Make No Mistake

We all do it. We wonder if what we are doing is the right thing. We wonder if where we are going is the right place. We wonder if how fast we are growing is the right pace.

It is what we do. We wonder.

For every instance, every experience, and every single situation- there is another that could have taken its place.

Image we multiply our experience now, right now, times it by all the moments and days and years we have lived, and got the magical number of how many experiences we have had?

Now imagine the thoughts we have wondered about what it would have been like if we experienced something other than that experience, instead.

Whether or not we wonder if we "should" do something other than what we are doing, is up to us.
But doing so is arguing reality, and will never change this moment.
Make no mistake, it will not matter if we feel we made a mistake, as what you are doing now, is what you are doing now. And it's all you can do.
You cannot be somewhere else, other than where you are.
Unless you decide that you are going to move from where you are, to another place. But that is for the next experience.
Progressing from one moment to the next, and so on.

So just be where you are, and embrace it for what it has to offer you, as you created it for yourself, for reasons to grow... and if it is not exactly where you want to be anymore, maybe you grew out of it, so just make sure you continue to follow your heart to get to where you want, from here.

Happy travels!

LuCy sMiLeS

Give Or Take

"Love is never an issue when you give, with nothing looked for in return" LoVe Di

In life, we can gather many things as measurable. Many of us gather everything as measurable. There is the term "give or take" that is used in the human language that many of us hear when we are casually measuring a situation in 'time, dollars, or items", depending on the conversation.
For instance, we may hear someone discussing meeting up with another and responding "I will be there at 4pm, give or take 5 minutes.." Or "we can barter off the item at $30.00, give or take a few bucks."

In a life of measuring things, much chaos can come when we spend so much time measuring how much we have done for others, and not feeling like they have perhaps measured up to our expectations.

This chaos can be conquered when we realize that life is not about "give and take", but simply about "give."

Whatever we give always comes back to us, many times over. Not always from the person or people of which we give, however. That is for them to in turn give to others and receive, again, and not from those they gave... Get it?

In a life of whether or not we feel able to give or worthy enough to take; always take the opportunity to give when you can. And when you get back? Take... It is rightfully yours.
And just remember- keep on giving.If feels great, makes life worth living, and you will gets yours, don't you worry.

A living through giving! What's not to love?
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

This and That

"If we can learn to take all the "this and that clutter" not working for us, out of our minds,
perhaps we can start seeing what is right in front of us,
and learn to love it!
LoVe Di
It is always something, it seems. There is always that one or two things going on in our lives, that takes the forefront focus, leaving much beauty on the back burner.

You know- the bills, the job, the stress of children's grades, the issues within our relationships that we wish just wouldn't be issues.

Just the "this and that" that seems to be "all that" that is going on.

If you look at your life, and what you have going on, and who you have in it, what is your focus?

Are you focusing on all that you wish would be different, or are you loving all that is, right now, for all that it is, which I'll bet can be looked at, as amazing?
If you would just look up. Look at things as though they are always looking up.

We are not going to be without worry, and without some small fears in our lives. We are not perfect- life isn't perfect.

However, if we can put our attention on loving what is, rather than focusing on all we don't have going on, maybe we can finally feel fulfilled.

Our blessings come from what we are blessed with, not what we are not blessed with.

You are blessed.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

No Hard Feelings

“It is not so hard to ‘feel’, but the ‘hard feelings’ that make it so hard.”by LuCy sMiLeS

When I was younger, I loved justifying that because I was born in May, and therefore a Taurus, as my Astrological Sign, I was stubborn, “bull headed” and very much an impatient person. Interestingly enough, I realized that all I had to do is pay attention to those certain qualities, to be able to then accept them, and use my attention on them to shift into a more easy going, and patient person.

Not everyone believes in how the Universe, Stars and Planets affect our behaviours and sometimes emotional wellbeing.

However, if you can pay attention to your behaviours, whether it be through moons and star alignment or that of which you believe to be how you were brought up, or what have you… One thing we can all at least agree on.

That is that we all know how much harder it is to hold a grudge, or resentment, than it is to simply accept things as they are, as hard as it may seem- and move on. It is not an easy world out there.

We are being tested every moment we breathe. What we do with what we are given, will allow us to see our strength.No one knows what we are feeling, in our bodies, in our minds, and in our hearts but us.

You know what feels good, and you know what feels right.And I have a feeling that, if you are anything like me, it feels much better to have no hard feelings for what is, but simply to allow what is. Or so I feel.

No hard feelings.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Easy Come; Easy Go

"We never know what tomorrow will bring, so keep your faith close and your family closer."
LoVe Di

Well, it has finally hit me. I have been directly affected by the recession.
And gladly so.

Sometimes, in life, we must be thrown a few hard balls, to allow for the biggest, best shifts to take place.

