Space Invaders

"Loving is living though forgiving, and kindly kicking our inner gremlins to the curb!"

In my own life, so I can only speak for myself; I notice that just when I am happily accepting love in its purest form, I have my gremlins patiently waiting for this very vulnerable emotion, and jumping on a chance to make me change my mind's choice to let love in.

It reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

I guess that is why it is seemingly easier for us to perhaps put up our boundaries, and protect ourselves by not allowing love in.

By doing so, and letting it in, we are having to commit not only to a relationship but commit to conquering those little demons that ever so sneakingly show up.

They want us to get as close to happiness as we can, and pray on us right to the point we reach when we are just about the take the plunge.

We notice in relationships, it gets harder and scarier the deeper we get into them. Of course it does.

Our space becomes more invaded by our enemy- the Ego of hurt, mistrust, jealousy and fear, just as we are growing in all love, trust and respect in our relationships.

It is not easy- to love, with our arms and hearts wide open.

It takes time, and it takes ridding the temptations that our Ego's are ever so triumphant in prancing around with.

Take your space that offers love, and own it.

Break down any walls that you put up that locks love out, and use that to lock out anything holding you back from love.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Thick and Thin

"Life has twists and it has turns, but that 's what makes us so flexible! LoVe Di

Have you ever been in the middle of a project, a course, or even a relationship, where you just decided to "arms up in the air" call it quits?
You feel like you have put your all into it, you heart; your soul; and it just didn't seem worth the while waiting to see if it will ever manifest into what you have been ever so wanting?

There are certain situations, where it is very much the right thing to do to leave it well enough alone, and call it a day.

But there are other times, where these situations we find ourselves in, are allowing us to find ourselves, and many programs that we continue to repeat.

We are all going to have issues, turmoil and times where we feel we are giving it our best, and the best is seemingly still yet to come.

We can also look at these times, and see if perhaps it is us that needs tweaking, to take on the times of turmoil and turn it into triumph!

Many of us, many of the times, would love to run away, and make free from situations that are not serving us; but those situations may in fact be there for us to see a pattern in ourselves, where we are continuously creating the same chaos and expecting different to come out of it.

Always be true to you, and what you want as it is what you rightfully deserve in your life; but also be sure to be true to what is, and try your hardest to love what that is... Not for what you want it to be, but for what it truly has to offer.

LoVe LuCy sMiLe

Advanced Formula

"There is never only one choice in life." LoVe Di

It would be great, wouldn't it? If we could enter all the issues we carry into a machine and press a button to get the quick fix formula? We type in how big the issue is, what it includes, whether it is something haunting us, a current crisis in work, communication breakdown, or financial fuss. We then press "problem solving solvent" and the answer comes on screen of what to do to fix it!

And for some of us, we would like to take some past experiences that we feel we could have simply done without, and simply press delete.
How fun?

Unfortunately, we are all so different, and our problems and issues have such unique characteristics, we haven't had the creative ability to make such a machine manifest.

Until then, I have some quick ideas and tips that may help us.

We are all going to be going through something. We always are. That is living. Learning through going through things, and seeing how we can handle them.
And sometimes we go through things a few times, to remind us that how we handled them perhaps needs tweaking. We just take the test over, and get better results!

Whether breakups or breakdowns, we have the ability to walk through, and hold our heads up high.

We are advancing at our own pace, by learning about ourselves, through others, and through trying times.

If we can just understand that we are making our way, on our path, with each step, and take them for what they are, we are in fact growing.

We all wish we could rub a lamp and make all our wishes come true, right here and now- but isn't it more fun being able to know that we in fact did it for ourselves, by getting through all the hardships and healing our wounds with patience and persistence?

I think so, but maybe that's because I have chosen to. Can you, too?

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Mi aMoRe

"I have loved, and I have lost, but I have since found love for me"
LoVe Di

It is difficult to find love in another when we fail to find it within ourselves first.

Sure, we can attract many. We can, of course, lust after many.
Crushes, puppy love, physical, emotional, even very profound intellectual attractions.

Very deep, so much sometimes, we feel on top of the world.
We cannot ever imagine not being with this person.
They are our everything.
Our breath, our heart, our home sweet home.

But as time passes, we shift, we may start second guessing our feelings.
Perhaps they are no longer as deep and as magical as that first hour, week, month, even year that we were so enthralled in this God or Goddess.

