"It doesn't matter up to now,
it matters from now, on..." LoVe LuCy

Yes, it can be said "It's just like any other day."
Many can claim "New Year's Resolutions? They never stick, it is such a farce."
Far be it for me to disagree with others, judge others for their thoughts and opinions.
However... for me, I am going to take this New Year's Eve as a celebration.

Not only for the last year, and surviving through some of the hardest times of my life, but instead, I am going to celebrate the entire last decade- for all that it offered, all that it gave, and all those whom I have been blessed to have given, as well.Sure, we must celebrate every waking moment, as a gift, as it is.

But, I feel, for many, not just myself, this year is different.I feel the energy of those I have spoken to idifferent.It is more positive.

More alive, if you will.Many of those I have been blessed to discuss this past year's happenings are not so much pained by the past, but instead looking to break free, in the coming months, with their heads held high, and with very high hopes for a much more amazing future.

It is not only a celebration of closing the doors on many things we are thankful to leave behind, but more, opening the doors to all of the opportunity that lies before each one of us, equally, going forward.I hope you are with me on this one.

We made it, through thick and thin, good times and bad, and for some of us, perhaps nearly until death did us part.

But WE ARE HERE, we are together...

And it looks like we made it!


LuCy sMiLeS

High Time

"Sometimes the Only Way is Waiting."
LoVe LuCy

Anticipation for what's next can be almost torturous, when we find ourselves in a space that is not exactly where we thought we would be, up to this point.

Or, if we felt we were somehow ahead the game before, and have back pedaled a few, to where we now, stand. Somehow we have this perception of what life is to be like. We have a vision that perhaps started from when we were youngsters, looking up to those older, and wiser than we were.

You know the supposed proper procession of what getting older looks like. Graduating, then graduating again, perhaps. Meeting the person we are meant to spend the rest of our lives with, and following that up with the career , the house, the car or cars, and the children. Even though so many of us have a less than traditional life than this, there is still, in many ways, a perceived plan that we feel is to take place, to be on that right track. We may assume that there are steps set in place, in some form or another, that if followed, will lead us to that very anticipated position, where all comes together, gracefully and peacefully.

I have come to realize that Life, in itself is a series of very sporadic steps rather than a well defined pattern that all of us are to follow. Being that we are all so truly unique, one patterned plan of life could not possibly be what must be used for the other.

If so, we would all be in the same career, living in the same house, and married to the same people. Well, you know what I mean. I think it is High Time that we all realize our life's paths are ours to walk, no matter which way it takes us.

The most important part of our path is being open to turning when our intuition tells us, and also being able to stop and take a moment to breathe- especially when there is no path yet set in front of us, to continue; and having the patience, until there is. If this is so, it will come, and you will come through for yourself, which is the very biggest step of all.


LuCy sMiLeS

One Foot In Front Of The Other

"If you Don't have a Dream, Dream One Up!"
LoVe LuCy

I have to share this with you.

I noticed that the other day, walking along the seawall with a friend. If I don't go a certain fast enough pace, I cannot sustain my balance! I started thinking of that, in other aspects of my life.

If I work on my business a bit slower than usual, I get stumped, and start to lose my focus. Of course, I am not the best runner, either, and cannot go too fast, for I usually fall flat on my face. So, all in all, I figured out I have a pace, that works best for me. Whether the person beside me can go faster and remain with their chin still intact, or whether they can go slow and still stand tall;

I know, for me, I have my own individual stride. Not to say that one in a while, we may feel like we are all going one step forward and two steps back, or worse; but knowing what works best for ourselves, on our own path, may eventually help in balancing it all out, after all. We can definitely learn from others, to see what may help us, in our success, as long as we know that what works best for one person, doesn't necessarily mean that it will work best for us.

Using our own intuition with the help of other peoples' insights may be just the ticket for getting to the front of the line, in our own lives! It is certainly better than taking the backseat!
LuCy sMiLeS

Damage Control

"The Right Time is Always Now."
LoVe LuCy

With the year closing in, we may be looking back on all that has transpired over the last 12 months.
All the amazing people we have met, all the amazing lessons we have learned. Perhaps we have been looking forward to putting a few things behind us, in preparation for a brand new year, and a brand new perspective on life.

Whatever the case may be, any unfinished business can be handled, in order for us to feel great about ourselves, our positions, and the position we see ourselves in for 2010.

There is no better time to shed old skin and shed light on our accomplishments from the last year. There is no better time to pray for those around us, whom we love, and wish them the best, in their hopes for a great year to come.

Taking inventory on our life is a great form of cleansing, when we are turning the clocks to a new year. Taking a moment to sit in a place of gratitude, for all the happenings up to now, will allow us the best state of mind, and the best intentions, going forward.

Whatever your dreams and your goals are, that you have set for yourself; know that your days to now had much importance of helping you grow to be the best you can be.

The good times, and perhaps the bad times, all played an instrumental role in allowing for you to see for yourself, what your strengths are, and perhaps where you still have space for growth.

Make sure you take a moment or two for yourself in next couple of days to look within and see what you are wishing to achieve as we get ready to ring in a new year, and a new outlook for love of your life.

LuCy sMiLeS

Without A Shadow of A Doubt

"If you really must know, ask your heart."
LoVe LuCy

Every morning, when I wake up in my new home, in Vancouver, I not only get to take in the beautiful picturesque city from over the water, but as well, a more deeply moving and magical sight. Standing tall amongst my view, atop a chimney, every single morning, since I have been living here, the last month; is a Blue Herring.