As my favorite Motivational Guru, Dr. Wayne Dyer says;
"There is a Spiritual solution for every problem."

I believe, where I am, right now, is the best place, for me, always, to grow.

I attracted a lucritive commissions based business opportunity that screamed financial freedom.
In the weeks that followed, I worked my way through the position, noticing a trend within my clients, of fear based decision making, which I realized was hindering their successes, and as well, in turn, my profits.

I sat with this, and realized I have no control over their mindset, but I can remain positive, and not allow for their mentality to affect mine.

So I continued on my journey, manifesting abundance, in my mind.

Without seeing any profit, for myself, and wondered why this was.
Why were they not biting, where they once had?

Instead of continually questioning, since I preach to never question- and had to practice what I preach- I stopped, surrendered, and continued to be the best version of myself, knowing the universe was working for me, I just had to follow its lead, and embrace its Law.

Result- The position I had not made a penny with, was taken from me.
I learned alot from this wonderful lesson.
My reaction was this:

"I guess I have been hit by the recession!"

I had no attachment to the outcome.
I honestly was not disappointed, or upset.
I observed this instance as it moved in, though, and out of my life.
What was told to me at the beginning that could have been quick and easy thousands was not even a penny.

I realized that this is what is.
That is all.
What my reaction in regards to this is what will help me or hinder me.
I will move on. I will use what I have to grow, and spread love to the universe through my greeting cards, and my smiles.

There will be setbacks, side swipes and backlashes in life, always.
Change is inevitable.
However, my mindset throughout has not changed.
I am manifesting abundance.

I can pray for all those reading, that you and your loved ones are free from losing your jobs, your homes, and your financial security.

But have security in this:
Having the love and support of those we love and support is the most lucrative luxury in the world.
I wouldn't exchange it for all the money in the world.

Easy Come; Easy Go.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Have Mercy!

"There is almost no better a feeling than letting a painful feeling go!"
LoVe Di

When my sister and I were younger, we never had a lack of games to play to keep us busy.

Most were either with ropes, rocks, chalk, crayons, snow and in some special cases, ice rain.That's a whole other "smile."

There is one particular game that came to my mind this morning.
I not only forgot about this game, I forgot why we would play it in the first place.

Now, please let me set a disclaimer- in no way am I discriminating any race, or group, as I am merely explaining this game to make a point.

And the name of the game is:
"Indian Rubber Burn."

Have you ever heard of it?
My sister, or myself, would take eachother's wrist and twist it, burning the skin, until the other person would yell "MERCY".

I haven't dared look up the origin of this game, if it is in fact, googleable.
(I think I just make that word up.)

Why? Why would we involve ourselves with such a mean game, other than to excruciatingly inflict pain?

Then I realized, perhaps it was simply so I can understand the human psyche 25 years later!

How far are we willing to bear pain of experiences before we are ready to let go and surrender to the universe and release the negative that is hindering our growth?

I will be honest. Of all the forgetting of the game, and the reason for the game, I do remember that I was one tough cookie.

I would endure a long while and some red wrists, before screaming to be saved from the pain.
How far are you willing to go, before you let things go?
And how much self pain is enough before you let yourself live, freely and in love of what is?


LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Clearance Sale

I love a bargain, but to fill our lives with quality, we sometimes have to clear out the knock-offs."

There is nothing I like better than the vision of a red tag clearance sticker, usually at Target. But just as stores have clearance shelves, packed with bargains to get rid of the old, and be ready for the new- same goes with our lives.

Be it emotions that we are carrying that are not serving us, or relationship "issues" and turmoil that we try to forget; we must take inventory of our lives, and see what things in our lives are losing their value, if they ever had any value at all, to begin with.Life is absolutely a series of lessons. Everything, and everyone that comes into our lives, serves a valuable purpose.

What we chose to learn from this, is how we get closer to finding our true purpose to serve others, and the world.Many circumstances that we experience can seem hard, unfair, or absolutely intolerable and hurtful.We can wonder why it seems that these things are happening, or worse, happening AGAIN.

The faster we can look within, and take responsibility and accountability, as well as to look at things as another step of growth and understanding- the faster we can rid of them, without having return. With spring just around the corner, it's time to clear out the clutter for new and fresh beginnings.Look at what is valuable in your life, starting with what you not only carry around your house, or in your car, or in your purse, but in your mind as well.Put a price tag on it, and if it screams "cheap", change it for something better!
You deserve it!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

If You Say So

"Ask and you shall recieve, just be careful what you ask for!"

LoVe Di

I read a book over ten years ago, l that will always stick in my head, no matter where I am in my life.
We have all heard of the "Law of Attraction", and this specific book goes right back to the simple act of asking.
In "Aladdin Factor", by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, we learn that we can have anything we wish, if we dare to ask for it.

