Taking full responsibility comes first;
when we fully put ourselves first."
LoVe LuCy
when we fully put ourselves first."
LoVe LuCy
We live our lives, to be part of other people's lives.We work on working on ourselves, and working on our relationships. Being that everyone is so different, and comes from different backgrounds, ideas, beliefs; we can sometimes have a hard time seeing eye to eye on matters; especially, of the heart.
While there are always going to be different ways of seeing things, we can do our best, to surround ourselves, and create bonds with those who have the same understanding and values, as we do.
It is imperative that we connect with others who wish for the same kind of relationship and who wish to embrace the same treatment, desires and dedications in relationships; that we, ourselves, do as well.
This is why some relationships work, and others do not.And we must embrace that sometimes, relationships do not work out.
We are here to be in relationships where we can still always have our own personal light shine, while connecting to another. Allowing ourselves to lose or dim our light, is losing sight of what is important for us.Lasting relationships are created with full and open communication that starts with trust, respect and stems from the fact that our individual needs are voiced, and cherished by another.
We do not have to "be" just like the other person, but rather always be ourselves, and not lose our sense of self, to settle into something that is not best for us. There are a lot of diverse relationships out there, and everyone has the right to embrace whichever relationship suits them best.
What is important in matters of the heart; is that we have our best interest at heart. More importantly, that we have true love for self, and know that everything we need, first and foremost, is all in one.
The One and Only.
LuCy sMiLeS
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