I now call Baby Blue. I didn't know what kind of bird it was, until I asked my friend, who I live with. The strangest and most powerful feeling would pour in my heart, as though the bird had some strange connection with me; more importantly, a very powerful message. Every morning, since I noticed her, I would wake up, and the first thing I would do, is rush to my window to see, if she, again, would be there. And she always is.

Many mornings the weather would be raining, cold, dark and very damp- but she would be there, high above the houses, almost like a sore thumb, withstanding whatever her circumstance. It has gotten to the point, that I would tear up, so emotionally, and actually thank her for being such a role model in my life, and allowing me to know that I, too, can withstand whatever my circumstances, should I so choose to.

Until this morning, I haven't looked up the meaning of the Blue Herring, though I have been meaning to since the first day we met. I woke up to her, again, this morning, beautifully nestled on her chimney top, and decided it was time, to see what she was meaning to tell me, even though I already knew. I wish to share with you this beautiful message, from a beautiful new friend of mine, as I also wish you a Happy Holiday, and all the confidence you can imagine for a prosperous, magical and abundant 2010.

Blue Heron - The Meaning:

According to North American Native tradition, the Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance.

They represent an ability to progress and evolve. The long thin legs of the heron reflect that an individual doesn't need great massive pillars to remain stable, but must be able to stand on one's own.Blue Herons have the innate wisdom of being able to manoeuvre through life and co-create their own circumstances.

Blue Herons reflect a need for those with this totem to follow their own unique wisdom and path of self-determination.

These individuals know what is best for themselves and need to follow their hearts rather than the promptings of others.

Those with the Medicine of the Great Blue Heron may sit until the rest of us lose patience. And, when they follow the promptings of the heart, they are one of the most magnificent when they choose to soar.This is the message that Blue Heron brings.


LuCy sMiLeS

The Eleventh Hour

"If I had known sooner, I wouldn't have known best."
LoVe LuCy

Although we know, in our hearts, that all things really do happen for a reason; we still have such a hard time trying to allow for things to happen, at their own due time.

We want all clarity for our circumstances, and we want it, now.

Sometimes not knowing is the most important part of our growth.
And when we do get clear on the reasons surrounding our circumstances, we get it at just the right time we need, to fully take in and understand our journey and our purpose for it.

I can look at my experiences, in hindsight, and can truly say that when I was in a certain situation, I wouldn't have taken it the same, had I known all of it's reasons, then, instead of after the fact.

Our moments are always filled with messages, and those messages, in whichever form they are found and understood are always pertaining to love.

Love of another; love of oneself; love of life, itself.

Who we come in contact with, who we have a hard time communicating with, is all a message of Love.

Even if we truly cannot see what is right in front of us, sometimes until the eleventh hour, we can, until that point, have clarity of love.

We are not going to know everything, all of the time, and sometimes it will seem like it is taking forever for us to understand why things are happening, and happening to us.

But, if we can look to Love to shed light on our life, we may at least be half way there!

LuCy sMiLeS

Word Has It

"Faith is not only believing in that which you do not see; but believing you can manifest that which you merely say."
LoVe LuCy

I had a wakeup call this morning. Literally and figuratively speaking. I was amidst a very interesting dream about my business, and how, if I am proactive and consistent and really ask for what I want, and follow it with action,

I will, in fact, get what I ask for. I know, it could have been a much more interesting dream than that, but oh well. Then, my blackberry started ringing, and once I realized it wasn't part of my dream, I picked it up, not recognizing the number.

Waking up, I realized it was a very beautiful friend of mine, who I haven't spoken to in a while. In our discussion, we spoke of our life; where we were; and where it was leading. More importantly, being that her and I had been so close, for some time, even oceans apart, I reminded her of something rather interesting.

Where we are now, is exactly what we asked for, then. I remembered a specific conversation with her, over two years ago, where she said something, very clear about her intentions for her life; which would have been the exact opposite of where she was, at that point. I clearly remember looking at her, straight in the face and saying,
"If that is what you want, and you clearly ask for it- you are in fact going to get it." And, today, in speaking to her, very closely, while we are miles away, I reminded her that she truly spoke of wanting for herself, all that she truly has, now.

Looking at my life, I see, that, with the exception for a few extra circumstances that came with my journey-I guess, for good measure and a few extra lessons to learn, to grow even stronger than I thought imaginable...

Where I am, and what I have experienced in my life, the last couple of years, as well, have been truly what I put out there, to have happen. You know the saying.."You asked for it!" Our words are very powerful.What we speak of, in our minds, and what we share, to our friends, has a distinct energy.

If you want something, you must not only simply want it, but you must word it, and in a specific fashion to be clearly understood, by the Universe. It only believes what you say, as what you must want, and acts accordingly.So be confident, and be careful. Speak your mind, and speak your truth, and watch what happens, next. Word has it, it's really quite something.

LuCy sMiLeS

If It Ain't Broke

"Sometimes inner wellness comes with leaving well enough, alone."
LoVe LuCy

It seems to be in our nature, that we are so good at noticing all the things that aren't working in our lives.

So much so, in fact, that we almost assume that
things are not in as good working order as they can be.

And if we do, in a moment's notice, realize that something specific IS working out, especially,
if working out really great; we assume it is just a matter of time before it, too, stops working.

We have all done it. We have been in a relationship, a job, or some sort of position, and hoped it would just get better than it is, or wondered if it would not be that good, for much longer. It isn't that we walk around, wanting to be negative, and pessimistic in our lives.It is also not that we are naive to what is, or ignorant to our surroundings.

It is that little voice of fear that creeps up when the noise around us sits still even for a moment, giving us that second to second guess things that we are going through.

