It's A Wonderful Life

 "The easy way to getting what you want, is loving what you have" LoVe Di 

It seems that the closer to the holidays, and most of all,
during the holidays, there is a lot more energy that goes 
into thinking about where we are, and what we have endured
over the past year. Moreover, a bit of stress evaluating all that we
wish to change.
Our thoughts go to resolutions to set in place, as soon as the
clock strikes twelve on December 31st- ringing in the new year;
and a whole new wonderful life.
We are sure that whatever habits, unfortunate circumstances, or
less than favourable situations took our energy the year prior, we
can stop drop and roll out a whole new way of being,
now that the new year is upon us.
If you are anything like me, the more energy I put on trying to close the door of the Ghosts of year's past, the less likely it is that they go away.
A new year is a great way to start new goals, and set a new vision for ourselves; however, we don't have to feel that we must throw away all that we have taken with us to this point, as we are who and where we are because of everything we are, it doesn't matter the year, month and date. 
That doesn't go away.
This year coming can and will be a wonderful life, but even more so, if we can just carry with us what already is a wonderful life, right now.
We don't have to change all of our ways in order to grow- just be ourselves, be with and do what we love, and cherish every moment as a new moment to shine even brighter than the moment before.
We don't need a whole new year to start a whole new wonderful life.
We just need to believe life is beautiful, all year round!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

We Are Blessed When We Care

"Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow"

How will it happen? When will it happen?
We are always so worried and wondering about the next steps in our life, we sometimes overwhelm ourselves with just what steps to take to get there.
So many times, we can be confused, and scared and perhaps a bit frustrated wondering when we will reap the benefits for all of our hard work.

Many times, we feel almost as though perhaps we haven't been doing enough, because if we get back ten fold what we put out there, we shake our heads because it hasn't come yet, so what have we been doing wrong?

There is no way to measure just when we will see all great things come back to us, from everything we are, and everything we do.

One thing in life, however, we can measure.
It is how we measure up to the best us.
If we can walk and talk and breathe being the best us we can be, we don't have to worry about whether or not our ship will come in, we will just know that the journey we are on, is that of upmost integrity, therefore we can just be, and be patient.

We are all going to slip up once in a while, but in doing so, perhaps we can see the lesson in knowing that we will always be provided for, and we will always be loved and cared for, all we have to do is love and care.

So simple.
And just as an Oak tree, which is the symbol of strength and endurance, doesn't stand so tall in the forest simply because of its roots, but instead from the support of all that surrounds it, to get it to its highest; we are just the same.
We all desire to love and to be loved.
And in doing so, we all have the strength to grow to become the greatest us we can be...

So do just that!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Check, Please...

"They say variety is the spice of life; I say a little Kahlua in my coffee works just as good"
LoVe Di

Check, Please!

So many things that we do, we do on autopilot. We wake up to our alarms, (press snooze about an average of 3 to 5 times), get up out of bed, brush our teeth, get breakfast, coffee, and off to work.

All to often, we may find ourselves seeming a bit off, when everything in our lives are seemingly on cue, and working fine.

The more aware we are about our emotions, the easier it is to get through every day with ease, and comfort. We need to check in with where we are, so we are not caught off guard by out of the blue breakdowns.

We are so good at what we do, because we do it so often, that it is second nature for us. But as the days and the months go on, we wonder where the time has gone, simply because we don't actually live in the present moment.

We certainly make the most of our time by getting as much done in as little time as possible, however, when is it a good time to take time out for ourselves?

Our days will get hectic, and the demands of life, family and social commitments may take up so much our time that we fail to commit to giving ourselves time to check in with our thoughts, and see how we, ourselves, are doing.

With the holidays here, we have much more on our plates, then any other time of the year.

So while you are working, shopping, wrapping, and giving to all those you love this Holiday Season, be sure to treat yourself, first.

LuCy sMiLeS

What's My Line?

"The only difference between fiction and non-fiction, is which one I believe is true"
Love Di

As a psychologist, ... Back up a minute.
I may not be a psychologist, on paper, but
as a Writer... That' s better.. a Woman, a sister, a friend, an Aunt, and a little girl (when I let myself be)- what happens in my life, depends on me, and what I chose to accept, reject, tolerate, enable, or disregard as truth.

Life is a simple class in Psychology 101.
Everything we are, breathe, believe, and act upon comes from our minds, our thoughts, our fears and our trust- in ourselves, and each other.

We all have different roles we play in our lives, and the lives of others.
And in the world as a whole.

