"Do what YOU want, when YOU want, however YOU want, for whatever reason YOU want, as long as it is in love, and in line with true integrity of the soul."
Who do you turn to when faced with a problem? When the person you are dating suddenly shifts gear personality wise; or you just found out you are out of work due to downsizing, and not sure which shift to make in your career?
We have many people we can turn to when we feel that the world may be turning on us. How wonderful it is to know that when our lives seem to be in a whirlwind, we are just a direct phone call away from help.
I have never been so blessed in my own life to have the friends that help me, daily, my life being so changed dramatically due to the support in dramatic times.
I wouldn't be where I am in every way had I not had this unconditional support that I opened my heart and my mind to, for insight and possible answers.
When finding solutions for our personal everyday problems and major hits, we must also take into consideration that everyone's opinions of what we should do next comes from their own personal circumstances and past experience, which is where they base all of their supporting information.
As do we, when they come to us for our help and hand to hold. While our supporters mean well, and have wonderful ideas to help, we must realize that it may not be the best place for us, no matter if they come from a genuine place from the heart. And sometimes, it does.
Ultimately, we always do have the best information in our own hearts to help us, and this will allow us to see through their support as a great idea for us, personally, as it fits, and opens our eyes to what is best, or it may also help us to understand ourselves, and see our answers from within come out simply through not feeling in alignment for what they are sharing with us.
Either way it is support.
Whichever way you go, always take the opportunity to seek help from supporters, as it always helps to see much that we may not see, objectively; but in the end, always make sure you go your way that is best for you.
And if you are unsure, consider that the Higher Power is always watching over you, giving you signs and messages right before your very eyes to remind you that you are always on the right path; so you can simply consider the Source, too.
As Source is always within you.
LuCy sMiLeS
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