decision, always know that the right one is out there.It is sometimes simply a matter of sitting in silence, and observing, before it shows up right in front of your very eyes.
And always make sure to choose to have a little fun too! LoVe,
LuCy sMiLeS
And always make sure to choose to have a little fun too! LoVe,
LuCy sMiLeS
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