"Why live only for tomorrow,
when tomorrow never comes? "
LoVe LuCy
Every last one of us, inside of us, has a vision of where we would like to see our lives go.
Certain places we wish to reside, financial security that will allow us the freedom to travel anywhere we wish; the big house, with the fancy car, or even the fancy outfits to fill our closets.
Whether we are looking to be promoted to that cushy position, or whether we are waiting and praying to one day own our own business where we can work in the comfort of our own home.
Some of us have that vision of the big family, with the loving and loyal spouse that will support us in all of our dreams, and the children who will bring miracles to our lives.
Our visions can ignite within us much motivation to get ourselves together and start taking action in our lives, to better ourselves as much as we can.
And this is great!
Having a goal and a dream is healthy, and gives us determination and dedication. However, in working to achieve our dreams and manifest our dreams, we must also be certain that we are also living in the moment, for what it has to offer, without disregarding the NOW, on our way to our future.
Keep yourself on track to bring to fruition all that you could ever imagine! But remember the fruits of your labor also come in all that you have surrounding you, and all those in your life, at this moment, that makes you rich beyond your wildest dreams.
LuCy sMiLeS
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