Whether good or bad. We've all had times, where we felt we needed to pinch ourselves, because what was in front of us was simply too good to be true, and it would fizzle, eventually, because to us, nothing so good can possibly last.

And we have also had times, where circumstances we were involved in were just so horrendous, there didn't seem to be any way it could change, let alone for the better. It is always, in the end, whichever way we choose to look at it.

If we think something or someone is going to fail us, it or they just may.

But if we can change that thought, and be open to knowing that we CAN have as much as we wish, we just have to think it to be true, and very much ok; we may be surprised to find all great things, just around the corner for us, if not already staring us right in the eyes. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it!


LuCy sMiLeS

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

With such intense pain comes such intense growth."LoVe LuCy

Nobody likes it. Nobody screams with their hands flying in the air, amongst a crowd of millions, yelling "Pick me, pick me..." when it comes to pain.

We don't "only dream" of waking to rub our eyes, in the early moments of the morning, only to realize that where we are, isn't just a bad dream. They say hard times are had by all.And they, as they usually are; are right.

While what we go through may not always be easy, it is how we get through the struggles, we do go through.

What parts of ourselves, scream high into the air, with all will and honour for ourselves, through pain; through horror; through relentless determination to not give up no matter what the fight; no matter what the fear is, that keeps screaming back at us. It takes time; life.

The important things to realize, is not to let time fly passed us, without loving in the magic of every moment given.Not to let time stand still, so much that we do not proceed with patience no matter how slow our growth seems; to excel as much as we can no matter how confusing the equation may seem.

There, indeed, is magic behind every message, whether moaned, or muttered.

What we do with our messages is what makes every mountain moveable, simply with our minds, if we believe in ourselves worthy of moving forward, no matter the elements in our way. Remember, who you are, and what you are worth, no matter come what may.


LuCy sMiLeS

All In One

Taking full responsibility comes first;
when we fully put ourselves first."
LoVe LuCy

We live our lives, to be part of other people's lives.We work on working on ourselves, and working on our relationships. Being that everyone is so different, and comes from different backgrounds, ideas, beliefs; we can sometimes have a hard time seeing eye to eye on matters; especially, of the heart.

While there are always going to be different ways of seeing things, we can do our best, to surround ourselves, and create bonds with those who have the same understanding and values, as we do.

It is imperative that we connect with others who wish for the same kind of relationship and who wish to embrace the same treatment, desires and dedications in relationships; that we, ourselves, do as well.

This is why some relationships work, and others do not.And we must embrace that sometimes, relationships do not work out.

We are here to be in relationships where we can still always have our own personal light shine, while connecting to another. Allowing ourselves to lose or dim our light, is losing sight of what is important for us.Lasting relationships are created with full and open communication that starts with trust, respect and stems from the fact that our individual needs are voiced, and cherished by another.

We do not have to "be" just like the other person, but rather always be ourselves, and not lose our sense of self, to settle into something that is not best for us. There are a lot of diverse relationships out there, and everyone has the right to embrace whichever relationship suits them best.

What is important in matters of the heart; is that we have our best interest at heart. More importantly, that we have true love for self, and know that everything we need, first and foremost, is all in one.

The One and Only.

LuCy sMiLeS

Here! Here!

"The Best Part of Living in the NOW, is That You Cannot Also Be Worrying About the Future!"
LoVe LuCy

Coming even closer to the holidays, we are hustling and bustling to get our shopping done, and for most of us, as well, all of our work done that keeps piling on our desks.

We are worrying about the Christmas Dinner plans, and how to celebrate bringing in the New Year, so it's just absolutely perfect, this time around.

Even more, we are already allowing our minds to creep into 2010, and not just for visions of success we know we are going to manifest.We are looking at all the bills, and debt we may have gotten ourselves into, from all the splurging on Holiday Shopping Hoopla that may have hindered our bank accounts.

Of course, we love to make the Holidays merry, and magical with all the lights, the sparkles and the splendid displays of yummy food and drink; but if we choose to do this, we could do so, being comfortable with how it will affect us going forward, so we don't have to stare at the month coming, and instead remain here, and now, with our loved ones, this holiday season, being able to enjoy it, without worry for the future.

By being present in our surrounding, and our experiences, we allow for pure joy and happiness. Now, that doesn't mean being here, and then sneaking a thought of "how how will I budget for my choices."

It means learning through experiences, that if we know, that we will be stressing out our future days by over compensating now, we can chose going forward to make both experiences just as magical, by taking care of ourselves, and our spending, not just once in a while, but as much as we can. Enjoy your holidays, and don't fret over the funds that you dropped to make them special; but if you feel that there will be an inkling of an internal rollercoaster of nerve upset from perhaps going a little overboard, learn from it, so you can make a more peaceful experience next time round.

The perfect things about life, is that we are not perfect, but instead we have the will to do anything we can, in our own imperfect skin. With a yummy cup of eggnog, that's good enough for me!

LuCy sMiLeS

Never Mind

"It's only personal, if you take it personally."
LoVe LuCy

It is always easier said than done, to move forward in life, detaching from negative emotions and pain, especially from the acts of other people, which may have been directed toward us, in some form or fashion.

What we may not realize, is that when others act in a way that may seem or be very much be harmful, it is how they feel about themselves first, and is just carried on into their exterior, which may then be toward us. Whether or not we choose to let it in, and affect us, and affect our day, or sometimes, unfortunately, our whole entire life, is entirely up to us. We needn't take on misery, blame, guilt, shame, or any other negative emotion, unless we fully choose it, as ours.

