"In the Game of Love, there are no losers" LoVe LuCy
Partnerships with those we choose to work and live with can sometimes take toll on us, when we are struggling to understand what each other is not only speaking to us; but what feelings are attached to what they are voicing.
When we attach ourselves to an outcome of what is "right" from our perceptions, we can lead to disappointment with ourselves, and each other. Add another person with an attachment to their own perceived "right" outcome and we are playing to lose.
Although those whom we relate to usually speak the same language as we do, there are many languages of love.
All of us have our own way to love and own way to feel that we are being loved in return. It is a challenge to share with others what love, to us looks like, and just as difficult for us to have that shared, accordingly.
If we can open our hearts to the understanding that we needn't have to always put so much energy on trying to be right or holding power from our Ego's when trying to be heard, and instead take a moment of time to listen, we can see that others are just as truly hoping and wishing for the same thing as we are.
LuCy sMiLeS
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