That's The Spirit

"Smiling is the fastest way to finding happiness!"
LoVe LuCy

With the Holiday Season creeping upon us, I can't help but smiling and get a little childlike, when I see the lights, the displays, and the glimmers of hope for the next year to come. Not all of us celebrate the Holidays the same way.

Some of us don't celebrate at all; but what we can all collectively celebrate, is to celebrate Life, itself. Yes, there are times of the year, where we sit and reflect on what we are grateful for, and other times, where time may go by and we cannot even remember what day it is.

Being able to sit, and look at all we have in our lives, rather than all that we don't have can be the secret key to raising our spirits, and realizing that we have all we need, right now, and we have all the right to grab onto life, for all it has to offer.

I will not say that this is the easiest time for us, as a collective.

But, I CAN say that it is easier to crack a smile, more than not, and if we can smile at each other, no matter what our circumstances, we can make change in the lives of all we meet, and that just feels good. Know that you deserve everything you wish, and know that where you are, is just where you need to be, to get to that place. Never give up your hopes and dreams, just because they are not right in front of you.

Many people have achieved theirs, after very hard and tragic times, so know that you can too, it's just up to you to do!


LuCy sMiLeS

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