To look at the economy, and it's positioning in current times, it begins and ends with the mind.

The Economy is not something separate from us, the economy is us.
But it seems as though we are all standing, waiting, biting our nails, like Actors, Actresses, waiting for the paper, the media, the storyline to give us our lines as to what to say next, and what to do and be next,
and how to show up.

We can act like we are puppets and characters in a play whose ending has not been revealed, or we can take it upon ourselves to create for ourselves, and each other an Economy that is rich, in spirit, which will lead to a more rich in security, not just financially, but emotionally.

Whoever says that we are going through hard times, took the first step.
It's he who follows through that takes the last.

What's my line?
As a Writer, I will write it myself.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Fuel to the Fire

"I'd fail Chemistry- as an Entrepreneur, I am too busy creating my own..."
LoVe Di

It goes without saying that the keys to success are patience and persistence, to be sure that we are not expecting a quick fix, an "over night" miracle, but mostly, to maintain something that is working, and not losing sight, and losing it, before it's too late...

Whether it is business or personal, the same rule rings true.

As well as patience and persistence, it is also imperative that we nurture our relationships with a constant and positive process, so we don't threaten neglecting the most important things that work to keep things going.
If we are expecting to get back something that we are not putting in, we will be wasting alot of energy.
We must continue to add fuel to our fire.

Like a flame in a fire, if we fail to keep it burning, the flames go out, and it takes much more energy to rekindle.

If we can be more proactive in understanding what our relationships need, and how to strengthen them, and keep them burning bright, constantly, then we take out the guess work of constantly wondering why things are not working in the first place.

We all have paradigms that perhaps leave us feeling limited, or in hindered beliefs of what our lives should look like, and what we should be doing, and how, and with who.. based on the stigma of everything around us, and what we grew up being told is the "norm."

I say toss anything inhibiting your growth , and add fuel to your the fire...

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS


Perhaps the secret to the truth is simply believing in your own"
LoVe Di

As a child, I was brought up Catholic. I attended church, every Sunday with my parents. As I grew older, my views on life, and everything that surrounded me began to expand, as I expanded my horizons, and set out to find my true passions, and with that, my own truth.

Along my journey, I was fortunate not only to meet and build amazing friendships and relationships- some that last to this day, and others that have since gone- but also to understand so many different beliefs that people have, and have grown up practicing that have given them the opportunity to feel faithful and hopeful for life, and all it has to offer.

If I had to believe everything that everyone I have met believes, I would barely have enough time to breathe. As would you.

Believe me, there was a time when I thought I should understand every Religion, in order to understand everyone in my life.
That is not the case.
We can all try to state our case, and try to push our beliefs on others, but as it has it, the only thing we need to understand and practice is loving kindness, and integrity- first within.

To accept someone for their beliefs, and embrace that they are truly on their own path to truth is what our world just may need in order to open up to a compassionate and accepting energy.

So if you are invited to a Holiday Party this hectic season, BYOB.
Bring your own belief.
And leave any judgment on others' at the door.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Second Nature

"You don't want to stoop to that level; even if you really want to"
~Shauna, LuCy's roomate
When we do things more than once-more often than not, they start to get comfortable, don't they?

Think of the things that you are good at; how much more effortlessly they become, the more practice you have.

In our growth and in our experiences, sometimes our determination to expand ourselves to get better at things grows. Make sense?

But, what about our determination to step out of a habit, rather than to better it?

For example, I will have to share this specific personal situation, and for all of you who know me; I am fine with doing so, if it will better others' understandings and expansion of their own.

I am so fortunate for my readership, with my "smiles", and I am very much compensated with emails, and phonecalls thanking me for my time, my creativity, and above all, my vulnerability in sharing, many times, the deepest parts of my personal experience, uneditted- in the hopes that my readers will benefit from my sharing.

Within my "fan mail" , can sometimes include not so favourable messages, which also allow for me to learn even more about myself through the process.

We can all be so ready to jump in and react in ways that we know best, through our past, and through our frustrations, and perhaps insecurities, or taking things personally.

I receipt of a "reader" unintentionally on my list (for 4 months, and must have just perhaps noticed 4 months worth of sMiLeS, in her bulk mail- and for that I am sorry lol) decided that she was not only upset about being on my list, she was furious that we as a whole, should "THINK GREEN AND HELP PEOPLE GET OFF THEIR COMPUTER ADDICTIONS, AND SPEND MORE TIME IN NATURE, INSTEAD OF STARING AT A SCREEN."