It is always a choice whether we believe and in turn, own negativity and give it life, in our own life. And, while we can decide to say "no", and acknowledge others' pain as theirs; setting boundaries in our lives, to be in peaceful emotional harmony, we can also take this one step further.

Even though we must have our healthy barriers to allow us to be in safe and harmonic balance, we can also offer the gift of love to those who seem to be less loving than they could be, toward us. It is natural to first want to react negatively to when negativity strikes out at us. But by using the Law of the Universe for all good, giving good energy back to those who seem in a dark place will actually, energetically radiate through them, whether they consciously feel it or not. So what better way to live, than to live with love, and give with love, as much as we can? Never mind all the negativity that may jump at you along the way, it doesn't matter unless you make it matter.

LuCy sMiLeS

In A Manner Of Speaking

"How you say things means more than simply what you say."
LoVe LuCy

In some relationships, we have more comfort, more closeness, and sometimes more care, than in others.
So why is it, that in these very closely knit connections, we can say things in ways that can hurt those we love.
They say we hurt the ones we love, the most.

But in doing so, we can create chaos in these connections, simply by the manner in which we speak.

It is not an easy task to not get frustrated with our loved ones, at times.
As we mostly do so, simply because we are frustrated with ourselves. But it is in these times, we need to stop and think, before we speak, so we take care, even in the most chaotic of times.

Sure, we are going to slip up once in a while, we are all still human.

But, being able to be more careful in how we approach frustration, and hurt is what can make or break a relationship.

It doesn't matter as much what we are going through as it matters how we choose to deal with our circumstances.

We cannot control what happens, but we can control how we behave, and how we treat others along the way.

LuCy sMiLeS

The Good, The Bad andd The Ugly

"What happened yesterday doesn't hold any precedence over what can happen tomorrow." LoVe LuCy

It doesn't matter how nice we are, we live in a world where not everyone has the same positive view on life, and definitely not everyone can understand that being nice to others is just a nice thing to do.

Having been involved strictly in my own business, the last couple of years, and being that my business is about making others feel loved, cared for and supported; it is a bit of a culture shock for me to now be working in an environment which may not always involve the same energy as I have been so blessed to being a part of.

So many of my interactions the last while has been directly with others who share the same values, beliefs and visions of how important it is to be in integrity and have intentions of wholesome goodness. So, today, in an environment of certain people, I was a bit surprised to be involved in such a situation where intentions were less than anything wholesome.

At first, I felt my hair rise on the back of my neck, and I got quite emotional. In reaction to this situation, I went to a place of victim, taking another person's misery as my own, feeling as though I was responsible for the negative connotation and directly responsible for what was very much directed at me! But only for a moment, which, before, may have caused a negative reaction, of my own.

It took a few minutes, and unfortunately a few tears to realize, after a moment to gain composure that I am not in any way accountable; nor should I take personally something of which had been presented simply from someone's personal issues with themselves. It is interesting that I was presented with something so hurtful, which, in retrospect, and after support from my Superiors, allowed me to see, at a vulnerable time in my life, the astounding personal development I have achieved over the last couple of years, with how I chose to react to others who have a negative energy, and also it has allowed me to have such beautiful people in my life, because of what I offer.

And, that my close friends are my close friends for a reason.

Lessons are given even in the moments we cringe to our core.We learn most about ourselves, sometimes when we deal with such intolerable instances, even if it is unreasonable people we interact with which makes us simply not understand how some people can be so unreasonable.

No matter what the situation we are dealt with, it is to simply remain ourselves, and love ourselves and each other however hard it may seem.


LuCy sMiLeS

An Apple A Day

With the holidays creeping up, our plates are not only filled with extra errands and tasks to be sure all runs smoothly, they are also filled with treats filled with extra sugar, and extra calories.

I know, for me, when things get stressful, there is nothing like the comfort of chocolate and all things carbs!

To add to that, it seems the more we add to our schedules, to get things done, and spending excess amounts of our money on gifts, the less time we take to spend on ourselves, and staying healthy.

We cannot get everything done in one day, and great health doesn't happen over night; but taking things one step at a time, and one day at a time, can make a huge difference, in our wellbeing, overall. We always heard our parents reminding us of the saying "An Apple a Day keeps the doctor away."

And, when it comes down to it, this saying does ring true for many things. Anything, over time, not looked at or taken care of, can add up to major problems in the end.So, if we can be sure to make good choices, as best we can, on a daily basis, we are investing in ourselves, and our future.

Take time to breathe, sit still and be in peace, this holiday season.You can find the magic in silence, that cannot be heard in the noise of the hustle and bustle. And be sure to treat yourself to a few delicious mouth watering morsels along the way!

LuCy sMiLeS

Should You So Choose

"There is nothing like Dessert before Dinner."
LoVe LuCy

Not one day is like the next.

Just like one day you crave sugar and the next day you crave salt; sometimes so changes your cravings for life.We are ever changing in our lives, with so much exterior scenarios that stimulate our senses, we have so much to digest!What we choose to do can be just as complicated, or just as easy as what we choose to eat. We have a hunger for many things in life.

of which we sometimes are not quite sure, exactly. Our life consists of so many choices, we may have difficulty being able to distinguish which ones are going to take us to the best place possible.And, other times, things take place, suddenly, that create circumstances where we are faced with making choices, knowing full well, that they are in fact the best choices, after all, without wonder.

We are all going to have those days, that sometimes turn into weeks, of wondering in complete blankness to the best choice.