In our daily lives, you and I, I can be sure to say that we are not sitting with "everything" we wish we had, at this very moment.

If all we have to do is ask, why don't we do just that?
It is not just a matter of asking, but knowing that we are worthy.

I know, in my life, I have always been in that state of "just getting by", so my life seemed to have this pattern.

I never thought of asking for more than what I had.
I thought that was enough, as I was safe and sound, and always seemed to be cared for.
Others needed more than I did.

Even to the point of little things, in terms of going above what I would normally do in terms of asking for more than I had.

I have an experience of this.
Recently, my girlfriend and I ( and you know who you are) were in San Diego at a Hotel.
We were to have 2 beds in our room, but in checking in to the actual room, came to find only one bed.

In response to this, she was going to compromise her comfort offering to settle for the one bed, and said she would sleep on the chair.

This is unlike her, as she is a very successful business woman, definitely asking for what she wants and deserves in other aspects of her life, so why skimp now?

Of course, the bed could have been shared, however the fact is that we were very much entitled to 2 beds, and the hotel was very much able to provide this for us.
We all do this. We need to understand that there are many aspects of our lives, where we skimp on asking for what we want.

I would have been completely fine, years ago to settle and not say anything, but in thinking about it, I knew it was a simple matter of asking.

Ask and you shall receive; don't ask- don't get.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

More Power to You!

"We have so many options, but choosing dessert for dinner always seems like the best one!" Love Di

How many times have you tried and tried and tried again to get on a health kick, a cleanse, or some sort of detox, realizing the more you focus on purity, the less productive your plan?

It seems as though we all want to feel great and look great, but we fail to actually understand the process that will get us to where we want to go.

We shouldn't get overwhelmed with what weight loss program is best, but know that we have the power to transform our lives, starting with our bodies, simply by being sweeter to ourselves!

I have never been one for "diets" as I would hear of people going on one, and thinking that the weight would stay off, even after they get off of their regime.

The most important thing, in my opinion, for doing the best to feel great and look great is not so much calorie counting, and waist watching while you are watching everyone else around you indulge.

We always look better when we feel better, on the inside.
Our thoughts project through our smiles.

If we can take it easy on ourselves, and rest, drink ample water to hydrate, and exercise as much as we can, even simply through a morning walk, or meditation- we may see a miraculous change.
Not only in how we feel, but in how we look.
Glowing perhaps!

Whatever nutrition we put in our bodies, the reaction of what we should expect from our bodies will be just as such.

We mustn't disobey our body's needs, and that starts with our minds.
It is a powerful thing.
Be nice to your thoughts, and if you feel like indulging in dessert now and then, do it.
LuCy sMiLeS

A Dog's Tale

"If I had even half the energy and confidence of a puppy, my days would be productive enough to retire after a year." LoVe Di

A Dog's Tale
Having the opportunity to care for an 8 year old dog, and 5 month old puppy at the same time has really enabled me to see life in a whole different light.

Killer, the oldest, an 8rd old Daschund (yes, you heard it, a Daschund name Killer) and his adopted sister, 5 month old Cross Breed, Coconut, have been the centre of my world for the last 3 days.

Through busy days of running around cleaning up their messes, and teaching them how not to mess; to exhausted evenings cuddling together by the fire, ending in some sleepless nights; you cannot help but learn a thing or two from these highly intuitive and highly manipulative little creatures.

They never factor in time to get things done, they simply continue to work at what their goal is until they succeed, or are forced by humans, not to.

They love unconditionally, no matter if you have scolded them, yelled out loud because of them, or accidently step on them because they are always at your feet.

They don't have any resentment.
Just love and kindness.

They trust in you, with all that they have, to care, feed and love them.

Having said this, they also have another side to them.
One of purpose, importance and passion.
With not just a dash, but a spoon or two full of self confidence.

It seems as though these dogs never believe they can fail.
They don't know the meaning of failure.

If they are taken from their current mission, they soon find yet another, "just as important" mission to accomplish.

And so on.

I am hoping to sign a contract to be a dog in my next life.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

What a Flake

"Change the way you look at yourself, and expect miracles!" Love Di

Diets, fashion, cars, homes, careers; all things differ depending on the person.
We all walk in this same world, however what we chose to create in our lives, individually, can be a world apart from the lives of those even standing right beside us.

How the media, and the public eye has allowed us to believe that to be "something" or "someone" would depend upon whether or not we were following the status quo is actually out of this world.

Each one of us is as unique as a snowflake.
There is not one of us, the same, in every way.
So how is it we assume we must follow the fads, and the fixations that we are exposed to, telling us what we must achieve to be and look successful.

I know, for myself, I could never imagine being anything, anywhere, or being anyone other than who I am.

All the riches in the world would never be enough for me to hand over my life.
Whatever it is that you may feel you wish you had in your life, as compared to what you do have, is actually yours for the having.
You don't ever have to wish you were someone else, who has these things.

