FoR CrYiNg oUt LoUd!!!

You know when something gets you so riled up,
that you find yourself actually doing what you usually only see in movies-
stomping your feet and actually pulling on your hair, with vocals at the top of your lungs?
I needn’t repeat what words may have been spoken; you get the picture…
Then you step back… look around you because…
1) You realize that you may have looked a bit crazy, and …
2) You are making sure that no one
was around to see you looking this little bit crazy…

It may seem silly at the time, but we have all done it…
Sometimes it is ok to just let yourself go, and
get out any frustration that may be holding you back from being productive.
Just be sure to do it on your own, lol!
And as we have all done it, we all know it actually feels a bit, well…
Unbelievably Fantastic!
Like crying releases physical stress, and gets you back to a normal state of mind,
sometimes you need to go that extra mile, and scream, for crying out loud!

Just the Way You Are

We can spend hours and hours, days and days, wishing and hoping to be thinner, smarter, healthier and richer.
But all the while, we are still “us”.
If you look around you, when you walk the streets, no matter what city you live in, 80% seems to be billboards, logos, and messages subliminally sending us thoughts of ourselves vs. what it takes to not only be adequate in the public eye, but what it would take to be noticed, and accepted.

In our personal mission to improve in areas of our lives to create a healthier self image, we must be careful of not losing the most important part.

So, remember as you walk your path to greatness, what sets you apart from everyone else, is that you are unlike any other. That is what makes you you.

That is what make me me…
So, do all you can to be healthy, and while doing so ,creating healthy relationships with others in the process.

But remember your relationship with yourself first!

You are great.
Just the way you are!!!
LuCy sMiLeS

Good Grief

Good Grief!!!

It is never something we enjoy, when we are faced with sadness.
But like any emotion, it is so important to truly take in what we are feeling and embrace it.
All of us at one point or another, during times of grief, will chose to turn our heads, distract ourselves with something to take our minds off of the sadness faced.

Perhaps, like everything else in life, our grief comes to us, to show us that we need to face something important, and take in not only what is causing us grief, but why it came to us.

So, when faced with the torturous circumstance that may come to you, and hopefully not often… don’t wonder with ~upset~ “Why me?” Why this? Why now?

Wonder with a compassionate understanding that ~this too shall pass~, but don’t pass up the opportunity to care for yourself and your feelings, because there is a lesson is every experience we are faced with…

LuCy sMiLeS


With all the hustle and bustle that took place this season;
the shopping; preparing for family get togethers; work events;
gift openings…
Many of us may have forgotten the most important gift of all-
The gift of giving to ourselves.

I realize this holiday season, especially being that it is the most foreign of holiday experiences I have spent with many aspects of my life having changed so drastically amidst the regular chaos of Christmas itself;
I have very much forgotten this gift of giving to myself; causing an array of not so pleasant feelings.

It was so easy to get taken away by the lights; the festivities and mostly the expectations of what the holidays. would and should bring, and what we would and should have brought to others… we may have expected too much of ourselves, and what we had to give during this season of giving, and how we had to “show up” in the eyes of those around us.

At the end of the day, we ourselves are what matters most, and all else should fall secondary.

So now that you have travelled; packed; wrapped and sent out your love, and your gifts to others; mark the most important package entitled “Me, myself and I” priority courier and send it to yourself. You are most precious and should treat yourself as the precious gift you are.

So send away; this is one package can never arrive too late…

LuCy sMiLeS

Don't be Missed "Takin"

Mistakes are meant for the making. It is the “missed “takes that we must be more weary of. Many paths may seem like mistakes if they lead us to uncertainty, or dead ends… resulting in retracting on a detour to yet another road, in hopes of a finishing line and cheering friends and family for a job well done… Mission accomplished!

In your missions, even taking the road less travelled may not prove to have what you are looking for, but may in fact be the introspective phase needed for you to see what is set forth in your path, be it ever so winding.

Take these “takes” for what they are worth, and remember it is always worth it, as long as you take it… But the missed takes cannot be offered again.

LuCy sMiLeS


You know the moment you have decided to take one of the biggest steps of your life?
Be it changing jobs, committing to a new relationship; moving; whatever the case may be for you.
You sit- close your eyes- wish for the best- take a deep breath- say a prayer- and most of all, take a
BIG GULP (and wish for the best again), before jumping in…

We need the BIG GULPS in life to ensure that we are living our lives to its full potential. This means we are doing things out of our comfort zones. This is the only way to ensure growth.
Taking chances are what makes life worth living. Also, being prepared for the chance that the initial first BIG GULP may be followed by a possible second, and more inevitably a third.
All from one big decision.

Before the greatness we are so anticipating to have come to us in our lives, and before we can create these milestones; we must hop along many stepping stones. We must never give up if the first BIG GULP doesn’t give us everything we wished to swallow. Even if it leaves a bad taste in our mouth, for the first part, we must never give up.

Sometimes we must swallow our pride; take another big gulp, and hop on another step to get to greatness.
Not only taking steps, however many we must take- but taking a “stand” to create the best life we can!
And along the way, we can always ask for support from others who are more than willing help us out along the way…

LuCy sMiLeS

Lighten Up!

Happy 2008!

If we thought we put enough pressure on ourselves over the holidays, here ‘s a sure kick in the behind when we realize that was nothing in comparison for the expectations we will be putting on ourselves now…

As now we are programmed to make every single improvement ever written down, and all need be done immediately. No if’s and or buts about it.

The time is now to shed the pounds, butt out the smoking, kick start the savings, organize the clutter, donate our time and money, spend more time with family....

You name it, we resolve to do it. And all once the clock struck midnight, whatever time zone we were in.

Instead of ringing in the New Year with inevitably too many expectations of what we need to do for the year to come; making sure all that we have done wrong from the last year be lived, learned and let go...

Why not let go for one more day and enjoy the comfort of a day in.
A day to enjoy life for living, not for living up to the highest potentials and expectations we and others will have on us.

Accept that you do not have to accept every invitation, event, party, recital, meeting, charity donation request ever to be brought forth this coming year.

I started my year off by not starting anything...
Everything else can wait until tomorrow.

Happy January 2nd:)

LuCy sMiLeS


When you put your pen to paper for those all classic newspaper or book mazes, one thing is for certain. You cannot go back. It is set in pen which path you take. The labyrinth of stone which intertwines , and the path walked, or in this case, drawn, is what it is.
Nothing more and nothing less.
It is what is.

Life. All you need to do is move forward. Of course, we will think about who, what, when, why and how on our journey, but inevitably so, we will still go.

Imagine that?
No matter what … we will progress. So we can progress and allow for what is to come and enjoy it like a roller coaster ride, taking in all the breaths, butterflies, and belts of laughter and excitement; or we can put our heads down, and hope we make the finish line without a scratch.

Not seeing a thing... not taking in the scenery, experiences and beauty that make life worth living.
So remember. ..

When pen hits the paper, or when foot hits path, there should be no turning back.
Don’t let it cross your mind, as you cross all your T’s and dot all your i’s…

And why should there be any going back? What fun would it be if we can always erase and start over?

What an ah…mazing ride….

LuCy sMileS