I remember Kindergarten, how I would always hold my girlfriends' hands, as we walked around the school yard. We were so innocent, and only expressed what we felt in our hearts. True friendship. However, the innocent expressions between us sometimes turned to jealousy, if one girl had another girl's hand, instead of mine.
Or if I had one friend's hand instead of another.It is never easy meeting people we will truly connect with, so we fear, when finding them, that we will lose them, if we have to share them.Whether it is our girlfriends, our boyfriends, or both; for Men and Women equally, as beings wishing and hoping only to be cared for, we can spend much time worrying about not having those in our lives, stay.
So we grab hold of them as tight as we can. We do all we can to hold tight to our connections, so they will not break.In doing so, we may be loosening the tight bond we have with ourselves, as we loose sight of our inner friendship.
We are trying so hard to be with others to feel whole.It is always nice to have a hand to hold.
Having said that, it is also nice knowing that no matter who is around, we always have someone to care for, someone that truly cares about us, too.Ourselves. Friendships will come and go, or come and stay.
Either way...
Hold your friendships dear to your heart, but don't forget to spend a little time with YOU.
Embrace it, cherish it, and know that the more you get to know you, the more you can share yourself with others.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Own It!

"We can only start believing in Faith when
we believe in ourselves!" Love Di

I had a vision that inspired, my lately not so inspiring thoughts. I have in my own life, not been "owning" the successes that were right in front of me. I blew them off, without enthusiasm, and without charisma. I have not been owning my power, my place and my purpose. I have been getting things done, however my drive and dedication was lacking, and I was losing sight because of this.

My vision of where I thought I should be in other areas of my life, at this point where my success was flourishing was not what I thought should be the case. Instead of focusing on the amazing Success I have accomplished, I focused on what I didn't accomplish while this took place.

I felt my place in my life was lacking in areas.I felt I was not worthy of owning this certain Success, as I didn't have everything else execuded at the same success rate. Then it dawned on me.Sure, we can do all things, pretty well, but only 1 or two things very very well.If we try to do too many things, we will not be able to accomplish them with great drive, and focus.I lost Faith in knowing that by focusing on the Abundance of my one priority, now my biggest
Success in my life, the rest will come. It always follows suit. So in owning our success that is, will help us in leading by example not only for those around us, but first, with ourselves. You will notice that those who succeed are those who are confident, and secure with their worth, and manifest it as such, with a specific focus. So believe in abundance in your life not only as real, but as YOURS, one success at a time.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Que Sera; Sera!

Que Sera, Sera!

We all remember the Doris Day Famous words in her song.I assume, if you are my age or any older. Whatever will be will be.

Sometimes we want things so much and put so much emphasis on wanting these things, we end up with the opposite. So you ever notice when you want so badly to fall in love, attain financial freedom, lose weight, get a promotion- you name it, you don't end up getting it? We hear it everywhere.

"Live abundantly";

"Focus on the positive";

"Say your mantras";

Repeat your 'I AM' statements."

The Law of Attraction tells us we will truly get what we put out there. And this is true.However, you can say it until you are blue in the face, but until you believe what you are saying- you will manifest whatever your thoughts are telling you, no matter what your words are. So don't just talk the talk- walk the walk.

Through the best of times, and the worst of times- walk with your best foot forward, and know that what will be will be, and will be great, if you believe in the greatness that you already are.

The future is not ours to see- it is ours TO BE.

Que Sera, Sera!


LuCy sMiLeS

What Now?

"Embrace now, NOW, before you wish you had, later"
Love Di

Consider for a moment, what you are thinking at this very moment.
Or, ok, the moment before you got this email to read.

What were you thinking?
Was it about that guy that cut you off to race home, ending up getting to the turning red light, making it no further than you?

Is it the girl at the restaurant at lunch who clearly heard you say "No mayo, extra mustard" and did the exact opposite?

What about how anxious you get at the though of having made plans for this Saturday night with your extended family members you wish would stop asking you to make plans- you always saying no; hense your "yes" to this Saturday night?

When we take inventory of our thoughts, we may notice the good majority of them are focused on the "this and that" of the past, and the "what ifs" of the future.

Today I had an experience which made me stop and realize how blessed I am that I have the opportunity to be so healthy and at ease with my life right now.
I was so thankful that what I had in my life NOW was so gratifying and so unbelievably beautiful. I had to shake my head at myself for not simply being in what was "now."

My reason for this is I spent my entire sunny happy lovingly beautiful day with a happy, loving and beautiful very very good friend of mine, who doesn't have it so well.

My friend has struggled with cancer, for years, and we spent the day in test after test, appointment after appointment.

She still struggles. Now if not, worse, than before.

I realized, in my thoughts, that she had to sit, with the NOW, and with all that she is struggling, probably wishing on anything she could, that she could be struggling with anything from the past, or the what ifs of the future.

However, she is not so blessed.

She lives in the NOW for what is real for her, and her illness is far from a "worry" or a "what if."

It is a "what is."

Many of us only have to.

So what are you thinking?
So what if you have been hurt in the past?
You made it through.

So what if you worry if you will ever make it through the future?

What now?LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Say It Isn't So

"We can all use a little
word replacement therapy!"
Love Di

We may not notice what we say during the day. Things that to us seems like no big deal- but can be major deal breakers in our journey to success.

"I am so broke!"

"I am never going to get this done!"

"There are no jobs in my field!"

"I am never going to find the love of my life."

"I will always be overweight- it is in my genes!"

"I tried to do it, but it is too complicated for me to understand."

"I am too introverted to meet new people."

