"If you Don't have a Dream, Dream One Up!"
LoVe LuCy
I have to share this with you.
I noticed that the other day, walking along the seawall with a friend. If I don't go a certain fast enough pace, I cannot sustain my balance! I started thinking of that, in other aspects of my life.
If I work on my business a bit slower than usual, I get stumped, and start to lose my focus. Of course, I am not the best runner, either, and cannot go too fast, for I usually fall flat on my face. So, all in all, I figured out I have a pace, that works best for me. Whether the person beside me can go faster and remain with their chin still intact, or whether they can go slow and still stand tall;
I know, for me, I have my own individual stride. Not to say that one in a while, we may feel like we are all going one step forward and two steps back, or worse; but knowing what works best for ourselves, on our own path, may eventually help in balancing it all out, after all. We can definitely learn from others, to see what may help us, in our success, as long as we know that what works best for one person, doesn't necessarily mean that it will work best for us.
Using our own intuition with the help of other peoples' insights may be just the ticket for getting to the front of the line, in our own lives! It is certainly better than taking the backseat!
LuCy sMiLeS
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