"It's All Yours to Have"Love Lucy
Every one of us sees the World in a different way.
Whether we share similar stories that allow us to evolve together, and understand each other, or tell of our stories that others, not having experienced, can learn from; it is always a unique story, and ours alone, in how we see it.
Not all of us have had the opportunity to see and enjoy what those beside us have.And also, not all of those beside us, have had the pleasure to see all that we have been so blessed to see.
Growing in relationships and connections from sharing stories, can help liberate us, entertain us and moreover manifest our dreams, knowing that everything is possible, through seeing life, through the eyes of others, who have been there, where we otherwise may have never dreamt possible. We are here, together to come together in love.
Our views may be different. Sometimes, and we may spend so much time trying to get others to see our point of view; so much that we forget that just by sharing ourselves, with those around us, for who we are, not for who we want them to be, to us, we are fulfilling our purpose to play a role in the lives of those we love, by being there for them, and with them.
Share your stories and enjoy the stories of others for what you see, and watch evolve in love, right before your very eyes.
LuCy sMiLeS
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