What happened? What is wrong with them? Why are they no longer measuring up? They are not following through on what they lead us to believe is them.
They have changed. We start to get confused, even angry, and resentful.

Sound familiar?

I am not an expert.
If I was, I would have a Valentine love that has worked out thus far.
But, on my journey to find not just love to have in my life, but a journey to find what love means, I have an idea.

We meet others and we do fall for them.
We do find a love for them, that is unique.

But when we see changes, and see things falter, we can look within to see, that perhaps what we are expecting in them is what we truly expect in us.

If WE haven't gotten there yet, we cannot expect them to.
We attract people to help us learn where we are, where we want to be and how we want to live.

It is not to say that they are not "for" us.
But it is also not up to us to expect anything from anyone.
We must love others for who they are.
And that starts with loving ourselves.

If you can start loving you for what IS YOU, and not what you wish you can be, you will not only see yourself love others so much more quickly for who THEY ARE, but you will see yourself getting even closer to that purposeful place you are striving for.

Take it from me, Mi Amore...
LuCy sMiLeS

Size Matters

"If I thought size didn't matter I wouldn't care to follow my biggest dreams."

LoVe Di

We have all done it. We look at what we want for our lives.

What it would look like if we did certain things, so important to us, and so near and dear to our hearts.

Whether it is living in a more favorable location, driving a more favorable car, or succeeding on a more favorable career path, what we most likely all have in common, as well, is that we will consciously look at this, and we all think about it.

The part that matters most is that we will decide it really doesn't matter, and toss it aside. We continue on our current path, and tell ourselves that those "dreams" are not really all that important. What we have now is just fine, tolerable, and even if slightly unbearable- we will focus on the fact that it is "slightly" unbearable, so ok to continue, for now. We are fine.

We play the role of being content with our living situations, in all aspects. We will justify why we are remaining perhaps stagnant.

"I am not ready to make any big changes in my life."
"I am not only thinking of myself. I have my family, and my kids to worry about."

There is nothing wrong with playing it safe for the sake of others.
But when are we really using these justifications to downsize our dreams, and to make it ok in our heads why we are not budging on the belief that we can in fact be happier?

Any dream you have, you are entitled to.
Any goal you wish to execute is all yours.
No matter how big or small, or so big, you decide to make it seem small, and not so important to look further into.

We all know it takes more energy to resist things, than to release our fears, and just go for it!

Nothing has to happen overnight, but when you wake up every morning, not fulfilling your dreams, it can make for a long day.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Every Little Step

"It's not a matter of how fast you go.
What matters is that you keep on going"

LoVe Di

Every Little Step
Taking care of ourselves, we would think would be at the forefront of our minds. I mean, in order to get anything done, we need to have the vehicle in which to do things at our best!
It always seems to take trying and failing, and trying and failing again, before that one moment comes, where our wants turn to a conviction, and we have simply had enough with failing.

All of us have habits that are in our lives, not helping us grow.
We have options as to whether or not these habits are serving us. Like gardens, it at times takes trying to weed out the weeds, and the weeds keep coming back, for us to take a different approach.

We decide to dig up all the grounds, place new soil, in order to be sure that the weeds will not grow back.
We make an effort to look at the start of how the weeds are coming up, and take steps to prevent them from rearing their ugly heads.

The same thing goes for our personal habits.

We can try over and over again to skim the surface for which the habits sit. Until we look to the root of the problem, and change things at the core; we will always have that very good chance of the habit taking ownership of our lives, yet again.

Don't just make a decision to let bad habits go; take steps to make sure you understand why they are with you in the first place, and work on making changes that will prevent them from coming back.

All strategies will be different, depending on the person, and depending on the bad habits hindering our growth.
But one thing will remain the same.

We all feel wonderful without weeds!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Attn: Support Services

"Anxiety can show up at the speed of light;
that's why I have my girfiends' numbers on speed dial"

LoVe Di

The help and support of our friends is almost, if not, more remarkable than retail therapy to get us through trying times.
While it is not always a great thing to escape from our stresses; sometimes a phonecall or visit with a friend can help us regroup.

It doesn't matter what the issue, it always seems as though it is so much easier to get through, when you have an ear, a hand and a heart to help you along the way.

We can never know for sure when the next of our battles will be brought up. We can not be certain that we will be ready to take on the trials when they take place.