All you must do is understand that you are worthy, and ask for it.
Many say "What a Flake" like it's a bad thing!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

This Is It!

I Love Me"
LoVe Di

A very profound circumstance has made me rethink what I think about, and why. We all have these moments, where we sit back, and have the "Ah Ha" moment. The epiphany of "Things have to shift", as our awareness comes into play and we can no longer hide behind the truth.
I was at Walt Disney World recently, and in my fun purchases, found a "Tinker Bell" change purse, with the words "I 'HEART' ME" on it. You know, at first I loved it, and then something inside of me made me feel uncomfortable knowing that I will always have to acknowledge this every single time I give or receive change!
Think about it. How profound is it that we all want to love and be loved, and I had an issue with feeling too high on myself to have this stare me right in the face. What if people around me rolled their eyes?
Then I was shocked that I thought this, where did this mindset come from?
Finally, I realized I would be giving as much as receiving!
Every time I give change, it is an energy I could perceive as love, and vice versa.
Why do we want to hide love, when all we all really want is only love?
So now I happily carry around my little Tinker Bell Change purse everywhere I go, without second guessing my self love, and also knowing that we are a sum of our thoughts, so the more I use it and say "I LOVE ME" the closer I am to truly loving myself, and learning to always chose love!

Talk about retail therapy!!!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS


"It's never so much what we want to achieve.
Rather, how much we want to achieve it!" Love Di
I was speaking to someone the other day of how we don't realize our education does actually get us somewhere, whether or not we believe so, if our career visions don't match the paper we received before getting to where we are.

Since I was a little girl, I always had a passion to have my own greeting cards. I was an avid drawer, and won many ribbons for my work, since Kindergarten. So much that years and years passed, and when I was 18 years old, my best friend and I planned this wonderful business of having our own greeting cards. Targeting teenagers and college students, with funky designs, cool and funny quotes and pictures of chaotic experiences of life as a student, we knew we were going to be a hit.
Having planned this, we realized in order to market this we would have to have a clue in Marketing 101. So, like any intelligent students would do, we up and left our small town and headed for a 3 year Business Marketing Degree Program at one of the top Colleges.

We both graduated, and moved on to work in our fields, but left one thing behind in our travels.

Our Greeting Card Business.

As luck would have it, four years after I graduated, I was blessed with many exciting high profile corporate career positions. However, I was not feeling as though I was really making my mark with my passions and creativity.

Having my education landed me Marketing positions in the exciting world of Fashion, to Executive Support in one of the largest International Gold Mining companies, but I didn't feel like I was really striking my success that was screaming in my heart.

It took moving across the country, and numerous positions, before I positioned myself in the perfect place at the perfect time, stumbling upon one of the most magical, inspiration and outstanding Greeting Card companies that I now have my own business with, following my passions and my purpose every single day I wake up to a new chance to help the world.

I could say I certainly don't need that piece of paper that claims my Education, right?
If it weren't for the steps I took, and the patience and persistence to believe I will find my way, whichever way that is, I seriously believe I may have missed my mark.

Every step we take is a progression to the next phase of our lives. What you do today does not mean you will be doing it tomorrow, but we must understand the serious impact our growth has on our ability to reach that goal, claim that passion as ours, and create a life where we can wake up EVERY day and say;
"This is seriously the best day of my life"

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

In Other Words

"It doesn't matter how clearly we speak our minds, if we are not speaking the same language" LoVe Di

We live our lives, with many people, and many diverse backgrounds from these people, whether cultural, behavioral exposures from our childhood, family structure, financial status.

You name it.

When we communicate with others, we are not just communicating within the scope of our direct relationship. That would make life easy, of course. We must in fact, also take into consideration what both parties are speaking, in terms of language that is familiar to them.

Even if we are both speaking Spanish, English, Cantonese, we still have a very high chance of hearing something completely different than what is being said.

We all have our own unique communication characteristics, and what one person says that may sound upsetting to us, could very well be normal to the person saying it.

If you witness an Italian family communicating, you can notice alot of raising of voices, and shouting, not to mention a select few non verbal hand, arms, and even full body gestures, that some may find offensive; yet Italian families are known to some as the most passionate family oriented dynamics in terms of Nuclear and Extended households.

The diversity of what one finds normal or abnormal in terms of communication is so intensely different, that it is important in our relations to anyone, for us to be compassionate about the languages and body languages spoken, and understanding that everyone has their own background, that is now the forefront of their communication styles.

Not to say that we should openly accept when verbal or non verbal behaviors are clearly out of line, however, we can learn to love, and truly love everyone by accepting them as unique, being able to sit back and actually embrace that we are all speaking the language that we know.

Perhaps by doing so, words may not cut so deep, and we can look at things another way, rather then just our own way.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS