" Life is all about choices. I have a feeling if I make great choices, chances are I will have a great life."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Not only do we have feelings, but we actually base our lives on our feelings.
Think about it for a minute...
The choices we make; the decisions we come to;
all come down to how we feel.
None of us are going to attempt to hurt someone we love, if we feel secure and loving in our relationship with them.
None of us would be willing to sacrifice our connections if we truly felt our connections were secure and loving.
And when it truly comes down to it, our connections and our unconscious actions of hurting others is solely connected to our connection to self, whether we believe it or not.
The common denominator when it comes to chaos in our connections, always comes down to ourselves.
If we feel confused as to why someone may walk away, or not be able to connect with our feeling, it just isn't their feeling to feel. It simply is due to the fact that we only project that of which we feel, which in many cases is not what the other person can understand, no matter how close we may be to each other.
Add the years of unawareness for how our pasts have affected our present, and you can have room for disaster.
IF you do not take time to look into what may be causing dissary in your present day.
There is always going to be some past traumatic experience that CAN cause your present circumstance to either be troubled or triumphant.
It is always, again, up to you
If you look and understand why you are who you are, and not attach yourself to the past emotion that would cause you harm now, you can and will instead learn and grow from it.
And, if you look at what is going on, and how you feel, and understand why you could have otherwise chosen to react negatively, but choose to choose differently, you can and will instead learn and grow from it.
The choice is always up to you.
LuCy sMiLeS
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