But suddenly, without warning, something happens to change all that. So no matter how scared, confused, uncertain or unmotivated you may be to make a decision, always know that the right one is out there.It is sometimes simply a matter of sitting in silence, and observing, before it shows up right in front of your very eyes.

And always make sure to choose to have a little fun too! LoVe,
LuCy sMiLeS

What An Understatement

"If your happy, and you know it, share with friends."
LoVe LuCy

Do you ever notice anytime you ask people how they are, or what they have been up to, it seems as though their answers can be a little less than excited? You never really find people jump up, in a thrilling reaction to share all the amazing things that have been happening, and just how delighted they are.

It is not so much that they simply aren't delighted, and everything is just going the same way as it always does, but more than we feel, as a society we are not allow to be in a state of elation, or we are perhaps being too ego driven.

Wouldn't it be better for all, if those who had so many amazing things going on, would share, with the rest of us, for us to see just how amazing life can be?

If we feed off each other naturally, wouldn't it be natural that if our friends are finding life so magical, we can too? If we only knew?

There is nothing wrong with sharing your passion for life, and your feelings of gratitude for all that you have, and all that is going on in your life. If you can't share it, what's the point? So, if you are asked "How are you?" "What's new?" or... "What have you been up to?" and you have something exciting to share?

Do not only yourself a favour, but those around you a favour and be honest. Don't downplay your happiness for fear other's will have something to say about it. Instead share, and let others perhaps DO something about it, with their own lives, because of it!


LuCy sMiLeS

Cross Your Fngers

"If You Think You Can; You Can"
LoVe LuCy

Sometimes, thinking we can is half the battle.
When we believe that we can do something, we put ourselves in a vibration of positive worthiness.

In life, it takes just a little bit of belief mixed with faith that we don't have to know all the answers, we just have to believe that the best is coming our way.

When we wish for something, but fall back to the belief that "Oh I don't deserve it", we shift our energy to a place that actually creates lack, and we may find, when things don't work out to our liking, we wonder why not?

From anything to having a date, a presentation, or an interview, our energy exudes through us, even non-verbally.

We can think we did a great job, with our wonderful words, but all the while not realizing our body language spoke volumes.

If we truly want something, we not only have to want it, we have to believe it is actually ours to have.

Once you do this, you will see your life change for the better right before your very eyes.

Just be worthy and keep your eyes on the prize.

LuCy sMiLeS

Plain And Simple

"Maybe if we didn't make things so complicated,life would be less complicated?"
LoVe LuCy

How many of us would love to have it where there was no second guessing our choices, no wondering what to choose next, and no uncertainty as to what decisions would be best, rather than worse for us?

Of course we all do.
If I look at my conversations with my great friends, that I care so deeply for, I notice that what seems so clear for me- for them, seems not so clear.

And, definitely, in my life, and in years, days and even hours passed, my dearest friends see clear what would be best for me, when I struggle with what next steps to take, that would be in my own best interest.

But of course, there are also the conversations, where both my friends and I seem to be completey stuck as to which steps are best, overall, for each other, spending all of our time pondering, and tinkering with what ideas and options to go with next.

We seem to complicated our lives, and sometimes, if it's even possible, overcomplicate our lives with worrying and wonderment, that we fail to see that many choices are really very simple;
we just have to see them as such.

No, we are not always going to feel like the answers are right in front of us, with lights all around them saying "pick me pick me"...

But, we do know best, when following what our hearts are saying will make our lives easier, and more fulfilling.

If we can communicate this with those around us, and be true to our heart's content, we may just find our lives coming together, better, and with those that are best for us to surround ourselves with, for peace and happiness.

It takes time, and sure it takes practice. But, if we can start practicing what our hearts are preaching to us as what would be best FOR us, what a life we would lead.

LuCy sMiLeS

That's The Spirit

"Smiling is the fastest way to finding happiness!"
LoVe LuCy

With the Holiday Season creeping upon us, I can't help but smiling and get a little childlike, when I see the lights, the displays, and the glimmers of hope for the next year to come. Not all of us celebrate the Holidays the same way.

Some of us don't celebrate at all; but what we can all collectively celebrate, is to celebrate Life, itself. Yes, there are times of the year, where we sit and reflect on what we are grateful for, and other times, where time may go by and we cannot even remember what day it is.

Being able to sit, and look at all we have in our lives, rather than all that we don't have can be the secret key to raising our spirits, and realizing that we have all we need, right now, and we have all the right to grab onto life, for all it has to offer.

I will not say that this is the easiest time for us, as a collective.

But, I CAN say that it is easier to crack a smile, more than not, and if we can smile at each other, no matter what our circumstances, we can make change in the lives of all we meet, and that just feels good. Know that you deserve everything you wish, and know that where you are, is just where you need to be, to get to that place. Never give up your hopes and dreams, just because they are not right in front of you.

Many people have achieved theirs, after very hard and tragic times, so know that you can too, it's just up to you to do!


LuCy sMiLeS

None Other Than

"The more you try to be like others, the less you like yourself."
LoVe LuCy

In today's world, it seems like we are wanting bigger, better, more than ever.

We seem, sometimes, to feel as though the more we have, the better we are.
Focusing on all we have surrounding us, rather than who we have surrounding us, and trying to attract more material possessions to make ourselves feel better, or feel that we are better, because of them, we can overlook the true sense of our true selves.

There is nothing wrong with working hard to achieve our dreams, and reaping all that we have sown.

We deserve to have it all, however we wish, and working with our true purpose to get there, makes it all worthwhile.

However, when we base our self worth, and how much we are worth, on how much we have, we may be making more problems for ourselves, than not.