Sound familiar?Even if these don't ring a bell in your vocabulary, I am sure, if you are like me, we have a few areas in which we can use tweaking in what we are telling the universe that to us, rings true. And in doing so, the Universe gives back only what it hears.It is like a child, or even animals.

It only knows what it sees and hears.And only believes what it sees as true,without judgment. Do you notice a little child, noticing what is going on around him/ her?He/ she will simply observe- eyes wide open.
Same with a Dog.

For children, until we teach them how to speak, and what to believe; they are their own writers in their world, and soon in our world of words and vocabulary that we expose them to. We can see how our mind's tapes play many negative stories, as we have grown up with negativity, in many ways.

Not to judge our pasts for where we are now, but taking accountability for how we play these tapes, in our lives, to get to the best place we can be. So erase all of the negative that is not helping you grow, and replace it!

Instead of saying:"I am never going to get this done!" Say: "I am positively progressing every minute!" See how this change in vocabulary will also serve in changing what you have and what you attain in your life!

Go Get'Em!


LuCy sMiLeS

Monkey See Monkey Do

"I have thought it-I have thought I couldn't do it-
but I have done it!"
Love Di

With all of the differences we portray in life,
it is no wonder we may feel confused not
only as to which road to take;
but which plans to make, in our lives.
We see so many opportunities out there.

It can take us a while to figure out which one resonates best with us. As well, even when we do find our niche, our passion, and what will serve as our purpose in life, we still struggle. Our struggles come from not knowing where to begin, and how to accomplish our goals, even when we now know what our goals are.

It seems as though even though we are so different, each one of us, we still have one very similar quality- doubt. We are so hard on ourselves, we feel as though unless we have all the answers, all the tools, and can master our trades 100%, we cannot move forward. I am here to tell you that there are so many resources, people, and mediums for all passions out there, that we have no excuse but to be our own Masters in our lives.

Whether we teach, sing, guide, nurse, assist, or lead- we have no shortage of guides to teach us, assist us, and lead us in the right directions- for us on our journey to greatness. They say:"Monkey See Monkey Do..."

What do you have to do, for you, to do what you have always wanted to do, in your life?

Don't just sit there...


LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

From The Ground Up

"I woke up, I opened my eyes, I saw life, and I smiled" What more is there?
Love Di

We are given this shell, this largest organ filled with many other organs that learn to work together, to attain a common goal. Living.
Since we were young, we only knew of this, as ours, whatever that is, for us. We are all different.Different hair. Different eyes. Different skin. Many of us struggled with this.Brunettes wishing they were blonde.

Light faired skinned individuals perhaps wishing they could get some color without burning.Dark skinned people wishing to have more fair skin, having been judged for having not.

It is almost as though we wanted what we didn't have, having had it, if we were anything different.We may feel we are failing or have failed, because we were different- and not good enough.

In all of our learning, in school, or in life, we may have been bombarded when we felt we couldn't understand what was being taught.

However, of all the confusion we have endured, one simple study could have helped us along the way. A lesson in "Acceptance."

There is always going to be something we don't want, something we wish we had, or we wondered would be if things were different.

If we can accept who we are, not only from the inside out, but from the ground up, for all we are- maybe our perspective on life will be better, and we can get an "A" after all.

An "A' in acceptance.

Give me an "A!" Love,LuCy sMiLeS


"If you want it badly enough, you will find what you need to get it."
Love Di

In our attempts to reach our goals, attain our dreams, or accomplish what we have set out for ourselves, sometimes we can already set ourselves up for failure.

When you are focused on your goals, what are you focused on?

Are you focused on all the information you need? All the steps that it will take? All the money you will have to make, before you get there?

On our road to success, one thing that stops us from making it to the finishing line is that we don't give ourselves the opportunity to see it in the first place.

If you cannot visualize yourself, as having executed what you are setting out to execute, you may never reach your goals.

We feel this need to know everything, have everything, and be everything before we get there.

All the while never even closing our eyes to see what "there" looks like.

If we can put aside all the haves, needs, and wants, and understand the "why", with 100% intention- the rest will come.

If you have a dream. See it... Smell it... Be it...

Feel your body, and it's reaction to living in that place you are only dreaming of living.

If you can dream it, you can be it.

So see it, believe it, and it will come to you.

As long as you have the right intention, you will manifest the right results.

LuCy sMiLeS

It's On Me!

"I had a habit of giving my habits life, realizing they were taking away from mine."

Love Di

We all have habits. Some more than others. Some of us have less bad habits than we did before. Maybe we have more now than we ever thought we would. Maybe we don't realize what habits have formed that are hindering our health.

Habits are not all bad.However, we do know of many that are.I am happy to say I have less than I have had before, but do still have the lingering couple of habits I can do without. Habits I would be better off without.When wanting to rid of bad habits, we can be better off not by simply focusing on 'ridding', but instead 'exchanging.'

In my experience, by looking at this change as something positive, rather than the negative perception of "losing something", or "stopping something"- I was entirely and surprisingly successful!We all have different ways of coping with loss, trauma, and transition.Even so, try this test of writing down what habits you wish to leave behind- and replace it for a positive change. See what happens, and how you feel!Supplement for Success!

If you have a habit of having bad thoughts? Exchange them for gratitude, journalling your thankfuls!If you have a habit of losing your temper? Show appreciation and compliment who you lose your temper to!If you have a habit of abusing substances?

(and for this, I realize there is more work here to do) Supplement this with a sport or exercise that is in alignment with purity, and health!Just see what taking positive action in your life does for you, one day at a time.Give your life the meaning it deserves!I swear it works!(Let's just say you wouldn't be reading my "smiles" the last two years if I decided not to take my own advice, and take positive action in my own life!)"

Paying It Forward",


LuCy sMiLeS