"Thoughts of getting even shoudn't even be a thought." LoVe LuCy
I remember, as a child, the whole "don't get mad, get even" mentality that many of us had around us. Thinking this way, is only going to bring more hurt in the long run.
When we have things "done unto us", our first instinct, from pain, and upset may be to pain and upset the other person.
When we can sit, and breathe in and understand, in empathy, that those things that people "do" are from inner pain, and inner hurt; we can be more caring and considerate. We are all connected, in many ways.
Sometimes, our connections can get distorted, disheveled, outright making us delirious.
We can sit and hold a place of love, for all those that surround us, in a healthy manner.
Trying to one up others, as a way of reacting to negativity, brings more negativity.
Being understanding and distinguishing core emotions, and discerning that how they are played out are actually a byproduct of inner sadness; we may be able to have more tolerance for each other, and less prejudice in our relationships.
We can be proactive in switching negative to a positive.We just have to want to.
Perhaps when something is making you upset, hurt, or pained in anyway, you can change the way you think, starting today.
LuCy sMiLeS
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