"The more you try to be like others, the less you like yourself."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
In today's world, it seems like we are wanting bigger, better, more than ever.
We seem, sometimes, to feel as though the more we have, the better we are.
Focusing on all we have surrounding us, rather than who we have surrounding us, and trying to attract more material possessions to make ourselves feel better, or feel that we are better, because of them, we can overlook the true sense of our true selves.
There is nothing wrong with working hard to achieve our dreams, and reaping all that we have sown.
We deserve to have it all, however we wish, and working with our true purpose to get there, makes it all worthwhile.
However, when we base our self worth, and how much we are worth, on how much we have, we may be making more problems for ourselves, than not.
All the riches in the world will never compare to our uniqueness in what we have to offer the world, from our hearts.
The closer we are to who we truly are, is what will bring us all the inner riches we could ever hope and dream for.
And if that bring in all the riches in our pockets we ever hoped and dreamed for, even better, as we have that much more to give to others.
But always remember, true wealth in life, always first comes from the heart.
LuCy sMiLeS
We seem, sometimes, to feel as though the more we have, the better we are.
Focusing on all we have surrounding us, rather than who we have surrounding us, and trying to attract more material possessions to make ourselves feel better, or feel that we are better, because of them, we can overlook the true sense of our true selves.
There is nothing wrong with working hard to achieve our dreams, and reaping all that we have sown.
We deserve to have it all, however we wish, and working with our true purpose to get there, makes it all worthwhile.
However, when we base our self worth, and how much we are worth, on how much we have, we may be making more problems for ourselves, than not.
All the riches in the world will never compare to our uniqueness in what we have to offer the world, from our hearts.
The closer we are to who we truly are, is what will bring us all the inner riches we could ever hope and dream for.
And if that bring in all the riches in our pockets we ever hoped and dreamed for, even better, as we have that much more to give to others.
But always remember, true wealth in life, always first comes from the heart.
LuCy sMiLeS
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