"In the end, it all makes sense."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
There are some of us who like change more than others.
There are some of us who cringe with the thought that things may turn out differently than we had hoped, and planned for.
Many things in our lives, don't go as planned.
I know for me, personally, I allow and embrace it much more than I would have ever imagined, and have grown to see the thrill in sometimes not so thrilling times.
People come into our lives, we never would have imagined we could have attracted, as people will leave our lives, whom we never assumed for a second would have to go.
We have all had endings of friendships, relationships, of which the ending didn't go as smoothly as we would have, again, hoped or planned for.
But with all endings, allows new beginnings, and also new ways not only of thinking, but new ways of understanding about who we are, and what we want in our lives.
Everyone that we meet, and every connection we have is an instrumental part in our growth.
In some circumstances, we will be left happy to have grown, and other times, we will be left confused for not having known better.
However, each and every time we take a chance in getting to know someone else, we are taking a chance at knowing ourselves a little better.
And perhaps the relationship will allow us to grow into an even better person, for having known them.
So understand that even if someone must leave your life, whether you have the ending leaving you confused, speechless, or hurt; it doesn't hurt to look at the experience for the lesson, and not the loss.
LuCy sMiLeS
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