But rest assured, when you are unsure of what step to take next?
Call on your friends to help see you though.
You know there is nothing they wouldn't do!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Special Delivery

"We never know what is in store. But once delivered, we certainly always know what to do with it" Love Di

True, we never really have a clue what is around the corner in our lives. We can do as best we can to plan, prep and put in place procedures. This, to be certain that we have our ducks in a row, or our eggs sometimes in one basket if we so choose.

But as luck has it, many times it doesn't matter how much we plan, or how comfortable we get in a certain situation in our lives, things are bound to change.

Impermanence. We should tattoo this word to our heads. Backwards of course, so we are not completely confused when we remind ourselves, every morning, noon and night, when looking in the mirror- that this is life.

This too shall pass, but this too shall change.

By getting stuck, attached or obsessed with things, whether people, jobs, to material mayhem; we are setting ourselves up not only for disappointment, but for a hard time dealing with when this will in fact change in our lives.

Allow for what comes your way to just be as it is.
A package with your name on it, to do what you wish with it.

We all have special messages, that come toward us from every direction. Some magical, some more trouble than they are worth.

Know that we can use these experiences, these deliveries as tools to grow with. Having said that, these can be tools that we can sometimes in fact reject, with a "thank you for the gift but I am not interested" response.

Everything that comes our way does so to test our patience, and our place on our path. To learn about ourselves. To see how far we have come.

And these deliveries will find their way in your life, over and over, like auto-order until you face them, deal with them, however you must.
But mostly LEARN from them...

And move on.

Love ya!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Attn: Payment Department

"It is much easier to breathe when we
are travelling at the pace of grace"
LoVe Di

It goes without saying that at one point or another in our lives, we have all had pending issues, pending emotions or pending relationship communications still waiting in the wing to be dealt with.

Besides having personal circumstances in our lives that come up; we also have the responsibility of showing up to our other numerous duties. Many times, many of these things seem to take a big hit at the same time.

This is what makes life so complex.

In a perfect world, we would be able to balance off being given the opportunity to cater to the personal issues, when our plates are not so full with work or other issues.

In a perfect world, we would know, as well, just what tools are needed to mend all of these situations, nailing them all on the head in one easy hit!

But, as it is, life is not so.
Life just is what it is, for whatever it is, as we go.

We are not going to have all of the answers, and even if we did- we will certainly not have them all at the exact right time that we need them, or so we think.

But, if we can at least pay attention to when our thoughts, emotions, and hearts are telling us that something needs a closer look; perhaps then we can have a head start on working with what needs work.

And sometimes our minds are telling us to slow down altogether, and not to work so hard.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Good On Ya!

"I know how great it feels to feel great!"
LoVe Di

Whether it is a change of year, season, month, or even day; our minds tend to focus on how we can do things a bit better. Perhaps start a regime we have been putting off. Plan our daily schedule with more care. Perhaps it is to take better care of our relationships, and communication with others.

Whatever it is, we are often looking at what we can do, add, or even take out of our lives, that will allow us the opportunity for healthier growth.

We all have been at a point in our lives, where we felt great. At our peak; whether emotionally, physically or spiritually most grounded and in balance.

The best thing about looking at everything, to tweak the things that need tweaking, is that we needn't wait for next month, or next Monday to start anew.

Every moment we breathe, we are given the chance to improve. It doesn't matter if you "cheated your diet" this morning, or left one or more things left unticked on your "to do" list.
Don't wait until tomorrow...
Don't beat yourself up, and give up until next time.
Just admit it, get over it, and get on with it, again, now!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Along The Way

"If I cared about what everyone else had to say, I would be committed!"
LoVe Di

There are so many ups and downs, sun shines after rains, and love after pains in our lives, it's a wonder we are still able to cope.

Every day we wake up, and we are faced with numerous tasks, tackles, and tribulations. It is not just our lives we are trying to deal with, but those who we share our lives with. Whether we are raising a family or building friendships- issues raised in one life, is spread into each life, either directly or indirectly.

It is so important to be in upmost trust, love, respect, honesty and understanding with our inner journey so we can project the best energy to those who we love and those who we live with.

I always say to my friends that "We can get through anything with love", but just as with saying this, I say "We cannot get through anything without love."

Our relationship with ourselves, with others and with the world as a whole may often seem hit and miss. But we may soon find that as soon as we truly find our purpose, we can then notice that we come full circle, and that we are much more ready and able to be there, in all ways possible.