All the riches in the world will never compare to our uniqueness in what we have to offer the world, from our hearts.

The closer we are to who we truly are, is what will bring us all the inner riches we could ever hope and dream for.

And if that bring in all the riches in our pockets we ever hoped and dreamed for, even better, as we have that much more to give to others.

But always remember, true wealth in life, always first comes from the heart.

LuCy sMiLeS

Row; Row; Row Your Boat

"No matter what, just keep on going."
LoVe LuCy

Ever have those days where you wake up and get to it like there is nothing that can stop you, and the next day it seems like you are up against a brick wall?

No day is ever like the next, and just as easy as one day is, the next may be extremely hard to push through. But, just as that day is so tough, we find the day after smooth as silk.

No matter how our day seems, easy or hard, we must do our best to be our best, and see our way through.

Our days are not all meant to be as easy as pie, and some days we will even find we have egg on our faces.

However the day is, stand tall, and keep your head up as high as you can, even if you are feeling at your lowest of lows.

Our perception of life is our reality of life.
No matter what happens, it is what we do about it that will ultimately make or break us.

So when you feel you are going to break down, or fall on your face, take a moment to regroup and retain your compsure, and keep on going on.

LuCy sMiLeS

All's Well That Ends Well!

"In the end, it all makes sense."
LoVe LuCy

There are some of us who like change more than others.
There are some of us who cringe with the thought that things may turn out differently than we had hoped, and planned for.

Many things in our lives, don't go as planned.
I know for me, personally, I allow and embrace it much more than I would have ever imagined, and have grown to see the thrill in sometimes not so thrilling times.

People come into our lives, we never would have imagined we could have attracted, as people will leave our lives, whom we never assumed for a second would have to go.

We have all had endings of friendships, relationships, of which the ending didn't go as smoothly as we would have, again, hoped or planned for.

But with all endings, allows new beginnings, and also new ways not only of thinking, but new ways of understanding about who we are, and what we want in our lives.

Everyone that we meet, and every connection we have is an instrumental part in our growth.

In some circumstances, we will be left happy to have grown, and other times, we will be left confused for not having known better.

However, each and every time we take a chance in getting to know someone else, we are taking a chance at knowing ourselves a little better.

And perhaps the relationship will allow us to grow into an even better person, for having known them.

So understand that even if someone must leave your life, whether you have the ending leaving you confused, speechless, or hurt; it doesn't hurt to look at the experience for the lesson, and not the loss.

LuCy sMiLeS

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

" No One Comes to the Rescue Faster Than Friends."
LoVe LuCy

We know that the promise we have is this very moment. We are not given the guarantee that tomorrow will come, or even this afternoon. While we know this, as absolute fact, why is it that we still take for granted this moment, assuming the next one will come and the next one after that?

Yesterday, while spending my moments with a friend, already having my entire day set in place, every planned moment of my day changed. I received a phone call from a dearest friend of mine, with tragic news of a loss of her close family member.

My heart stopped, and the clocked stopped with it, for what seemed like hours. On a dime, we rounded up the girls and headed to be there for our beautiful friend, dropping everything, and all plans of where we were going to be, knowing where we, now, had to be.

And the day was spent, in love and support, with no care for any of the other worries, obligations and schedules that seemed so necessary just moments before.
Believe me when I say that we are not even truly promised to be here, for this full day.So be mindful of what thoughts and what energies, in this day, you are taking away.

Tomorrow is a gift, as are your friends and as are you.

So, when given this moment, always be kind and be true. When our time comes, and we must go and move forth,We can know we used our time, here, for all of its worth.
LuCy sMiLeS

More Than A Feeling

" Life is all about choices. I have a feeling if I make great choices, chances are I will have a great life."
LoVe LuCy

Not only do we have feelings, but we actually base our lives on our feelings.
Think about it for a minute...

The choices we make; the decisions we come to;
all come down to how we feel.

None of us are going to attempt to hurt someone we love, if we feel secure and loving in our relationship with them.

None of us would be willing to sacrifice our connections if we truly felt our connections were secure and loving.

And when it truly comes down to it, our connections and our unconscious actions of hurting others is solely connected to our connection to self, whether we believe it or not.

The common denominator when it comes to chaos in our connections, always comes down to ourselves.

If we feel confused as to why someone may walk away, or not be able to connect with our feeling, it just isn't their feeling to feel. It simply is due to the fact that we only project that of which we feel, which in many cases is not what the other person can understand, no matter how close we may be to each other.

Add the years of unawareness for how our pasts have affected our present, and you can have room for disaster.

IF you do not take time to look into what may be causing dissary in your present day.

There is always going to be some past traumatic experience that CAN cause your present circumstance to either be troubled or triumphant.

It is always, again, up to you
If you look and understand why you are who you are, and not attach yourself to the past emotion that would cause you harm now, you can and will instead learn and grow from it.

And, if you look at what is going on, and how you feel, and understand why you could have otherwise chosen to react negatively, but choose to choose differently, you can and will instead learn and grow from it.

The choice is always up to you.

LuCy sMiLeS

Tickled Pink

" What a delight to be in the presence of positive people."

Love LuCy

If you are like me, you definitely have those people in your life, close to your heart, that even when tough times are tearing you up, you can still make light of things and laugh your heart out, even when if your heart is seemingly breaking.

My sister, my best friend in my whole wide world, and I talk every single day, though we are countries apart.

We actually make the funniest of jokes from the most challenging of situations, and I realized this yesterday when I was crying, but not from the pain, but from the joy of laughing at ourselves for some of the craziest things we are going through!

