"Wonderful is Ready When You Are." LoVe LuCy
We all have them..
People in our lives, who, no matter what day; what hour; what moment, when we ask them how they are doing, it is the same tune...
It seems that the first thing that comes to mind is something that is going wrong, something off, or even something simply annoying them.
It can get to a point, where they are so programmed to focus on the lack, if abundance hit them in the face, they probably wouldn't recognize it as such. I am not trying to be pessimistic here, I am simply making a point.We, ourselves, can tend to do this as well.
There will be days, when perhaps we are just waiting for someone to ask we how we are, simply so we have a sounding board for venting.
I think if all of us took a moment, we can certainly think of something worth tweaking in our lives.I am sure in a second's challenge, we can share something chewing at our chakras.
But when our minds default to the downside, we are letting fear come in and dim our lovely light!
How do we stop this from happening you ask?
Change the program!
Instead of taking advantage of paying attention to circumstances creating chaos, we can even take the chance to make light of them, and move on to something bigger and better to brag or boast about.
Just like smiling; creating enthusiasm is contagious!
So no matter what mundane or maddening limiting beliefs are taking your thoughts, take a moment to step aside from them, to step up your game!
LuCy sMiLeS
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