Speak Softly." LoVe LuCy
It doesn't matter how much we logically understand that we can only be affected by things, if we give consent to it.
What we hear, especially when it is about us, can leave a mark, no matter how absurd. In a world where our main purpose is to love and be loved in return; when others turn on us, we can feel terribly hurt, with little love, at all.
What we choose to believe, in life, in any situation, is ultimately up to us to accept as ours, or reject as absolutely untrue. The same goes for any belief in life, for that matter.
We can hear so much talk from the media, magazines and other mentally influential mediums.
What will allow us to remain in our truth, is how we discern what is right for us to believe, and certainly to believe about ourselves, and our core being, no matter what has been said or done.
No one can make us think a certain way, or force us to behave a certain way unless we say "yes".
By holding our word, in integrity, and surrounding ourselves with those who practice the same, we can be that much more in tune with our inner feelings, and soul's alignment with love, leaving an imprint to be proud of, after we move on.
Practicing unconditional love may not make us perfect, but it comes pretty darn close.
LoVe,LuCy sMiLeS
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