No matter what the issue, what the struggle, it seems as though our laughs get louder, the harder the times.

It doesn't matter how sad, or how helpless I feel, when I talk to my sister, it seems to help the most!

I actually get tickled pink!

Our lives, each one of us, is going to test our strength and our character perhaps at times we don't feel we have it in us to even stand, let alone stand tall...

But if you can lean on someone close to you, and embrace all that you have, and all that they are to you, it can make the shadiest of situations a bit more bearable.

We are all going to go through things and eventually we WILL get through them.

The key is to find the comfort of friends that make getting through things a little easier.

LuCy sMiLeS

Rules & Regulations

"There is nothing quite like clarity."
Love Lucy

Well, they never said it would be easy. Being dropped off on this Earth, with no list of specific roles, no procedures for the best lifestyle. We were not given handouts on "How to..." with our birth certificates.

We were pretty much left to fend for ourselves, emotionally.Yes, indeed, we had our parents or guardians, and perhaps teachers that have helped us find certain best laid plans to guide us through... but inevitably, it would always come down to our choices on how we reacted to things, people, even places.

Looking back on life, and for many of us, wishing and worse, regretting certain things in our past, that have led us to now; we don't often enough look back and see the magic in every step and in every interaction that has made us the amazing people we actually are. We have, each one of us, accomplished so many things, but spend most of our time looking at what we haven't accomplished, or looking at the relationships that didn't work out, rather than how they in fact did after all, and sometimes that just meant moving on knowing more about ourselves, and being stronger for it.

Although we may be a bit aloof with what to do, or where to go, and with who, a great way to know and be confident with our lives is to have our own core values, and rules for how we wish to live our lives, and truly put these into practice.

Take time to truly get to know yourself, and also the type of person you want to be, by understanding what you need in your life, to grow and what perhaps is not allowing this growth, and why.

Everyone is different, and brings their own set of values to the table.Once you figure out what yours are, you may find you are sitting at a table with those with values just like yours, and can help you grow into that person you always wanted to be!

Or perhaps you now already are!


LuCy sMiLeS


"If you feel in your heart it's a risk you have to take, just go ahead and take it!"
I am sure, if you asked anyone if they like security and safety, all hands would raise up.

Especially in this world we are living in, right now, all of us are just hoping that we don't get our feathers ruffled, as we stand as still as possible, holding on to anything and everything we have.

It is not ever easy to go through transition, whether or not we choose to, or the choice is made for us, without our control.

Job losses, relationship changes, sometimes, unfortunately, the tragic loss of a family member, or a dear friend.

All things can happen to us, at any given moment, that will change our lives for the rest of our lives.

We also, in our own choices, may want to look beyond our limits, and make changes, for ourselves, that we know will truly help us grow.

Pondering to change jobs, leaving or starting relationships, moving on, in many facets... We sometimes fear the risk is not worth it, and we may choose to stay in our comfort zone.

Without risk is without great rewards, and also without having the opportunity to really see what we are worth.

Of course we can all do the same thing we have always done, over and over.

And of course, when things happen, out of our control, we can kick, scream and demand for it to all go back to how it was, so we can back to being ourselves.

But, in life, it is never what happens to us, but how we react, and it is sometimes in our best interest to change what is happening to is, so we can create the best life, for ourselves, going forward.

So, if you think the risk is to big to bear, just risk it, and I guarantee once seeing the bigger picture, you will very glad you did!

LuCy sMiLeS

Filling The Gaps

"Why be scared of the unknown when you don't even know, then,
what you are fearing?"

Love LuCy

Of course, we have things in our lives that we are not too sure what path seems like the best path. And even when we can sit in silence and suddenly come up with an "A HA!" moment, many times, moments later, that moment changes completely.

It's never too easy to know how to deal with everything in our lives, just as it is never too easy to figure out how to deal with everyone in our lives.

How complicated things can get, when we are surrounded by so many people while we are looking for our 'own' answers, while they are also going through searching for theirs. Sure, it would be great if we can just take some time, in solace to fill in the gaps, where needed, then come back, to everyone, all filled up with self love, fulfillment, ready to go on, having rid of all fears, that previously and potentially could have caused much chaos.

Even when being supported by those around us, when we are in need to assistance; it can still be a bit unsettling to be sure that we are sitting with what is actually decisions for our own best interest, fully and completely for ourselves.

We are here to help others, as they help us, in succeeding in our growth.But in doing so, be sure that you know that whatever you know will best suit you, is the best way to go. And those who truly love and support you will be truly happy that you did so.


LuCy sMiLeS

From The Top!

"When you don't know, find someone who does."
~LuCy sMiLeS

Whether it is getting back on track Monday, or feeling a bit behind midweek, we all have things to do, that have not been yet done, and we may feel we are finished with trying to find the time to do it.

We can stare at our lists and lists of tasks, many that have been rewritten over and over, as we go over and over in our minds, on where to begin.

Prioritizing our "To Do's" can help, but prioritizing our time can still be a bit trying.

When we feel that our heads and our wheels are spinning with everything up in the air, sometimes the best way to start is to "simply" start.

Pick whatever is at the top of your list, and just execute it, whether or not it is the largest of projects, or the smallest of errands.

Starting always gives you an energy of productivity that will then make you feel confident enough to continue.

Even if only a few on the list get done, it is better than spending all of your time worrying and wondering about which is best to start, many times wasting all that time you could have been productive!

And if you don't know where to start because you don't know how to start something, always know that sometimes the best way to do something, is to ask someone who knows what they are doing... We are all good at many things, but not always good at everything!