It would be nice to be behind the camera, or behind the curtain to see what the Universe has up his/ her sleeve.
But a much as we act like we have, and wish we had all the answers...

We like life being the mystery that it is...
All along.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS


"We never realize how heavy our issues weigh on us,
until we let them go!"

We all know what things in our lives are working. We know the good things that are just good for us to do.

Just as we know this, we know just what is not good for us to do, that we continue to do.

Yet, we do these "not so good" things, and as a result expect good things to happen.

No one is perfect. If I were completely enlightened and pure, it would be time for me to throw in the towel.

And, I don't know about you, but I still have a lot of mistakes to make, so I can learn from them.

This being said, it is also important to be aware of what we can immediately release, on our journey.

We will slip, and we will fall, but by letting go of what is so heavily weighing us down that we really can do without; the fall won't be so hard hit.

So do what you can to walk a straight line in life, and let go of what you know may be causing you to live out of line.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Knowing Me, Knowing You

"For every step there is another step waiting"
Love Di
As luck would have it, everyone that enters our lives, are those with whom we feel we resonate with, for specific reasons. We get this.
"Like attracts like."
While in all of my younger years, I always heard from parents, and teachers, how we will befriend those which we feel a certain similarity to.

I never really understood this other than a way building friendships based on liking the same things, knowing the same things, and enjoying the same activities, etc.

But now, being oh so much older (lol), I am learning a lot more about how the universe works, and how the law of attraction works. It is understood that "like attracts like" as it relates to us attracting mirror images of ourselves. Those of whom we encounter in our lives are not simply those with whom we share common interests, but rather common inner traits, behaviors, and as far as specific energies that we project.

In simplest terms, we will attract those of which are dealing with inner struggles as ours. Those whose character traits are ones with which we are personally struggling with, within ourselves- and are to be face with.

Until we have eradicated miseries, within our own lives, they will continue to reappear, in the form of another individual, as a way of being offered a chance to reconnect with this issue and as a result, deal with it.

With having said that, we will also attract those individuals with the creativity, understanding and compassion resonating and balanced with ours. This will happen when we are in alignment with our purpose, and the universe is offering to support us and keep us at that point, to grow; to learn more; to help others along the way.

To know ourselves, gives us more ability to know others, and create a well balanced and peaceful surrounding.

It also gives us the opportunity to rise to success in our lives, and be prepared to flourish.

Like Mom always said "You are who you hang around with"
Quite literally!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

This One Time

"If we had all the time in the world,
we can still only use it up one moment at a time"
LoVe Di

It is said that one thing we all share in common is that we all only have 24 hours in our day.

No one has more, and no has less. How we use our time, is how we can differ in effectiveness, success and peace in our lives. While it is important to live in the moment, and create memories from being with each other, by being completely "with it" where we are, it is also important to create serenity by sticking to a schedule that can allow us this peace.

When we don't have structure, it is so easy to not only get off course, but to waste alot of our time going in circles, resulting in chaos and struggles with trying to get things done.

Many times, we don't get anything done after all.

Be sure you are aware of what you have going on in your life, by making sure that you are getting the things done that are pending, so you can use the rest of your time to enjoy the moments for what they are, and what they have to offer.

This one time, is just that, one time only.
Make the most of it!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

No "Buts" About It!

"Of all the things I may pretend I do not know- what I do know is that I always know."
It came to me in a dream, and after allowing myself to be who I was, and sit with what I felt because of it, it ended in a smile.
I must share with you, as I believe all of you can learn from my lesson.


I sat in a passenger seat, and was looking in the side view mirror, still.
A voice, of whom I am not sure, asked me, knowingly:
"Are you staring in the side view mirror at what is behind you?"

To which, after hesitating, and contemplating a lie, I answered...
"Yes, I am. I am looking behind me. I admit it. I also want to admit to you, that I was going to lie, out of shame and guilt. I was going to say, defensively, that how dare you accuse me of looking in the past, and that you cannot prove I was.

But I realized then and there, that to not only deny, but to blame you, for what I was doing, would not help me in my growth.

So, yes, the first thing for me to do, is admit.
Admit that much of my time has been looking behind.
And so, whoever you are that is asking me this, I must thank you.
I am ready to admit to not just you, but to myself, that I realize that looking behind me will not help in my success.

I am ready to look forward.
And, if for some reason, I chose to look behind me again, I will simply sit, acknowledge, and make a shift in my view.

