"My mind gets the best of me, when I think the best things!"
Love LuCy
Our ultimate desire in life, no matter where we hang our hats, or rest our heads, is all the same. We wish to love and be loved.
A midst our ultimate desire rests on our shoulders many stresses, fears and perceptions that can tend to take our mindsets away from this very thing. We, as individuals, do not want to let pride and ego stand in our way of love and support. We don't wake up in the morning with the very intention of making it very hard to find peace and care toward and from others. Even so, when we set out to experience our days, we can experience situations that, subconsciously, take over our focus and our genuine understanding that Love will heal all.
This creating a block for ourselves, and others, and in our connectedness to those we love. Catching fear in the act may not be easy. We may not recognize that it is speaking through us, and taking over what could be a loving connection.
For us to stop fear and ego in its tracks, all we truly have to do is be open to getting a little closer, and being more open about what we are feeling, so we can allow our truth to be stronger than fear, and stronger than the bi-product of behaviours that can take over, when we don't.
Try it for a day.
When you feel frightened, or threatened, and choose pride, or ego to protect yourself; instead, believe that you are always protected and take your fears and share openly to others, in love, rather than letting your fears, take over you.
LuCy sMiLeS
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