To which, I realized, I had a lesson in "personal grow regarding"
1) detachment 2) sympathy 3) compassion 4) patience 5) anger 6) judgement.

We have all been involved in situation that have taken place, perhaps less than favourable. But, we can all do ourselves a favour and realize that no matter what, things are going to happen, and people are going to say things, that perhaps we do not understand.

It is not what happens in life, but what steps we take in our reaction, to understand who we are, where we have been and how far we have come.

Today, I realized how far I have come, in my habit in reacting. I am blessed for this message, having replied to it, understanding how far I have come.

Thank you to all of my active readers...
And all of my "inactive" readers...

LoVe LuCy sMiLes

Raise The Bar

"If advice is free for the taking, can I still get a rain check?
LoVe Di
We all have so much in store, and sometimes we wonder what we are waiting for in life, that we can bypass the signs, and messages that stand right in front of us, telling us how far we have come, thanks to loving energies, reminding us that we are in fact growing, and ok to grow...

There are going to be days when we may feel afraid to ask for a helping hand, or to allow things into our lives that are supposedly "more" than we may feel we deserve.

But if they are in front of us, being offered, freely, we must at least give it that much; that it is free for the taking. People are here for each other to assist in raising the bar, in life, and holding their hands for us, when we may feel this bar is out of reach.

We also tend to undervalue our presence in other's "now."
Just as we are being helped on our path, and being guided to where we need to go, we are just as much being the strength for others who may not have the strength on their own, to continue on their path to greatness.
It just works that way.

We may have a broken dream here and there, and may fear going forward, because of so many fears that perhaps hinder our belief that we are capable of love, care, and support.

But believe when I say " you can always find strength in every moment you have lived thus far", and if someone offers a helping hand to get you to the next moment?

Just smile and say thank you... It will prompt you to do just the same for someone else.

Would you want to take that amazing feeling from someone?
I didn't think so...

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

"I live a conscious life- I am very conscious of when it is time to close my mouth... I am half way there..." LoVe Di

It doesn't seem to matter how far we come, in terms of learning, once in a while, our programs or egos can get the best of us.

Just because we are growing on our paths, whether spiritually or emotionally, our emotions are very powerful and can take the wheel- driving us, sometimes, out of our minds.

Thinking back to personal or professional conflicts in your life, maybe for some of us, not so far back, that perhaps seem to endure much longer than anticipated; can you sense a common theme?

It seems as though when we react based on our emotions, we can definitely stir the pot much more than if we are to take a look at the situation, perhaps stepping out of it, emotionally, to look at what is, from a different stand point.

All of us have been hurt in our lives in one point or another, so is it not always an easy task to separate from our emotions when we are struggling with a conflict. Not only do we attack from the emotions we are feeling at the moment, but our ego takes the initiative to remind us of all the other wonderful time we felt this way, causing chaos in our hearts, and on the surface.

We can say hurtul things, we can battle until blue in the face, when faced with feelings based on our core emotions.

Just as emotions strike a physical response in our bodies, we may tend to physically strike out with partners, friends, and family.

It only take a small change in our awareness of our behaviours to shift our beahviours.

So next time you sense your emotions are about to get the best of you, try to understand where they are coming and why.

And perhaps when you do so, you can leave them in the past, and let sleeping dogs lie...

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

If You Will

"It's not so much the act of dreaming, but more our willingness to act on them!" LoVe Di
Waking up each morning, we are given a very generous opportunity. Just as when we were younger, during art class- given a blank paper, crayons, markers, paint, you name it- it was ours alone to go with it what we will.

We can look at our lives, as the same fortuity of limitless creation. As we chose one brush stroke; one colour at a time, perhaps mixing two colours we didn't realize can manifest into something beyond our mind's understanding; it is then, that our world will open up to boundless possibilities.

And just as, perhaps, when we were younger, our picture would not serve us, and we may crumble it up, throw it on the floor, and start over, we must be just as willing to do the same, now.

Will you take the chance at starting over, every day as a new day?

As a new month starts today, and also will end the year, we have the opportunity to look back on what we have lived through, how we chose to paint our picture, and what we have achieved. If we feel we want to continue sketching, painting, or colouring from the same canvas, let's do so. If we need to walk away from one that we don't know what stroke next to take, and work on a new piece, rather than mark up a potentially pretty piece, than do it.

Be willing to follow your heart, and be willing to paint the scenery of your life, how you view it, now. Only you know what colours work best, and what strokes lead to success for you.

Draw out all that you feel inside, and to master your own piece, one movement at a time.

You may be surprised with the end result.

LuCy sMiLeS