I will sit in the present, but with all eyes on the road ahead, as well."
Thank you whoever you are."

Then I woke up.
I woke up.
8:17am Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Count On Me

"It never will matter where you are, I am always by your side."
LoVe Di
We have to believe in ourselves, and also mostly we must allow our faults, our fears, and our "failings' to teach us all we need to get to where we are going.

Believe that you are beautiful and blessed, and have blessed everyone in your path, and mostly you will reap the benefits this year, it is YOUR YEAR.

There are so many blessing and magic taking place right now.
This year is the one. The one where all the suffering will be recognized and all the saving graces will walk on through, for you, and will allow for everyone to finally smile, in peace.

How is it that the first airplane crash , AND ONLY PLANE CRASH of this year, had ALL SURVIVORS?

How is it that the inaugoration of the first black president of the United States of America is a day after Martin Luther King Jr's Celebratory Holiday Day?

Don't ask questions, we already have all the answers.
Because we are supported, loved and most of all- WE ARE WORTHY.
We are worthy of the best that is NOW to come.

It takes time, sometimes years for us to get back the ten fold that we put out.
The universe teaches us not only our worth, but patience for our worth.

There are no coincidences.
Are you ready?
Because now is your time to shine!

And you look beautiful!
Count on it!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Count Me In

Sometimes the best way to see if we are good at something,
interested in something, or perhaps have no interest in something at all; is to challenge ourselves to participate in things, when the opportunity arises.

Sure, we are creatures of habit and love doing the same things
over and over again- even if we are not so good at it.

It's the devil we know vs. the devil we don't.

If we can step out of fear and into love, each moment we are given will not only shine bright but will also clear many confusions on our path.

The heart knows truth- to seek truth then; you must stand and walk in love.

So get out there and try something that scares you.
You may be surprised, and actually enjoy yourself!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

For Starters

"Follow your dreams, and follow your heart... " LoVe Di

For Starters
There is always a process we must put in place if we wish to follow through on our goals, and to be persistent in our success.
While we must, do just that, 'follow through', we must start somewhere.

The hardest part of succeeding is not so much the continuance of the process, as much as it us simply starting it, to begin with.

Yes, it takes motivation, momentum, and mediating on our mantras to make sure we keep up with what we set in place- but we cannot continue something that we haven't started.

So sit and write your goals- but don't stop there. Start manifesting them by working with actions steps, as small as they may be. The future is in the follow through, but the success starts with starting!
You can do it, so just do it!

Love LuCy sMiLeS

Wait And See

"The path to greatness is not always going to be paved with greatness"
LoVe Di

It is never easy to be patient, in a world that screams instant gratification. We want everything yesterday, won't take no for an answer and will justify when things don't go as we ever so please, to make ourselves believe we didn't want it in the first place.
How do we walk through the barriers of material possessions, lust, and glutony, when all around us lies so many instances of just and all that?

It is actually much easier than we lead ourselves to believe. By just making one conscious shift in our thoughts, and then our actions, we will give ourselves the opportunity to create a brand new perception, hense change what reality is to us.

There is always going to be something that wants to veer us in a "not so good" direction in our path to greatness. If we can stop, be patient in the process of becoming the best us, but moreover, bettering our choices- then perhaps the best is not just yet to come. The best is the best. Here and now.

You just wait and see!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

First Choice

"Many times I wonder, yes- but many of my wonders lead to wonderful"
LoVe Di

"Search and you shall find" I remember hearing as a little girl.
I was never sure whether or not I was capable of being so clever to look in the right places, however. This would lead me not only feeling a bit lost, but also thinking I was spending a lot of extra time looking in these places, when I could have instead been in the right place at the right time.

We are always walking, wondering 'what if' I walked this way instead of that way, if we would have a better chance of finding our way.

What we must know, with all certainty, is that where we are is where we are, and that is where we are to be. That's it. What is simply is what is!

And in our search for answers, the place to find them is no further than right here, and right now.

We just have to trust ourselves that the first choice we make, in any situation, is the right choice for us, at that moment.
And if you change your choice, moments after, it is still your first choice, for that moment- because only that moment exists!

So choose away!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS


"I am contemplating life, and my wardrobe- both equally need a change" LoVe Di
Whether it is our job, our friends, our past times; there comes a time when we sit back and evaluate all that is going on in our lives. A little whisper in our ear takes place, and we take a moment and reflect.

