
Never confuse being alone with being lonely"
LoVe LuCy

Wherever we go, we always bring ourselves.

Hopefully, when meeting and interacting with others, we do our best, to be our best and to show up in our relationships as truly ourselves, giving all we can, genuinely, to others.

With very one we connect with, there lies a deep and spiritual bond, whether to learn something from them, in turn about ourselves, or to understand something very special, about the world as a whole. However we meet, why ever we meet, it is so important for not only ourselves, and for them, but for the goodness of the connection itself, that we stand in our own power, and always be true to our beliefs, our passions and our purpose. Although we learn from others, so much about ourselves, much of the magic of getting to know ourselves, from deep within, is when giving ourselves the opportunity to be alone, and in solitude.

As with meditation, mere being "with" on our own allows for deep knowledge and understanding of our core being, and our divine work that we are here to master.

While our days are spent perhaps working in our offices, or in our homes, focusing on what needs to be done; and while we may crave the interactions and social engagements after such a hard day, taking time to focus on our connection to self can be just what we truly need for personal balance. So take time to get your work done, and always make time for friends and family, but don't miss out on spending time with "you" once in a while too!

LuCy sMiLeS

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