"Tights, a cape and a wand?
Where do I sign up?"Love LuCy
Try this for one day, I dare you...
You won't make yourself look bad- on the contrary. You also won't embarass yourself in front of anyone, or get odd looks, pointed fingers, or giggles.
But, what you will get, is a noticeable difference not only in your day, but in the day of everyone you come into contact with.
I dare you to spend a full day, no matter what you have going on, "visualizing" that you are wearing your ideal Super Hero Outfit!
You can borrow one from an existing Super Hero, or you can design a unique masterpiece, just for you to wear, in your mind's eye!
The power of the mind being what it is, will truly shift your thoughts beyond your wildest dreams, if you just play the part!
If we walk around believing that we can own our power, and are truly magnificent, with the outfit to prove it, perhaps we can use this one day to tap into our true potential, beauty and purpose in life!
Just as many of us use our power to beat ourselves down, and ridicule ourselves, and unfortunately others in our path, we can switch that power from evil to good!
Since life is an illusion, we can create it however we see fit.
So fit yourself into that almighty and powerful being that you know you already are, and celebrate it with passion!
LuCy sMiLeS
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