Our intuition is very powerful, and knows when there is a shift needed to set us straight, when we may be venturing off course.

Because we are beings that tend to like to leave things be; even when they may not be what is in our best interest, our intuition takes affirmative action.

It is important in our growth to not only accept ourselves for who we are, but also just as important to accept change as a part of life.
We can get through anything with love, and we cannot get through a thing without love.
If you feel love, sit in it... If you are lacking, simply change seats...

LoVe LuCy sMiLes


'There is no cheatsheet to life'
LoVe Di
Of all the millions and millions and millions of experiences throughout our lives,
it is hard to believe I can remember a moment in time,
when I was no more than 5,
in my unfinished -what we would call in my hometown- 'cellar' aka basement, playing on my tractor, using my little teacups to scoop out the rain water that would flow in the little eaves trouph, and my sister and singing 'see see my playmate", laughing and smiling, where nothing else matter but our song, our smile and our very moment we were spending together.

There are times in our lives, that no matter how many moments after, will be unforgettable to us.

No matter what stresses are in our lives that we hold onto, we will always hold dear the instances that have lovingly allowed us to smile, grow and give.

So live everyday with love and love everyday you live, and when you have a moment to smile, use it.

Love LuCy sMiLeS

And So On...

"I just want to be me, however that is I want me to be"
LoVe Di
And So On...

Sometimes it takes several tries before we know what it feels like to get into our groove.
Sometimes, we can be so in our groove; just in that flow- we can't remember what it feels like to not be in it.

And then, we lose it.

How it happens, I am not sure.
How can you have such a feeling, just enough to almost feel like it's all you know- to not knowing how you lost it?
Not knowing even what it felt like in the first place?

A distant memory.
You remember loving that feeling, but it is so foreign anymore, you don't know how to attempt to even retrieve it!

It may sound crazy, but it is true.
Life, and all it's emotions are always going to be impermanent.
Just as the sun rises and falls, our moods will rise and fall.

So just remember, they will rise again.
Just remember, when you may feel sad, or scared- it is a chance to sit and reflect, as you are with these emotions to learn... better yet, to look forward to that great feeling of happiness; because happiness is always on it's way.

You will always have time to dwell.
But just as much, you have time to live well, and so on.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

All Things Considerd

"Consider being easy going;
Even when the going gets a little tough "

LoVe Di
All Things Considered

I just double checked, to be sure.. And, yes- it looks as though we cannot change the past. It seems what is done, is done.
What we can do, however, is find ways to better our future while living as much in the moment as we can.

Not every breath we take is going to be easy breezy, and not every step we take is going to be without fall.

It is not a matter of making sure that all goes according to plan. As well all know, plans change. But if we can consider ourselves in everything we do, and give every moment we can- our all, than at least we know we are living life, all things considered.

We tend to overcomplicate everything with analyzing, evaluating, contemplating; and worst of all second guessing.

All of these behaviours only deter us from what is.
And that is that every moment, we are given a choice.
Every situation that comes our way- we are given a choice.

It is not what is going on that is important, but what we do concerning what is going on.

So go on, and live your life- decide what is best for you, once you have considered yourself best...
All of our answers are in front of us, it is just a matter of whether or not we consider using them.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

You Know What?

"If only I knew that I knew all along"
LoVe Di

It can be so funny how we walk, back up, or stop altogether in complete confusion for what takes place in our lives.
Like we are so completely clueless.

We turn our heads.
We take a subtle step back, turn to the left, and then to the right, with utter frazzle, and the excuse my language "wtf" - we are all adults here- look, speaking volumes in our body language when we feel uncertain about what language the universe speaks to us.

We "act" like we are confused, when every last one of us can hear that not so confused, but rather annoyed "I told you so" voice sort of laughing about the fact that they mentioned it straight out: mentioned that they did, as well.

It is the most amazing part of life... when we can be self aware about our terms, what makes us tick; what ticks us off and what we can do for others, and... what what we can simpy do without, without reason.

You may not know where the road will take you, which, to me, makes life even better. But, to know what means most to us, and what makes the most of each moment.... You know what?

I wouldn't give that up for anything.
Not a thing....

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

With All Due Respect

To explain many of the thoughts that come into my head I sometimes have to take a moment to understand myself, before sharing.
It isn't always black and white.

I am sure many of you have the same issue when it comes to what is going on in your minds; mostly, trying to discern where your thoughts come from, and what they mean.