LuCy sMiLeS

Inquiring Minds

"Knowing the 'why' will allow you to more accept the 'what'."
~LuCy sMiLeS

In enduring life's trials, we may sometimes stumble upon many scenarios that don't seem to have an understandable reason for them. We know, in our hearts, that everything DOES in fact have reason, so we figure we must not have all the facts in place, because we are still left questioning the "why" for the "what."

Ultimately, however, we will in fact figure out the "why" and it is all about when. In retrospect, we can see things that have taken place, and say "Oh yes! Now I see!"

But retrospect is actually, real time, for our understanding things to be really how they are. It's always the right time, for us, in our growth.

There are truly no mistakes in when we see the whys for the 'what' goes on in our lives. Whether we learn a lesson for the first time, or for some of us, for some things, we learn it for a second third, or more times than we wish to learn it...

It will always be learned for something a little differently, and to help us, perhaps chose differently, going forward. Not only do we learn for ourselves, we also learn to help teach others, in need of understanding, on their path as well.

That's why we are all here, together.Because we cannot get through this, without one another. So, in allowing our inquiring minds to put the pieces of our own puzzle together, we can help our neighbors in achieving putting their own pieces together. Allowing us to grow together, stronger. With an inquiring mind, who knows what you'll find.

LuCy sMiLeS

View From Here

"When your life changes,
just change with it! "
~LuCy sMiLeS

Things come to us when we need them.
People come to us when we need them.

Sometimes we can get confused as to why, and what to do under the circumstances our lives are in.
Sometimes we are not sure if we are truly following our hearts, as we are not quite sure what our hearts are telling us.
Our eyes and our hearts can open up when we realize that we all have a common vision of loving and being loved,
we just sometimes have a different view.

We may not see things the same way, we may not view the path the same way, and we may very well have a very different perspective on many things, many times.

But, truth be told we can learn to simply love one another, whether we are near or far, we can still give love.
Just as easy as we can struggle, and we can scream; we will always know that we can always hold hands, to get through this together.

Embrace all your experiences you have, as just that- Experiences.
To help you learn, grow, and love, for the rest of your lives.

Feel the blessings of love, in each moment, whether or not you can see it, it is always here.
Sometimes it is a simple step of pushing yourself out of fear.
LuCy sMiLeS

Wait A Minute!

"We don't have to have all the answers in advance, but instead just a willingness to work with what we have. "
~LuCy sMiLeS

The great thing about when life throws us not so great things, is that we have all the time in the world to sit with what is going on, and see things for the lessons they are.

Sometimes, in life, we wish we were in a different place, with different people, and different vibrational energies, perhaps with healthier intentions.
However, the truth is that the Universe has every intention of giving us what it does give us, for us to see it, sit with it, and sense how the situation serves us, or doesn't serve us, in some cases.

We are not only given tools to help us grow, but many tmes we are given tools that allow us to see what we don't want in our lives, and this gives us the great opportunity to learn strength for standing up for ourselves, and allowing us to walk away, and move on to bigger and better.

Not everything comes at once, just like not all the answers will be in front of us, to help us.

Life, is a process, stop and go, and fast and slow.
But doing our best to keep a rhythm in our lives, while life takes us for a ride will allow less bumps and bruises along the way!


LuCy sMiLeS

Rise Up!

"It is always going to be what it is...
It is whether you respond with assertion & respect- that's where your choice lies."
~LuCy sMiLeS

There always seems to be enough time in the day to worry about what is not working, and not enough time in the day to get our work done.

Challenges, mishaps, trials, you name it; there is never a lack of roadblocks to seemingly stop much of the success we are striving for. We get nervous about what steps to take next, how to take them, and who we feel best to surround ourselves with to confide in, when we are unsure of things in our lives.

At times, we will deal with unforeseen circumstances that shake up much of the confidence we may have had just moments before, and our lives take a bigger turn than we had planned.

And that is just what life is. A series of circumstances moment to moment that not only allow us to get to know ourselves, but also to grow into the person we are here to be. We may not end up with all the same people we assumed we would be with, as they are learning and growing on their path, as well.

And sometimes, in growth, their paths may lead back to yours.Or they don't. The main thing, when we are living this life of learning and growing, is to keep our sights set on our Success, so we can in turn help others around us, on theirs.

Be sure to rise to the occasion as much as you can, so your light shines its brightest, and on occasion, take a moment to take inventory on what perhaps needs a little tweaking to enable you to continue on the best set out path, for you!

LuCy sMiLeS

In The Meantime

"Why live only for tomorrow,
when tomorrow never comes? "

LoVe LuCy

Every last one of us, inside of us, has a vision of where we would like to see our lives go.

Certain places we wish to reside, financial security that will allow us the freedom to travel anywhere we wish; the big house, with the fancy car, or even the fancy outfits to fill our closets.

Whether we are looking to be promoted to that cushy position, or whether we are waiting and praying to one day own our own business where we can work in the comfort of our own home.

Some of us have that vision of the big family, with the loving and loyal spouse that will support us in all of our dreams, and the children who will bring miracles to our lives.

Our visions can ignite within us much motivation to get ourselves together and start taking action in our lives, to better ourselves as much as we can.

And this is great!

Having a goal and a dream is healthy, and gives us determination and dedication. However, in working to achieve our dreams and manifest our dreams, we must also be certain that we are also living in the moment, for what it has to offer, without disregarding the NOW, on our way to our future.

Keep yourself on track to bring to fruition all that you could ever imagine! But remember the fruits of your labor also come in all that you have surrounding you, and all those in your life, at this moment, that makes you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

LuCy sMiLeS