We have so many experiences in one day; communication with so many people- sometimes the hardest communication comes with our own connection to our feelings.

We can come clear, most, when we let go of expectations, and release any fears we have that may hinder our thoughts.

Kind of like that song "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone..."
Once we let life take it's course, as it will, anyway, and really take the moments to enjoy it for what it is, not all that we wish and hope for it to be; we may have a better chance at enjoying the scenery, whether it be sunshine, clouds, or a rainy day.

There is something to be said for making the most of the moment.
But to spend all our time trying to figure out what our minds are saying, we may miss out on the most magical moments of all.

If you can trust in your heart to always have your back, you can keep living life at the forefront of your mind!

Here's to a Magical Year of living life to the fullest, believing in ourselves for all that we are, and supporting all those we surround ourselves with to do just the same!

I can't think of a better way to spend my New Year!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

For All I Know

Besides the fact that we are always second guessing ourselves for everything we have decided in our lives, we also have a great way of wondering about how we will make the next decision, and what information we need to take with us to evaluate each and every last one.

It's a wonder we haven't all just given up already and decided to simply flip a coin for the time being, to save ourselves from any mishaps that may take place, and save us time altogether. Then we can focus on the important things in life- like everything else besides worrying about what to decide to worry about next!

If we had to take care of paperwork to solidify and organize our thoughts, when it comes to worrying, I have a feeling we may be more maticuilus in what takes up or mind space.
If anything, to go green and save on paper waste.

To get down to it, it really and very simply only comes down to one thing.
Our feelings on each and every issue.

No- we don't have to throw ourselves into overbearing conversations about everything we are feeling; so for all you men out there, worry not... but rather, and very really, listen to our "gut" feelings, when it comes to absolutely everything and anything that falls on our laps.

All that we attract in our lives, has some meaning to it, but to overanalyze and overcomplicate matters, will hardly help.

Just live and enjoy everything that you enjoy, and take into consideration that you already know everything you need to know.

And if you have a question about something?
Simply ask yourself how you feel about it.
Your intuition will speak volumes, so you don't have to spend volumes of your time wondering.
But you can't get if... you don't ask!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Goodness Gracious!

"If I wasn't so busy getting ahead of myself, I guess I could show some "grace under fire", but then what fun would that be?
~Love Di

All those who know me can certainly attest that my middle name 'grace' is hardly represented through my walk!

There tends to be a sort of stumble after almost every skip in my step; as my mind and thoughts seem to get ahead of my feet, I can't keep up and show up gracefully all at the same time.

Many of us are aware of what works for us, and what small things would make a world of difference in our lives, with a little tweaking.

Be it to stop and think before talking; listen before putting our two cents in, or taking a quiet moment for ourselves altogether without feeling we have to be giving all the time to others before ourselves.

If we can take more care in how we do things rather than how many things we can do, perhaps this can shift our views on what it really means to be productive!

We can't get everything done in one day- so for all your hopeful holiday shoppers reading this, who haven't perhaps started your festive shopping yet- for you, I say stop reading this right now, and get out there, because time is of the essence; I won't take it personally...

And, if you can get it all done in one day? I hope you do it gracefully.
Report back so I can learn a thing or two!

Love LuCy sMiLES, with Grace

Carte Blanche

"A blank canvas?
All mine to create as I wish?
Where do I sign up?"

LoVe Di
Carte Blanche
From the time we are little kids, even to now, every last one of us
daydreams of the life of our dreams.

Just as every last one of us has the capability to dream it up,
we have just the same capability to live it up.

Sure, we have circumstances that may hinder our having the
lives of our dreams, right now, and not all of us are so fortunate
to jump on a plane and travel the world, leaving all our realities
behind us; but sure enough, we can make choices to be happy,
and excited about our lives.

As it turns out, we all have the opportunity to turn our lives
around, if we want, and take a turn for the better rather than worse.

There is not one experience that we have each all had, not one
or more broken hearts, that hasn't actually taught us something
so amazing about ourselves, to lead us to the next step.

Don't worry about what the past has been- you have already been there, done that; now it's just your choice to either make the same mistakes twice, or in some cases time and again, or learn from them, and move on.

It doesn't make a difference now, unless you decide to do differently.

How many lives to we get in a lifetime?
I am not willing to give this one up to find out.
So take your life and make the most of it, now...
Is there a better time?

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS